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Fanfiction ► Nero Oltre - Black Past

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Dark Kitty

New member
Apr 19, 2007
Florida! I like to see it as Destiny Islands thoug
Here's the 8th chapter


Xehanort sat staring at his computer in deep thought. He had sent Luna to Radiant Garden with a list of locations, hoping to find the chain at one of them. Going over his research, Xehanort sighed and spun around in his chair, only to find Luna sitting in the shadows before him.

"I'm guessing that the only reason you're here is because you have the chain." He scoffed at Luna, who smirked in response. "I'm afraid things have taken a turn for the worse. Lillet is capable of wielding the Key without the complete keychain."

"That means nothing! What of the chain? Have you found it?" Xehanort spat scornfully. Luna sighed and shook her head. Xehanort never had much nice to say, and when he did speak he spoke as if he dreaded Luna's company. "Annalya won't tell her where it is."

Xehanort snorted then spun his chair around to face the computer screen. He opened another program and began whispering the text to himself. Seeing this as her cue, Luna promptly turned away from him and started for the door. As she passed a large hallway a silver clad figure stood in the back of the hall, her silver hair veiled her eyes, but a menacing grin was spread across her face.
Luna stepped towards the girl, who promptly turned away and vanished in a silvery haze. Satisfied, Luna continued towards the door.

Xehanort sat in his office, growing angry with his findings. The sound of leather rubbing against a rough surface from behind caught his attention. "I thought you left!" He snorted as he spun around, only to find the girl siting before him. A sinister grin spread across her face as she looked up at him.

"Tellix..." The name escaped Xehanort's mouth. Tellix smiled wide and nodded slightly. "It's been quite a while hasn't it?" She said in a rasping whisper that sent chills down Xehanort's spine.

He nodded in response trying to stay calm, but fear was written all over his face. "You're here for the Charm, aren't you?" Tellix smiled and nodded in response, "Straight to the point, like always." A lump formed in Xehanort's throat as his heart rate increased. He was there when both Luna and Tellix were born from Lillet's heart. Though Luna was her heartless, Tellix proved to be more cunning and ruthless then her 'sister' as she referred to Luna.

He knew that Tellix wouldn't leave until she got what she wanted, and she would do anything to get it. "I'm afraid I don't have the Charm anymore. Luna has it now." He lied, hoping Tellix would fall for it. Though something in the back of his mind screamed at him, scolding him for his mistake. Tellix rose from the chair and looked down at him, grinning menacingly.

"You take me for a fool? I know you have the Charm. You take great care it hiding in from others, but I know it's here." She spat scornfully as she reached for the silver chain around her neck. She curled her fingers around the chain and smiled, "Now, let's try again." Already regretting his actions, Xehanort produced the Charm from a draw in his desk and held it up. A Tellix reached for the charm, Xehanort snatched his hand away and threw it towards the wall. Amazingly the charm phased through the wall and vanished.

Enraged, Tellix seized Xehanort by the collar of his vest and ripped him from his chair. "Where did you send it?! Tell me!" She stretched her voice as far as she could to express her anger, but it rasped even harder as she spoke. Xehanort smiled as she threw him aside in anger. He smacked his head on the side of his desk, knocking him unconcious.

Tellix waved her hand through the air angrily and ripped open a silver portal that whisked violently. Her silver eyes flashed many different shades of silver and black and she stepped through the portal. Before the portal closed behind her, she glanced back at Xehanort and grinned menacingly.
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Mar 27, 2007
Great chapter Dark Kitty! There was many exciting moments in this version keep up the great work!

Dark Kitty

New member
Apr 19, 2007
Florida! I like to see it as Destiny Islands thoug
The 9th chapter WOOT! I like this one ^^
(sorry if it seems alittle shorter then the others ><)

Luna stood in the courtyard of the Old Mansion, staring up at the White Room window. She flipped the heart-shaped charm over the back of her fingers, a trick a pirate captain had taught her not too long ago. She smiled gleefully as she stared at the charm. Xehanort had sent it to her for safe keeping, apparently someone had approached him.

A rippling silver portal ripped open behind Luna. Smiling, Luna turned to face the portal as Tellix stepped out. Tellix's silver hair veiled her eyes as she lowered her head and grinned. "You have it?" She rasped in her painful voice. Luna held up her hand and showed her the charm, in which Tellix nodded in response.

"Old fool...He should know by now not to trust you, sister.." She said in her erie whisper. Luna smiled and looked towards the mansion and said, "Lillet still doesn't know where the chain is, does she?" Tellix shook her head and stepped up besides Luna.

"Any idea when he'll be here?" Luna asked, still staring at the mansion. Tellix smiled menacingly and put her hand on Luna's shoulder, drawing her attention. "Yes..He'll be here sometime tomorrow."
Luna smiled and looked back towards the mansion and said, "Then we can take the chain from him and have the Key to ourselves." A mocking, but quiet laugh escapes Tellix's throat as she reaches for her silver necklace. "Yes, it will be ours.." As she touches the chain, it morphs into a small dagger then gleamed in the early morning sunlight.

A sudden burst of pain shot through Luna's body as she turned towards Tellix. She reached for the wound in her back, only to find a silver dagger. Darkness poured from the wound as Luna pulled the dagger out. She held the dagger up and looked at Tellix, who was smiling pyschotically.
"Fool...You should know by now not to trust me sister.." Tellix said as Luna fell to one knee. Darkness enveloped her as she looked up and smiled faintly as the darkness enveloped her entire body. When the darkness faded, Luna was gone. All that was left behind was the charm and Tellix's dagger, which melted and left a puddle of silver on the ground.

Tellix knelt down and as she held her hand over the puddle, it rose upwards and melded with her hand, then vanished. She ran her fingers over the charm as she picked it up. Tellix smiled menacingly as she looked towards the mansion.

Whoa...Tellix...is insane O___O


Mar 27, 2007
Another awesome chapter even though it was a little short I still enjoyed it can't wait for the next chapter!

Dark Kitty

New member
Apr 19, 2007
Florida! I like to see it as Destiny Islands thoug
Woot! The 10th chapter ^_^
This is getting to be a long fanfic XD

The library was dusty and stuffy like it always was, and Lillet found it to be the worst room in the entire mansion. Ever since she woke up, she had been reading over books about the Chasers, while Riku and Katze argued about where they thought the Chain would be. Lillet sat in the corner staring at the pages of a large tome, and before too long, she realized the book was completely useless.
The loud slamming of the doors downstairs could be heard, and then the sound of loud footsteps echoed through the empty mansion. Sora, Donald and Goofy came bursting through the door, large smiles adorning their faces as they waved to Lillet.

"Got some good news and bad news for you!" Sora annouced as he sat down next to Riku and Katze. "The good news is that we found Xehanort's lab..." Goofy continued as he scratched his round black nose. "But the bad news is, Xehanort wasn't there. His lab sure was a big mess though!" Donald interrupted in his loud crackling voice.

Riku smiled faintly and stared at the papers scattered across the table, then looked up at Lillet. "Do you have any idea where the chain is..?" Lillet thought hard then shook her head and frowned. As she turned towards Sora, something caught her eye. She stared intently at Sora's necklace, which was a silver, no, almost white chain with a small crown charm on the end of it.
Finally, it hit her.

Without thinking, Lillet reached across the table and grabbed the necklace, pulling the necklace and Sora halfway across the table. Riku and Katze jumped back in surprise and stared at Lillet.
"Whoa! Lillet! Could you please..let go..?" Sora said as he struggled to hold his balance. Lillet unhooked the necklace and held it up as Sora sat up and craned his neck, happy to sit up.

"This is it..! This is the chain!!" Lillet exclaimed as she showed it to Riku, who backed up as far as his chair would let him as the charm was held two inches from his face. Lillet pulled it away and grinned, but durring that spilt second a flash of light illuminated the room. As fast as it appeared, it vanished. But something wasn't right. Riku, Katze, Sora, Donald and Goofy stoof frozen in place, and a silver haze filled the room. Lillet turned towards the corner, only to find a silver-clad figure leaning against the wall.


Lillet jumped from her seat and glared at Tellix, who was staring at the floor and grinning manically. "What are you doing here, Tellix?" Lillet demanded. Tellix looked up at Lillet and smiled, then held out the heart charm. Shock turned to relief as Lillet stared at the charm. This meant one thing to her, Xehanort was no longer on top of the game.

"I'm guessing you're here to give that to me?" Lillet said, hoping she didn't have other plans. Tellix tossed the charm into the air and started towards Sora, who was stuck staring at the ceiling. She rested her arm on his shoulder and begin examining her nails, occasionally glancing up at Lillet.
Moments passed before either of them said or did anything. Tellix pointed to Lillet's hand, in which she held the chain. Lillet held up the chain and grinned, then said, "All I need is the charm. Will you give it to me?"

A quiet and rasping chuckle escaped Tellix's throat as she threw her head back and smiled. She put the charm in her pocket and started towards Lillet, who promptly began backing away. "Foolish girl..Just like Luna, you still haven't learned." She said in her rasping voice as she came closer.
"I don't understand...Riku told me you helped wake me up..What's going on?" Lillet demanded, staring at Tellix with uncertainty. Tellix spread her arms and grinned, "You and your friends are all fools. I gave Riku the sphere to wake you up, because I knew you would never find the Chain in your sleep. I heard what Annalya told you about Sonjoro's son. It was quite obvious was that son she spoke of." As Tellix finished her sentence she lowerd her arms and tilted her head, then vanished in a silvery haze.

Lillet looked side to side frantically and stuffed the chain in her pocket. She turned towards the door only to find Tellix coming for her with a silver dagger. As Tellix lunged for her, Lillet stepped aside and grabed her hand then threw her towards the window. Tellix caught her balance and turned back towards Lillet and held up her free hand.

The chain gleamed in the sunlight as Tellix held it up by the window. She smiled sinisterly as she ripped open a silver portal. Lillet ran for Tellix, reaching for the chain, but as she came closer Tellix grabbed her by the neck and sent her flying towards the table. Lillet looked up just in time to see Tellix's menacing grin vanish in a violently whisking portal.


New member
Dec 2, 2004
in a land of rainbows and fairies
crazy, tellix is a bitch, who woulda knew? lol i swore on khi, im gonna get a point 4 that, but its to late, i wont back track, cept that one time when i was sitting on the floor and my brother walked in, AKKKK i back tracked. nie chapter, and nice use of soras nekalice as the key, must of hurt ur head to come up with that one XD i feel the need, the need to read..... fan fic XD more more more, feedfeedfeed gimme gimme gimme kirby dance (>-_-)> <(+_+<) chester the ugly ^_>^ lol XD
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