Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
SO round 48 is a fight vs. Tifa, Leon, Cloud, and yufie. It also happens to be incredibly hard *fo rme anyways* So anyone who's beatin this round, if they could maybe give a few pointers, or tips. It'd be greatly appreciated.
For me try to seperate them as much as possible. take out tifa first and leon second. then take out yuffie and finish with cloud and remember where ever you go tifa will always run after you so try to get her alone then attack her.
All I did was fly around the outside of the ring shooting blizzagas. Since I picked the staff, tifa and squall fell quickly. Not much good on yuffie and cloud, but you can take em two on one. And why using fenrir instead of ultima?
I dont know if this is true for KH2, but in KH when you fight leon and yuffie, yuffie heals leon, so is it the same in the KH2 battle against Tifa, etc?
what i did was equip trinity limit and used it on them, wait for my mp to load and did it again, i takes a while but it works. by the way try to equipt a fast mp recovering ability
Take em out one by one using Thundraga.Tifa is teh most dangerous chick(Other than Kairi) so take her out,I took out Cloud or Leon next,Yuffie the ninja last.When you run out of MP,glide around the ring to escape all attacks(Yes,even Omnislash).
Damn guys theres a really easy way defeat them without taking any damage at all, which is what I did
I was a level 99 with Ultima Weapon and no potions at all
I just locked out to one of them and use Sora's Limit move which takes down about 1-2 health bars at a time, then afterwards I just jumped and glided away until my mp refilled again, and kept doing the same until they all died, It took me about 2-3 minutes to beat them