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Lance vs The Nigga (Alaude Drenxta vs Nigga Sauce)

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King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Well Lance, let's get this done right. Been a long time in the making for this epic battle and I would personally want you to be the first to face my character in battle one on one. I constructed Kita from the ground up from a Manga I started writing awhile ago. He's come really far and I never let anyone know about him except for maybe two other people. Makyu, the Grim Reaper ak God of Death, vs Kita Tavar, the Strange One.

Name: Kita Tavar

Title: Psychic Sorcerror, The Strange One

Age: 21 with the knowledge of a Old God that has live a millenia
Gender: Male
Race: Human / Old God after infusion of the Strange One's soul

Appearance; http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/295/0/2/02e74e0aa9803273209712dee533563c.jpg

Personality; Kita is a rather cheery fellow to be with, and very amiable to boot. He has a love for the good life- wild parties, beautiful women, good buddies, and enough alcohol to put down the whole lot of them. He also has a love for a good fight with anyone that's willing to take him on, and although he fights fiercely and as best he can, Kita's always willing to be a good sportsman, regardless of whether he wins or loses. Although he's competitive, he also knows when to tone down his need to prove himself through physical action, and is almost always ready to smooth-talk himself out of a situation if the need arises. Though some of his peers define him as "a little shifty," Kita is a very genuine and all-around good-natured fellow.


Excalibur - Excalibur: This is the mighty sentient sword that was created by the Old Gods many, many eons ago. Forged through pure magic, a powerful magical soul, and steel ore, Excalibur is the strongest sword to exist. It was created for a mighty hero to obtain and protect the universe. This hero was the first of the Cambridge bloodline, Sir Arthur of Camelot. He used this sword to bring about peace and prosperity. After his death, Merlin took the sword and made sure it was passed down the Cambridge bloodline. This trusty sword was locked away after it’s terrible misuse which in turn brought back the wizard Nephitis within King Arthur’s body. For many years, Nephistis searched for this sword until it reached present day young Kita Tavar who to this day has been it’s protector and master.

Excalibur is is the strongest magical weapon to be created. Within the blade of Excalibur lies untold magical power that is said to be strong enough to wipe out planets which King Arthur once demonstrated upon alien invaders thousands of years ago. A magical aura surrounds the blade, causing it to glow bright gold. The blade itself is stronger then most substances except Vibranium or other weapons that can match it’s magical might. Because magic is always pulsating through the blade, Excalibur’s blade vibrates at a very high frequency, allowing it to cut through tough substances like a hot knife through butter.

Nigh-unbreakable, Excalibur can withstand powerful attacks before breaking and if broken, it reforms itself within seconds. Whoever wields Excalibur is granted the memories of Excalibur and the wielders that came before the user, giving him intense combat skills the moment he touches Excalibur. Because you must be of the Arthur bloodline, no one but, The Strange One or an Arthur may wield the Excalibur or else it is useless in anyone else’s hands.

Excalibur appearance: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/104/f/5/Excalibur_sonic_by_Shalweas.png

Human appearance:http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/104/f/5/Excalibur_sonic_by_Shalweas.png

Heart's Fate - http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs44/i/2009/092/f/7/GUN_speed_paint_gun___STRAIHT_by_torvenius.jpg

Heart's Fate is a gun created from the strongest infusion of magic and steel. This was created by the Strange One after learned his first magic spell. The gun has the ability to channel Kita's magic or psionic powers through the gun for powerful concussive or piercing force. When one pulls the trigger of this gun, it is realized that the gun does not shoot normal bullets at all. Accurate and powerful, Heart's Fate is a powerful firearm. If broken, Kita can reconstitute the gun back to it's original form. This is Kita's most trusty firearm.


Psychic - As one of the most powerful psychics to exist, Kita has an incrediable amount of psychic power. To begin, Kita's telepathy is high level. He is able to stop any mental attack that comes his way. His mind has literally thousands of mental blocks and barriers to protect intrusion. If one was to try and read his mind or overtake it, they would be forced out and their own attack would be sent back toward them. He is able to send telepathic messages to one particular person even if standing in the middle of New York City during Rush hour. Because of his mental prowess, Kita is able to telepathically cloak himself and others from others minds and send psionic blasts that affect the mind, causing crippling pain or even paralysis. Using his mind, Kita can take an astral form and exist within the astral world while his body is protected a psionic barrier. Kita has some of the most powerful psionic barriers to exist. It has been noted that one time his barrier deflected a howitzer shell from killing him and his friends. Using telepathy, Kita can erase memories from a person as long as he was touching them but, it leaves him vunarable to attack. Last but not least, he has partial precognition which means if he touchs something, he can see the history of the object or the future of the person by displacing himself and the person within another timestream and seeing every possible future of that person.

Now here is where his psionic abilities really flourish. Kita can use his telekinetic abilities to lift objects up to an unknown limit and use his powers to fly at hypersonic speeds. Using his telekinesis, Kita can break apart the most complex machines down to the very first screw and then put it back together perfectly. Kita can release psionic blasts from his mind that affects the spritual, or physical with vagrant force, punching through even solid steel with ease. He is able to manipulate objects down to their molecular structure and rearrange the molecules into something else. By telekinetically controlling molecules and atoms, Kita can rearrange them into different objects even turning a car into a snake and then into a steel sword.

Sorceress - Now on to Kita's magical abilities. When Kita was first born, a magical being known as The Strange One visited him and his parents and placed magical rites along Kita's arms, back, and chest that can't be seen by normal means. These rites connects him to The Strange One and gives him a infinite amount of magical power. During the Strange One's death, his soul was infused within Kita, giving Kita the fullest extent of his magical power. With this magical power, Kita can cast powerful elemental spells and control the elements at a whim. His most powerful element is fire for his fire needs no oxygen, is amazingly hot to the point of melting steel easily, can exist even under water, and is green in color. He is able to control powerful hexes that destabilizes probability by inducing chaos. His hexes are so strong that when he spoke the words "No More magic" during the war against Wizard Agruta, all of Agruta's forces were cut from their magical sources and left powerless.

He is able to also summon otherworldy creatures such as the demon dog Cerberus or the Mythical Beast Gryphon. Because of his summoning powers, Kita has a form of reverse summoning that allows him to pull others through a portal from wherever he wants but they must be willing to come or he can't pull them through. Controlling the forces of magic, Kita can fly, become intangible, hypnotism or mesmerism, thought-casting, illusion-ccasting or alter his clothing through small molecular control. With his powers comes the ability to absorb many different kind of energies to replenish himself. Kita can even do simple spells. Kita has been deemed so powerful that is close to surpassing the Strange One.

Immortality - After the soul of the Strange One is infused in him, Kita's body became ten times stronger then any humans. He needs no food, air, or sleep. He does not age anymore. His body heals from even the most major of wounds within a matter minutes or seconds depending on the injury and how serious it is. His body is much more durable to the point of being to take superhuman hits and getting up like nothing happened or being struck by an rpg with no real affect to him.

Back-story; TBA

Alaude Drenxta

\+The Devil's+/ .{Advocate}.
Apr 9, 2005
My house?
You will be graced with the first, newly rebuilt template for Makyu in what, 3 years?
Also, I will be pming you with further details about this battle. I have an idea, and I'd like to see if you're interested in participating. Not to worry, it won't interrupt with the intensity of the battle, in fact it should make the whole thing much more interesting.

Also, I typically do not use my psychic/mind-reading powers in battle, limitations I've explained before, but you can expect me to use them to counter-balance your own. I certainly won't be having anyone invading the mind of The Reaper. ;3

Title ~
Makyu Kemine Eramiss
Usurper of Mortality
Ruler of Hell
God of Death

Age ~

Gender ~
Neutral - formerly male

Birthplace ~
Novod, The Stellaris system
Rebirth - The Farplane
Ascension - Novod

Species ~
Novodorian - A race of beings whose most basic features are very similar to that of a human, with two major differences. Their ears are up-swept, like that of an elf, and they have basic psychic abilities, allowing them to read the minds of lesser beings, and invade their most private thoughts and memories.

Armaments ~

  • Gryphonsoul & Dragonheart - The original tools of destruction, fashioned by Makyu's spirit from the very essence of his home world's light and dark power. Twin keyblades, inverted beside one another, symbolizing
    the original source of Makyu's power, and kept as keepsakes and tributes to his deep and disturbing history.

  • Obsidian Black Stone - A summoning charm, used to trigger the summoning of the Obsidian dragon, a beast once believed to be myth in Sarkan legend. It is said the Dragon can travel freely, unabated, through the many dimensions and planes of the Omniverse, routing magic and science to bend reality around him. The dragon measures the size of a semi in his standard form, but in the secret inter-dimension where Makyu resides, his true form is shown to be the size of a small skyscraper, a large man being barely the size of his eyeball.

  • Amulet of Eramathos - An amulet of mostly sentimental value, it once allowed Makyu to assume the form of his innermost self, a black and gold flecked dragon, with two heads, and a hundred wings. In this form, he becomes incorporeal, a being of pure and raw energy that consumes all his mighty power to sustain. It is a form he has not taken for many eons, as he is unsure if he can control the power considering his great changes in strength over time.

  • Sarkan Diamonds - Two diamonds of ever-fluctuating color, one embedded in each of his palms. These gemstones allow him to manipulate and control the four cardinal elements at will. Used in combination with his natural power to bend light and dark, he has shown himself capable of bending the many powers of nature itself to his will, combining the six elements in ever more complex manners. He can summon wind where there is none, and invoke fire in the darkest or wettest places.

  • The Ring of Dark Light - A totem of his complex past. The ring once imbued him with the Dark Light, a strange power that, using the combined essences of light and dark, allowed Makyu to evade death, and walk among the living, despite the fact that his body was rotted and dead, and his spirit belong to The Grim Reaper. By swearing his soul to the Reaper, this power ensured he could never again exist in the afterlife. However, once he usurped the throne of Hell, he fished his soul out of the River Styx, and the rings power was no longer needed. He carries it now, like much of his items, as a reminder, to remember he once was mortal.

  • The Scythe - The weapon has no true title, and no true form. It is merely the embodiment of the power Makyu had stolen from Death when he slew her. Using complex and ancient magic, Makyu invoked Chaos, Eternity, Light, Dark, and Redemption to kill the God of Death and steal her power. Summoning an army of the dead, and aided by numerous great warriors of the Omniverse, he walked into the halls of the Gods and tore Heaven apart, brick by brick, stealing immortality. While he no longer possessed the needed to tools to kill the other Gods, he did defeat them, and earned his right to call himself the true God of Death, a title that has been contested ever since.

Powers ~
Makyu's powers are numerous, some simple, and others far more complex. A comprehensive list would be vast, but it can be shortened to a few simple concepts, with the understanding that powers and abilities are not as simple and direct as they may seem, allowing for near infinite possibilities.

  • Makyu can freely travel through dimensional and planar barriers, as can his Obsidian Dragon, but with greater limits. He can pass through the natural barriers, however magically erected and powered barriers requiring time and energy to break.
  • Makyu can manipulate numerous types of ancient magical energies, invoking a nearly limitless supply of magic to manipulate freely, and bend to his will. He has not yet mastered the control of time, but he has been studying the metaphysical flow for the past several centuries. The only raw form of power he has not yet tapped is the power of Chaos, and he does so only out of respect for an old friend/rival.
  • He has immeasurable control over the flow of Death. He can summon countless soldiers from the pits of Hell, and freely summon forth the dead to the living planes. When any being is drained of their life force, he can reap them with a single touch, or even suck the life out them on contact. His dead minions are innumerable and diverse, but his favorites are the Hell Hounds, demon dogs from the depths of Tartarus.
  • Makyu has near-absolute control over the flow of the Six Divine Elements, a result of his life's efforts.
Makyu's many powers and abilities are the result of the many unique items and vast research done through the course of his life. His studies into ancient magic and sorcery had made him an impressive force in the Omniverse, even before his ascension. However, although Makyu is an "Immortal God", he is by no means indestructible, however he would never reveal his FATAL FLAW to any being, alive, dead, or immortal.


Personality ~
Over the course of his long life, Makyu has been many things, from a student to a God. Along the way his life has altered his persona, and his view of the world around him has helped to mold that personality, irrevocably. He once was a carefree young man, unaware of the truth behind his birth, and completely naive toward the world. Now, he has cycled from bitter to angry, jaded to disconnected. He became a loving father, then cast himself back in to darkness. The darkest, angriest point in his life was during the time of his ascension, when he sought to slay Death and rebel against the primordial forces that oversaw the Omniverse.

Since his ascension however, he has matured, albeit quite late, given that he was several centuries old by the time he accomplished this feat. He became more mellowed, more in control of himself, possibly as a result of his increased understanding of the nature of existence and the world around him. He has returned to his calm, collected, and controlled self, however even now he is still subject to emotional weakness, becoming angry, bitter, jealous, and even playful when his environment wills it. However, most often his is found to be sarcastic and cynical, with strong sarcastic humor blended over the top. He has even begun to enjoy the humor in puns, taking to reciting them whenever he finds them applicable. One might find his carelessness to be a result of his position, viewing the Omniverse as unimportant and meaningless, taking nothing seriously, but this is nothing more than a facade, masking the fact that the Lord of Novod is forever plotting, planning his next great feat.

History ~

The rest should be compiled by later tonight, but I don't have time to finish it right now. I'll keep ya posted. ;3

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