Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
yeah. I usually can't get on there much T__T
I don't really mind, but whatever Wolfie says >__>
Ahh, I've never gotten into big trouble for being on KHI =P
I really don't have the time at the moment(i'm in the process of moving)and that was back when the Forums were really active after RE:CoM's release had been anounced. If you want sure but, I'll probably half ass it. Sorry. :<
Well, it depends. When I was at your point and we were actually trying for 1,000 I made it in a week. I went from 600 to 1,000 in 3 days. I'm a monster poster on my good days.
I've been fooling around in FI for a few weeks though.
It works best if you use the Blaq v2 skin. I'm using that one. :3
Sometime yesterday at around 4 in the morning. It popped out of nowhere. I was thinking about my friends and I just sat down and typed whatever came to mind.