• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...



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  • You need to go here Twilight Fanclub and vote for Team Jacob. Please!!!! It seriously needs to be done. Team Edward is winning and we must stop it!!!
    I would love for someone to help me with my taxes, 'cuz I seriously don't want to do them, and I'm not sure where my W2 form is..... I have a general idea, and I'm sure I can find it, but I am in essence, and completely lazy person........

    You need some friends, love. You should look up Darkness Princess. She rox my sox. She's a really good friend, adn uterally amazing, and she knows all about me and you, and she wants to 'meet' you, but on here of course, 'cuz she lives in Canada..........
    Last night was something else, honestly... I never did get back to sleep, so I finished that movie, then got all my laundry together, and that's what I'm doing now....I am soooooooo bored...... :36:
    Well, I had fun tonight...lol... Cherry and everything, lol. I know for a fact you got on here for me, babe.

    Now you need to find a way to come over tomorrow, so you can "help me with me taxes".... :wink:

    But I did have fun today....I do miss you though. I always seem to miss you the most right after you leave me...It's pretty much suck-ish.

    Ah well, you need to get some sleep tonight, and TAKE YOUR MEDS, or I'll have to punish you...again....
    Hey gorgeous. I like your profile, lol. I know why you made an account: FOR ME!!!! It's really a great site, whether you like Kingdom Hearts or not. :wink:

    I miss you bunches and stuff...... You should try to convince your mom to let you come over tonight....:23:

    <I do everything in purple on here, or at least most things>
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