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Romance in a series about friendship



trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Yeah, that would be....weird? to say the least and sorry about repeating myself, I just tend to do that out of habit. (some people don't get the point when you're point blank with it xD ). Though yeah I never had any question at all as a kid, teen, or adult, as to where the romances where and if Sora and Kairi were going to be a couple. In KH3 they very clearly are lol. So I don't really get the arguements about it.

No one is denying that Sora and Kairi don't share mutual romantic interest in each other. The argument stems from the awful and almost nonexistent development of their relationship over the past 18 years. It's not written or presented in a way that makes it easy for people to support, especially in comparison to the platonic relationships these characters share with others.


Active member
Apr 4, 2020
No one is denying that Sora and Kairi don't share mutual romantic interest in each other. The argument stems from the awful and almost nonexistent development of their relationship over the past 18 years. It's not written or presented in a way that makes it easy for people to support, especially in comparison to the platonic relationships these characters share with others.

Yeah and I will say, I would like to see them come on a little stronger with the romance stuff specially between sora and Kairi so as you said it would be more consistant. It's there, but it would be nice to see more of it for sure!

Also sorry if I'm being annoying.. as I said somehwere else Im new so jsut jumping into all the KH conversations as I didnt know this all existed so Im kinda in like a little paradise and not trying to be annoying or anything.. just very avidly in love with KH and wanna share it and tlak to people about it :3

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Yeah and I will say, I would like to see them come on a little stronger with the romance stuff specially between sora and Kairi so as you said it would be more consistant. It's there, but it would be nice to see more of it for sure!

Also sorry if I'm being annoying.. as I said somehwere else Im new so jsut jumping into all the KH conversations as I didnt know this all existed so Im kinda in like a little paradise and not trying to be annoying or anything.. just very avidly in love with KH and wanna share it and tlak to people about it :3

Personally, I don't think they need to come on stronger with the romance. They need to have them have genuine friendship where they interact in a way that is unrelated to their romantic feelings for each other. This will actually make any romantic moments between them all the more stronger because there is something stronger tying them together. I thought the cutest thing about ReMind was when they went around in the ending to different places seeing the resolutions. It felt like the first genuine thing they've ever done together before. It felt like friends hanging out, and it also was just really sweet and romantic too.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
Personally, I don't think they need to come on stronger with the romance. They need to have them have genuine friendship where they interact in a way that is unrelated to their romantic feelings for each other. This will actually make any romantic moments between them all the more stronger because there is something stronger tying them together. I thought the cutest thing about ReMind was when they went around in the ending to different places seeing the resolutions. It felt like the first genuine thing they've ever done together before. It felt like friends hanging out, and it also was just really sweet and romantic too.
Wow. Showing instead of telling.

It only took this franchise 3000 years.

Still awkward for me seeing them secretly being in every scene, but I wholeheartedly agree. All these years and games have gone by, yet their relationship barely has a foundation to build on, not even as friendship despite that being the franchise's central theme. If you're not Sora and Riku or are outside your introductory game, then tough nougats. But giving them a genuine friendship first would lay the groundwork for everything else.


Active member
Apr 4, 2020
Personally, I don't think they need to come on stronger with the romance. They need to have them have genuine friendship where they interact in a way that is unrelated to their romantic feelings for each other. This will actually make any romantic moments between them all the more stronger because there is something stronger tying them together. I thought the cutest thing about ReMind was when they went around in the ending to different places seeing the resolutions. It felt like the first genuine thing they've ever done together before. It felt like friends hanging out, and it also was just really sweet and romantic too.

That is a good point and would strengthen things a lot but

Wow. Showing instead of telling.

It only took this franchise 3000 years.

Still awkward for me seeing them secretly being in every scene, but I wholeheartedly agree. All these years and games have gone by, yet their relationship barely has a foundation to build on, not even as friendship despite that being the franchise's central theme. If you're not Sora and Riku or are outside your introductory game, then tough nougats. But giving them a genuine friendship first would lay the groundwork for everything else.

For both of you I got a main issue to that which Ive kinda covered in another thread but fits here... How do you build upon the relationship more and the friendship more when all Nomura does for a plot twist is the same, Alright back to square one! SEPERATE THEM!!!! Hence why I wish he'd cut it out with this (at this point way over used) plot of lets seperate them over and over again and actually progress the story and let them stay as a trio. this is a prime example of how its bad writing. Because instead of rehashing the same plot twist over and over and over and over again he could be expanding the story and characters this way. Make a game such as KH4 where the trio actually journey together and Riku and Kairi are your companions not Donald and Goofy. He could build upon the friendships and relationships. There is so much he could play upon and build up. if he would JUST STOP SEPERATING them.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
OUAT also had a habit of constantly separating its characters for plot surprise / urgency to keep people interested so that they never got time to breathe and interact with one other or truly digest the latest plot twist. Of course, at least they did develop the main romance pretty well (Emma / Hook).


Active member
Apr 4, 2020
OUAT also had a habit of constantly separating its characters for plot surprise / urgency to keep people interested so that they never got time to breathe and interact with one other or truly digest the latest plot twist. Of course, at least they did develop the main romance pretty well (Emma / Hook).

Yeah perhaps..idk.. im just personally really over it and feel its holding the game back.