Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
yeh its so nostalgic innit!? it brings back good memories <3 like all the happy and random chats of DJ the rivalry between so many ppl and so on and so forth:3*ahhh*
awww well that sucks they didnt win ;-; and boredom is like a disease it comes as hard as a rock but it can be cured with hyper energy drinks! x3 or maybe thats just me but love life is...boring ._. not much going on in that dept. :3 but i digres..w/e that means..so hows you doin on the inferno?
awwww a bruised ellieT.T*shakes you up to take your mind off the pain* x3 ive been
i get one every once in awhile it isnt da same without the inferno=/but yeah i mostly practice me guitar skills>:3 but besides that boredommmm.you?
yay!elleie!!!crazier o.o i like it!and ive been good crazy buddy^_^ nice to see you again.and do you knows whats yous wants fors knishmess!?!! x3
so hows life a treatin ya:3