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(Plot Changes/Character Developments/Etc) in Kingdom Hearts 2?

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Well I took the idea from the other thread in the Chain of Memories section:


- Axel would act more like himself portrayed in Chain of Memories/ Re:CoM in his attempt to recapture Roxas and bring him back to the Organization with only the pretense of being "friendly"

- Sora would immediately recognize the Organization members, not from his second forgotten encounter at Castle Oblivion, but from his fight with the Superior in Final Mix

- Some references to Number XIV, Xion as an example to serve to Roxas given by Axel as not to defy the Organization

- Depict more meeting among the Organization observing Sora's progress


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Dude. You do not ask such questions. Where do you expect me to start?!

- Axel would act more like himself portrayed in Chain of Memories/ Re:CoM in his attempt to recapture Roxas and bring him back to the Organization with only the pretense of being "friendly"

Well, iono about the pretense, but I certainly prefer CoM Axel to KH2 Axel.

- Some references to Number XIV, Xion as an example to serve to Roxas given by Axel as not to defy the Organization

Well, I wouldn't rush to complain about that, at least until we know not only the reason she wasn't referenced, but also that said reason sucks.

What I would change.
Well let's get this over with.
Har har didn't see this a mile away, I didn't say it repeatedly.

Kick Kairi almost completely out. Seriously. She didn't serve any purpose we got to see, and what we did get to see broke everything they remotely managed to base thus far.
They want her to represent Home? Fine. Have her stay home, and beyond that, not seemingly not give a damn about Riku who's gone missing while she writes letters to a boy she doesn't remember.
Brilliant, Nojima.
That aside, keeping her on the Islands for the duration of the whole game would mean that when Sora wanted to stay with Riku in the Darkness, he had a lot less Promises to Kairi he was about to break. And them finding her letter would've had a much greater impact, as opposed to them seeing her, and then - five minutes later - decide to stay in the Darkness, only to then - again, after five minutes - decide to go back home.
You want her to represent home? Fine. Keep her there and don't make Sora seem like he fears her cooties. We'd all be much happier then.

Kick Pride Lands out. As much as I loved Simba-Sora, world was useless.
Kick out PotC.
Have Atlantica admit KH1's plot, but then seeing how it'd be redundant, kick it out.
Give Timeless River and Disney Castle a plot for a second visit. Give Minnie a bigger role and emphesize her relationship with Sora as a counter to Riku-Mickey.
More Sora-Tron manhugs
Sora-Riku manhugs
Organization members actually showing up in the worlds.
Xemnas not being inlove with Kingdom Hearts.
AtW not being such a prick.

eh... that's it for now.


New member
Dec 9, 2008
Lot of things I would have really liked to change... but I'll settle for Maleficent/Pete and the Organization for now. I thought the entire idea of Maleficent coming back was stupid from the beginning, and it never showed any real signifigance for me; Pete was just annoying, and it felt like any plot involving him and Maleficent was just unnecessary. Then I felt the Organization was completely overshadowed in the first half of the game, and even in the second half there didn't seem to be so much with them other than a few appearances in a few worlds.

If they had got rid of Maleficent completely, maybe just reworked Pete to fit better into the plot, and gave the Organization more time on screen, I would have been A LOT happier with the game. Oh, I also didn't care for any of the "Ansem isn't really Ansem" stuff, with Xehanort's heartless and Ansem the Wise and stuff... helped to kill the epicness of the story for me for some reason. I also agree with SA and Xemnas (Whose idea WAS the new HB?!)


More changes:

- Cut out the Cloud/ Sephiroth subplot since it was very vague and out of place.

- Have Sora and Riku stay in the Realm of Darkness for a long while longer.


-Have Ansem actually appear in worlds, trying to direct Sora to the plan he wanted - the plans he had been slaying away/obsessing over for years. It made no sense for Ansem to have put so much effort into these plans, and then the minute Sora became an acting force to just give up. He should have been there to confuse, to mislead, to do whatever it took to get Sora to work according to his agenda.

-Riku and Nami being seen more between the opening and the ending. Honestly, the giant hole there was lame and shouldn't have existed.

-More cutscenes between the Organization members themselves. Final Mix began to fix this, but they still could have done more with them. A lot of their names weren't even said aloud in the game (Luxord, Demyx) that should tell you that you aren't showcasing all of the members enough. Many of them had so few lines that we didn't even began to get a sampling of their personalities and traits.

-To have included more cutscenes that appear in the novels. I would have loved to have seen the showdown between Rikunort and Xemnas. I would have loved to have seen the scenes between Nami and Axel. I would have loved to have seen the scenes between Saix and Axel. I would have loved to have seen the greater details into the scenes we had already seen (such as when Axel goes to kidnap Kairi). I would have loved a lot of these, and they would have added more to the story so... why weren't they there?

-Character Development. KH2 had next to none. The only real development we can see is some in Axel and Ansem but Ansem's doesn't even feel real. He's "bad" in the beginning and "good" in the end, but since we never saw the in between it doesn't have any impact on us at all. We don't see him change, we don't see him realizing the mistakes he made, all we are is told that he has done such.

-The worlds should have been more connected to the overall plot. They felt like little side-mission that held nothing to the story. They were just there for the sake of being there. The only real worlds that had anything to do with the overall plot were Twilight Town and TWTNW. Tron got close to it, what with the clues to Ansem it gave us and the like, but why not the rest of the worlds? There should have been more to it then "oh look, there's an Org member causing problems". I don't care if the Org would have to start kidnapping certain people - if it meant that those worlds were more connected i would have been all for it.

-Sora never saying thank you to Nami, and Nami never truly talking to Sora. I don't give a shit about Roxas. I don't care about RokuNami, it isn't real. So why are you trying to shove it down our throat and wreck what would have been a great scene by injecting Roxas into it? It isn't necessary and if anything, it ruined what a lot of CoM had set up. Thank Nojima. >.>

-Roxas. 'nuff said.

That's it for now, I'll come back with more.


For the deeds of today resonate....
Oct 14, 2008
Immersed in dreams of normality.
Well, personally, I think that anything that was mentioned in the 'disappointments' thread should be changed.

I agree with SA on Disney Castle having more of a plot. Timeless River... not so much. I didn't really enjoy that world, for much the same reason that I didn't enjoy the Pride Lands.

What I would have loved to have seen was more interaction in Beast's World. And I don't mean between Beast and Belle, but also the other stuff that coincides more with the plot of the movie. That doesn't mean that I want the story they'd written for Beast's World to be any different, or to be a spin off of the movie, like with Pride Lands, or PotC, or even Atlantica. I just would have liked to see the village. Or even have the village mentioned. Maurice was not mentioned, at all, and seeing as how this was the reason for Belle to have even been in the castle (in the movie) in the first person, it seems a little weird that nothing about it is mentioned. Or, if he wasn't the reason like in the movie, then there to be some mention of the reason for her being there. But that's just being picky.

Although I admit that I like the way Sora is now. He's not so childish, and he's more teenage like now. But, his transition was a little too... quick, in my opinion. He was asleep for an entire year, when he would have been going through the most transition for his personality. How did he go from the first game, and even CoM, where he was so steadfast and altruistic, to KH2, where he was a little more about him and finding his friends, instead of saving the worlds? Even though I liked the transition, I still think it happened a little too quickly for me.


- Roxas would had to completely absorb into Sora and since being complete with him, never be mentioned ever again.

- Adding on to SA's suggestion of Kairi remaining in Destiny Islands as a symbol of home, Namine would never join up with her and thus without Roxas and Kairi as an obstacle, you could finally have Sora say thank you to Namine right before fighting with the remnants of Xehanort's Nobody.


Mar 9, 2008
Kick Pride Lands out. As much as I loved Simba-Sora, world was useless.
Kick out PotC.
Have Atlantica admit KH1's plot, but then seeing how it'd be redundant, kick it out.
Give Timeless River and Disney Castle a plot for a second visit. Give Minnie a bigger role and emphesize her relationship with Sora as a counter to Riku-Mickey.
More Sora-Tron manhugs
Sora-Riku manhugs
Organization members actually showing up in the worlds.
AtW not being such a prick.
- Cut out the Cloud/ Sephiroth subplot since it was very vague and out of place.
also keep riku dark. that was part of his appeal in CoM to me.
and now that he has a keyblade and since kairi can weild one, it just doesn't seem as speacial anymore.

i didn't mind mickey having a keyblade to much.

Furry Lukar

New member
Jun 11, 2008
Castle Oblivion
You're insane, that was the longest tutorial ever.

What I meant was, after all of the basic tutorial stuff was explained, have it more focused on the story instead of being a tutorial. Even if just for a day.

Also, I just remembered something; they needed to talk about Sora's mother some. Seriously, we've only heard, what, TWO LINES from her in the entire series? For now, atleast.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
BronX, NY
I would want them to just to introduce RoXas and make him so mysterious so you would want to know more about him. I wold also want an encounter with him and Sora like as Sora is walking and sees RoXas and then RoXas runs away ar disappers, something like that.:thumbup:

Furry Lukar

New member
Jun 11, 2008
Castle Oblivion
I would want them to just to introduce RoXas and make him so mysterious so you would want to know more about him. I wold also want an encounter with him and Sora like as Sora is walking and sees RoXas and then RoXas runs away ar disappers, something like that.:thumbup:

Didn't they add a scene like that in KH2 Final Mix? Like, in TWTNW?



also keep riku dark. that was part of his appeal in CoM to me.
and now that he has a keyblade and since kairi can weild one, it just doesn't seem as speacial anymore.

i didn't mind mickey having a keyblade to much.

Riku was originally the Chosen wielder of the Keyblade of Light yet his fall into darkness weakened his heart to the point that he, except for during part of Hollow Bastion, could no longer wield a true Keyblade being dealt to wield a false Keyblade and the Soul Eater. It was inevitable since Riku in the end of CoM took the path of Dawn which would eventually allow him to have the Keyblade, although this wasn't explained in KH2 itself.

Kairi should never had wielded the Keyblade.

I didn't like the fact of Cloud hanging with the Restoration Committee, I would had preferred he be a longer traveling from world to world fighting the Heartless.


You're insane, that was the longest tutorial ever.
And it was horrible.

What I meant was, after all of the basic tutorial stuff was explained, have it more focused on the story instead of being a tutorial. Even if just for a day.

Also, I just remembered something; they needed to talk about Sora's mother some. Seriously, we've only heard, what, TWO LINES from her in the entire series? For now, atleast.
That's because she isn't important at all.


New member
Jan 30, 2008
More Disney less FF.

The Org members actually trying to make Roxas "wake up". Possibly including Axel fighting Sora at least once before resorting to kidnapping.

A mini segment playing as Kairi to rescue Sora when the Heartless pile on him; like the part in the last Xemnas battle where Riku saves him.


New member
Dec 1, 2008
The back of the mind
They should have changed how corny KH2 was.
Seriously, I wanted a tad more seriousness. They all laughed and skipped around while worlds were disappearing and the darker plot of nobodies was right in front of them.
Also the scene where Donald freezes himself. I want it.
I'd want to add a bit more plot to the Org members.
I guess they realised that little mistake, and are getting 358/2 days to compensate for it.
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