• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. D

    Things you Like/Disliked about 358/2 days

    Cons: -Kinda hard to play without an anolog stick(Camera and stuff) -Some missions are repetitive Pros: Everything else =D
  2. D

    Do you use Default controls or do you customise it???(If you can change)

    Topic* I always use the default controller because I think they are pretty good( I think the developpers are doing a pretty good job,especially for FPS games on the PSP). If I change them.. I get messed up some times. I can't think of a game I used custom controls to play right now , but I'l...
  3. D

    Two keyblads at once?

    Woot...can't wait till I get there !!=D.. Cough* 200 more days to go >.>
  4. D

    KH 358/2 Days Manga

    Looks good,but I don't wanna spoil anything, sooooooooooooo maybe ima read AFTER I played the game =D
  5. D

    KH2:FM+ Cutscene Guide

    OMG...thanks alot...really helped me understand those "missing" parts XD
  6. D

    PS3 Slim arriving.....NEXT MONTH!!!

    Kotaku - PS3 Slim Entering Production, Ready By July - PS3 "According to Taiwanese site UDN, Sony have signed production contracts with two companies to begin manufacture of the rumoured PS3 "Slim", with a delivery date of...oh, next month! Now, with a PS3 price cut heavily expected around...
  7. D

    Which anime has the best intros?

    Which anime do you think has the best intros???You can also talk about a single opening that you really liked =D Write the name of the anime and a link to the video =D