• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Squood!'s latest activity

  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    Great. The damn E3 replacement can't even pretend to be like E3 now. The only reason Nomura announced it early was cuz he was a scaredy...
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    You're saying that like it's a fact. We don't even friggin' know if there is an actual confirmed PS5 Pro reveal event. And of course...
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    Fuck this asshole
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    Exactly. Why is it suddenly like the damn playground or something now where one thing can't be around cuz oh no this OTHER thing will...
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    Isn't Mana a smaller title? And even so it's not like KH4 will suddenly make it seem like it doesn't exist.
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    If anything KH related shows up at SGF one of y'all gonna have to gift me the Steam ports If it don't I dunno I'll give you a picture...
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread Kingdom Hearts Nitpicks.
    ...is this really a nitpick? Just sounds like a regular criticism.
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    I will personally shove Dragon Quest in the locker if it shoves KH4 in the locker after Rebirth shoved both in the locker Didn't help...
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    Oh that's what it's for. Man
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    Looking different from the first trailer is both obvious and doesn't mean they're just sitting on another trailer. And "wait for more...
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    I just want a fucking picture or something at this point.
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    Waiting waiting WAITING. I'M SICK OF WAITING. OH LET ME GUESS. A FEW MONTHS LATER WE'LL START GOING "This other Disney game has to get...
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    Why did anyone think it'd be here?
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    Sony's more interested in showing off their junk.
  • Squood!
    Squood! replied to the thread When are we expecting news?.
    I feel the opposite cuz the guy says he THINKS Geoff got KH4 And then he basically backpedals and says a source of his says THEY think...