• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. H

    KH2 gets a 10+9.5+9.0 from EGM!

    thanks yes kingdom hearts 2 got the gold medal and game of the month
  2. H


    nice find
  3. H

    1up's Kingdom Hearts 2 review

    9.0 nice find
  4. H

    Poll:Who would win, valor or wisdom form?

    wisdom form will win
  5. H

    question (little spoilers)

    thanks I just wanted to make sure
  6. H

    question (little spoilers)

    After sora goes to Hollow Bastion for the first time and meets the Organization what world do you go to first is it Mulans world :confused:
  7. H


    reserved mine the day they annouced the release date
  8. H

    Is it possable?

    That would be nice
  9. H

    look at this

    can this be the english case
  10. H

    Adam and Morgan suck

    that donald duck thing was funny
  11. H

    question (posible spoilers)

    I was wondering about that to
  12. H

    UK Release Date

    some countrys put the date before the month he is saying feb 24 2006
  13. H

    i was thinking....

    yeah ansem has a nobody
  14. H

    I Heard The Superior's English Voice!

    is that really the superior
  15. H

    question *possible spoilers*

    thanks for the info
  16. H

    question *possible spoilers*

    I wanted to know if sephiroth is a optional boss or is he a boss in the games storyline. p.s I am new please do not flame me:D