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A year later and I feel more at peace with KH3


Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
So, I’ve had time to get my hate and anger and disappointment out and now I’ve come to the other side of the hill.

I am happy with KH3. There is plenty with it I don’t like or enjoy and think it fell too far into the problems that plague the series, but I don’t feel so upset with it anymore.

Playing the game is fun, the Disney worlds are delightful regardless of their level of importance to the overall story (and they all do have some importance), and I shamefully sing along with “Let It Go” and “Do You Wanna Build A Snowman” even though I don’t think either of them needed to be in the game hahaha

So yeah, where do y’all stand with the game a year later?


Active member
Dec 14, 2018
I'm more or less in the same place, half bitter and half satisfied. I was pissed at how expensive the DLC was because I feel like KH3 was an incomplete game compared with its predecessors, and I could still do without the Disney worlds.

I will say what they did well they did really well in my opinion. For all of its flaws it's a game I will probably eventually go back to and replay on critical. Although I can say with some confidence right now that my future hopes for the series is heavily dependent on the Remind DLC being good, if it isn't then I'll probably stop thinking about KH for a few years and pick back up whenever the next big game drops


Active member
Dec 18, 2018
I'm honestly waiting until after I play the DLC to make up my mind. As much as I hate to admit it, seeing a lot of the spoilers that were rampant a month before official release took a lot of the suspense away from the game, though that's obviously my fault for not resisting the urge to read/watch those spoilers.

As we get closer to the release of the DLC, I'm actually getting less excited and more cautiously optimistic. I will still get it, but just hope it is as good as the trailers are and that they left plenty of surprises, which I feel they didn't leading up to the base game. With this DLC and some actual information coming out for Union Cross, I hope it will certainly feel more like a proper ending.

I guess I'm just annoyed we had to wait another year and spend more money for some actual proper closure to a game fans waited years and years for already. If it turns out to be great, KH3 will be a good game in my book even in spite of everything else.

Other than that, I've lost steam in this series. After over a decade invested, I just want the proper ending this was building towards, like KH2 did. If we get that, I'll be happy.
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Twilight Lumiair

Well-known member
May 1, 2017
Hmmm... I suppose I'm pretty much the same overall: dissapointed, frustrated, and annoyed with how much the game let down so much of the set-up, established characterization, and plot points from previous titles (as well as shooting my years of investment with the series in the gut) in favor of setting up future shit, and I honestly don't ever expect that to change. But at the same time, I'm mature enough to accept that KH3 was just a wholly negative experience for me and... move on. Sure, the game is and always will be a joke in my eyes, but I view it more in apathy than real hatred at this point. Similarly, I'm only mildly invested in the future of the series (including Re: Mind), so whatever they choose to do isn't going to effect me nearly as much as the past games did-- unless it somehow manages to earn that investment back. Therefore, when I inevitably move on completely in a couple of years, I'll be able to do so with my fondness of the series still intact, and it won't be too poisoned by my experience with it's... conclusion.

Idk, this is pretty much where I'm at I guess.
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Deleted member 252753

Unlike most people, I absolutely loved Kingdom Hearts 3 on my first play through and didn't have any major complaints about it, certainly not the plot. It wasn't until I started going on this site and engaging with the fan community that I realised how much people didn't like the game.

I was kind of upset at first but had to admit that there were good reasons for fans to feel let down in a lot of cases, particularly the treatment of the female characters and lack of closure for various plotlines, which went totally over my head. For some cases, I thought and still think the DLC may provide answers and improvements. But even if the DLC is amazing I can understand the upset and the feeling below:

I was pissed at how expensive the DLC was because I feel like KH3 was an incomplete game compared with its predecessors,

While making people pay a lot for DLC to effectively fill in the game's plot holes and reveal its mysteries is clearly milking the fans fore extra money, I personally have really enjoyed spending the last few months looking through KH3, UX, other games, and this forum to find and develop new theories about where the series is going. In that sense, I think it's actually a clever way to use DLC and the mobile game to build up intrigue around the story.

Overall I totally respect anyone who can't be bothered with the constant twists and retcons and just wanted KH3 to wrap everything from KH1 to BBS up nicely, and I can see their points. But still, I think Kingdom Hearts 3 is a beautiful game and I am even more excited for ReMind than I was for the game itself a year ago.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Like darknessofheart, I am really waiting for the DLC, because as it stands my opinion hasn't changed much at all. I really enjoy KH3. The Disney Worlds are amazing to play in, I actually love the combat and the Keyblade Transformations are super fun to abuse, the music for some of these worlds are becoming among my favorite. I love Sora, Donald, and Goofy's dynamic. It's so refreshing to see them have a adventure together after Sora's been alone for awhile in the sidegames. I enjoy Lucky Emblem hunting and actually like the Flantastic Seven, even if some of their games take longer to master then others.

I was mainly disappointed with the lack of the other characters. It's been said a number of times and I don't want to keep repeating it. Thankfully ReMind has stated it will address many of the questions I had with character returns and giving them proper screentime. ReMind feels like the KH3 game the hardcore fans wanted KH3 to be to begin with. I'm already excited to see all the heroes fighting together so I think ReMind will boost KH3 for me. We'll see fingers crossed :D


Mar 23, 2017
I loved KH3 when it released and I still do. For me, it was overall a very joyful experience. Joyful like going to Disney World kind of thing. Does Sora summoning neon light-embellished carnival rides make a lick of sense? No. Did they add ore clutter to the already over-encumbered battle interface? Yes. Did I activate one pretty much whenever I could because it just made me so happy and giddy because of how silly and colourful it was? Hell yes I did.

Had my situation been a different, I imagine my initial feelings would have quite different though. I dropped the series around BBS (bought the game, didn't even finish one character's story) and figured when the 'true' sequel/KH3 arrived, I'd just read a plot synopsis. Then when the very initial KH3 reveal trailer dropped (back in 2013-ish?) I was all, "Oh man, I gotta catch up!" and promptly dove head-first back into the series and have only been getting more into it since then. So although I'm way more into now than I was before BBS, I've had less time for emotional investment or to dream up the 'perfect' (or even 'decent' in some people's cases) KH3 in my head since I've just been busy playing catch-up.

Additionally, the only trailer I watched for KH3 was the original one revealed at the World Orchestra (the one that showed Xemnas and Ansem for the first time). After that I occasionally stumbled upon screenshots (just different characters and they were all ones I expected, in the game, like Xigbar and Ienzo, anyway) but otherwise remained unspoiled. Some point after finishing KH3, I went back and watched the trailers I didn’t see. I was shocked with how much they showed, but at the same time, that’s the precise reason I hardly ever watch trailers these days for stuff I know I’m getting.

Some of my major complaints with the game seem to be remedied partially if not fully with the DLC (big ones were no Restoration Committee/RG visit and how rushed the Keyblade Graveyard section was). Additionally the DLC actually has even more stuff than I ever expected so the game can only improve for me personally.

Another complaint I sorta-had was that the Disney worlds didn't advance the plot, but as time has gone on, the more I think the worlds' purpose as narrative devices within the entire series has changed. In earlier games, the worlds served a more literal plot purpose (SDG looking for their friends, sealing Keyholes, stopping bad guys) to analogous/metaphorical/foreshadowing (e.g. crab-Jack being an analogue for the Replicas, Olympus being where Sora became a 'hero-in-training' (the game's first world) versus San Fransokyo (one of its last) being where he trains newbie heroes, all the endless hint-hint, wink-wink about sacrifice and death, etc.). One form of storytelling isn't inherently better than the other, but for a game like KH, I definitely think the literal telling (or a nice mix like BBS had (no, this isn't me saying BBS' plot or writing is good)) is far superior. So this 'problem' with the game hasn't changed and won't be for the DLC, but my perspetive has changed so I no longer dislike it, I'm just ambivalent, maybe a little curious to see what I've missed.

Not that I wouldn't rewrite KH3's overarching story from the ground-up if given the chance, but I don't hate it. I don't blame those who do though. All those years and games building this up to be the Xehanort Saga Super Ultimate Mega Finale and about 50% of the game was shameless sequel baiting. Especially when so much of it is utterly meaningless for players who haven't been following Union Cross stuff.

I'm currently deep enough into my fandoming of KH that Nomura could probably doodle the logo on a can of beans and I'd jump on it, so teasing future stuff is interesting to me. But it's an utter critical hit to the crotch for anyone who just wanted it to be just wrapping up Xehanort's story. Honestly, I'd have preferred that too, but that is not the universe in which we exist. C'est va vie, mon ami.

Also this post being so bleedin' long reminds me of why I almost never post here 'cause it seems like every time I do, I end up writing a whole freaking essay and think, "Damn, nobody's got time to read my nonsense." Maybe I should start a KH blog, bahaha.


Jan 2, 2013
I guess I've moved on for the most part. Despite my gripes there were still moments to praise and enjoy. It is frustrating to think that most of KH3's issues could plague the Forteller Saga but all I can hope for is that Nomura learns and improves.

One Re:MIND comes out I'm just ready to move forward with the next game


Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
My experience with KH3 went something like this:

1. After first playthrough: Utter bliss, felt like the game was totally perfect and satisfying
2. Starting reflecting on the plot and the way I felt after completing it. Began noticing that I was starting to feel a bit more negative about the game the more I thought about it. Certain things that had been built up to for years by previous games felt like they were resolved in the blink of an eye and not given enough of a chance to shine or breathe properly.
3. Have severe OCD, so it began to plague my mind thinking about all the flaws. Went online and saw the negativity and backlash, feelings have now gone from "utter bliss" to "mixed".
4. Went through a period of several months feeling very confused. On one hand, I felt REALLY great about KH3 and on the other, it felt like so much was missing from the experience in retrospect.
5. Replayed the game a few times, got platinum trophy. Opinion begins to feel less intense, and I settle on the fact that I would rate the game at about a high 7 or a low 8.

And now I'm here, which is that I feel good with KH3. I would say the only negative feelings that have persisted are similar to complaints you might hear in the Star Wars fandom, namely that Kingdom Hearts "doesn't feel the same anymore" as it once did. But, I believe a lot of that has to do with getting older. Kingdom Hearts has stayed relatively the same for all these years so I don't think it's the series that doesn't feel the same. I think it's the fact that I'm not the 2006 version of myself, and so I see things differently. I'm more critical/cynical than I was over a decade ago. So I'd chock that up more to my perspective of the series changing rather than the series itself "not feeling the same".

Besides, I didn't have that complaint immediately prior to KH3. That and, I remember feeling a similar way multiple times prior to KH3's release (such as when DDD released, and certain points with Chi and even 0.2). So it's nothing new. There's a certain "magic" that 2006-era Kingdom Hearts instilled in my heart that I always long to connect with. And most times, I feel it very strongly and it's my favorite thing about the series. Right now, I'm at a point where I don't feel it super strongly, but that's okay. No matter what, I will always have the magic and fond memories from 2006-era Kingdom Hearts within me. Nothing can ever take that away, even if I don't always feel it in the moment. And I'm content with that. Besides, I remember making peace with the fact that KH3 would never top KH2 for me about 2-3 years before the game released, and that turned out to be exactly the case and I'm cool with that. I just wanted KH3 to be a great game that satsfyingly ended the Xehanort Saga. And for the most part, that's exactly what I got. There were missteps for sure, but overall I think it was great.

So, Kingdom Hearts III is my second favorite game in the series, and I love it a lot. It disappointed me in some ways and it's definitely not everything I ever hoped for, but overall it was an incredible experience. I'd give it a solid 8/10 overall as it currently stands. Excited to see what ReMIND adds to it soon :)

Sakuraba Neku

Well-known member
Nov 11, 2018
This thread is full of character development.
I can only give a proper answer after I do my critical run with the DLC.


Active member
Apr 27, 2018
United States
I never hated the game, though when it first released I found I had a mixed reaction. In the moment, as I was playing it, I relished every moment, every reference, completely ignored plot holes and rushed scenes, and blitzed my way through the story. Then after I put it down, I'd read about everyone's complaints online, and for the most part, I agreed with all of them. They're all valid. But that didn't make me love it any less. It just made me realize it could've been different, and some things could've been written better. I felt a little self-conscious over the fact that I seemed to like it a lot more than everyone else did, but I'm over that now.

It's like Abrams said about TRoS. The critics are right, there are a million things done wrong. But the people who love it are right too. It's a massively personal thing, something that I feel the internet and forums have sort of ruined: when you sit down and play the game, are you enjoying yourself? Does it matter if that you critique it to death, or that someone else critiques all the fun out of it for you? Cos if you can honestly say you had a good time while playing, then who cares if some things weren't done perfectly. It fulfilled its purpose.

So yeah. I love KH3. It makes me smile, and has that magical nostalgic feeling that I get when I walk down Main Street USA in DisneyWorld. That's all I could ask for.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
I gotta be honest, I wrote about 5 paragraphs detailing my journey with KH3 and decided against posting it. I'm over it, I can't continue dwelling on things that don't make me happy. Life's too short to be mad over a video game.

Short version: Don't like it, don't care. I'm too busy playing 358/2 Days for the 9th time.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
My feelings now are that it's a game that exists.

Hmmm... I suppose I'm pretty much the same overall: dissapointed, frustrated, and annoyed with how much the game let down so much of the set-up, established characterization, and plot points from previous titles (as well as shooting my years of investment with the series in the gut) in favor of setting up future shit, and I honestly don't ever expect that to change. But at the same time, I'm mature enough to accept that KH3 was just a wholly negative experience for me and... move on. Sure, the game is and always will be a joke in my eyes, but I view it more in apathy than real hatred at this point. Similarly, I'm only mildly invested in the future of the series (including Re: Mind), so whatever they choose to do isn't going to effect me nearly as much as the past games did-- unless it somehow manages to earn that investment back. Therefore, when I inevitably move on completely in a couple of years, I'll be able to do so with my fondness of the series still intact, and it won't be too poisoned by my experience with it's... conclusion.

Idk, this is pretty much where I'm at I guess.
^Also mostly this. I have interest in what Re:Mind could bring to the table and I still generally like KH and the good stuff that comes from the fandom, but after 3, my investment into it going forward won't be the same like it used to. Though even with how KH3 changed my feelings on the series and possibly future games enforcing that, I'll probably always at least keep my eye on it.

Ink Ribbon

Active member
Jan 5, 2020
I personally enjoyed KH3. It has many flaws but I still found myself engaged in aspects of the story, the beautiful animation of the characters and environment, the gameplay and music of course. I kept my expectations in check because I've been teased far too many times in the past with other games, movies and such. Some expectations were met while others were major disappointments. Kingdom Hearts has always been a consistent series that has never really disappointed me. Are there things that could have been handled differently? Most definitely! I could dwell about those things. But no matter what, it doesn't change anything. I don't want to be stuck in that negative mindset. I want to appreciate things that are. That being said, I am excited for ReMind and the future of the series.


Active member
Jan 16, 2017
So yeah, where do y’all stand with the game a year later?
I loved it one year ago and I still do. It showed improvements over its predecessor(s) in many areas and this is enough for me to see a sequel in a positive light. KH3 feels like KH1's true sequel in many ways and this makes me happy considering KH1 is my favourite KH game (it's actually a tie with KH3 now).
The problems I have with it are mostly problems that plague the whole series too, so they don't bother me that much, if at all. My biggest gripes were and still remain the lack of FF characters and mediocre original worlds (which are problems exclusive to KH3), but the rest is so good that the positive points outweight the negative ones by a large margin.

I'm used to judge things for what they are rather than for what I wish they were, so it's only a matter of how things are presented to me, and not what exactly is given to me.
All in all, KH3 is a [very] fun game, it managed to make me feel emotional like the other games did and it also reminded me of my favourite KH game, so my experience has been more than positive and hopefully Re:Mind will make it even better.


Active member
Feb 13, 2018
Like with most KH games, every time I play again I can connect more and more to the scenes and characters. I remember not liking the ending section because it was really rushed the first time I played. I was the entire time with a "huh, really? That sucks" face...
But playing a second and a third time made me like a lot more some details and some scenes I was just not looking into enough for all it is.
All Org XIII deaths and battles are really emotional and great to me right now, every time I watch them again I can tear up a little bit, for example. Playing the game is absurdly fun, specially the tougher battles with strong enemies. I like challenge. You know, like most games, this is not made for playing just once and abandoning it forever, and I really like how much more I can grasp about the story, characters and worldbuiliding in the series everytime I play the game again.
ReMind seems to add a lot of what I really missed from the game, that was some more challenging battles and bosses.

I really don't mind anymore, too, how KH3 serves as a prequel to a new saga, since I'm invested eough in the Union X story and I think a ReMake to that game is just inevitable. This makes me excited about the future, specilly gameplay-wise. I really like how KH3 is even more fast paced than last games and I'm curious to see how they will evolve from that!

the red monster

Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
I liked the game and enjoyed a lot, but there should've been less disney and more actual plot..
it felt rushed when everything went down in the last 3 hours of the game. after spending 20 hours in disney worlds doing almost nothing.
i think with Re:Mind being only story focused it should fix that for me. i hope so at least..


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Some of my major complaints with the game seem to be remedied partially if not fully with the DLC (big ones were no Restoration Committee/RG visit and how rushed the Keyblade Graveyard section was). Additionally the DLC actually has even more stuff than I ever expected so the game can only improve for me personally.
I admit I haven’t paid close attention to the Re:Mind additions, but I thought the characters were to appear briefly in cutscene only? I didn’t hear anything about a Radiant Garden visit.

I had a mostly positive experience with KH3 in my first playthrough and that opinion never changed, although I haven't played the game or thought about it in a while. If anything, it was better than I expected those last two months before release when we realized there were so few Disney few worlds, no Radiant Garden, etc. I thought I would hate it outright; apparently others did. I still feel like there's a gaping hole in the game where RG should be and that Riku wasn't in the game enough, but otherwise it's good.
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Jul 19, 2017
Over the Rainbow
Considering I beat the game in three days, I loved the game completely and as of my last time booting it up, I still do. Gonna wait until the DLC comes out and I'm all done with it before I post any follow up comments :3


Active member
Jun 25, 2018
I loved the gameplay and world building of KH3. Gummi ship gameplay was undoubtedly at its best in this game. Keyblade transformations were awesome and made different keyblades actually feel significant for use throughout the story instead just of until the next one comes along. As far as the ”game“ side of KH3 goes I didn’t really have any issues (except for Arendelle which literally isn’t even Arendelle). Story wise was of course a different story. Like most I experienced the feeling of needing to rush through the Disney worlds to actually experience Kingdom Hearts coupled with the fact that a lot was spoiled through trailers. I genuinely believed that there was gonna be so much more game at the end then there was that I didn’t even realize the game was actually over until the credits started to roll. I don’t know if anyone else felt bamboozled in this sense, but I was totally expecting that moment in KH1 and 2 where a big ol door appears telling you “alright this is it! Get ready!” But instead we got a less than epic MX battle with an anticlimactic resolution. I remember being so hyped for Sora to use the X- blade and pictured some epic scene of him using it to stop Xehanort and instead hes literlally handed it, fires one beam, and then it vanishes.

I coped with my disappointments in KH3 by basically writing my own ending to the story lol

Honestly for me if they had a midway story chunk akin to the KH2 story layout, and fixed the issues with the KG section (which I’m sure I don’t have to restate) I think I’d love this game without any restraint and would have felt much more satisfied.

I think for me the biggest thing I was hyped for that I felt wasn’t delivered upon was character interaction. At this point in time that’s the only gripe that still really bugs me. I wish Terra and Riku had a meaningful conversation, that Ventus and Roxas had a bigger reaction to each other, that Sora would have said something about how Ventus looks like Roxas, as well thousands of other moments that should’ve happened that didn’t because everything was saved for the very end of the game.

But being an optimist, I like to think that with KH3s conclusion finally upon us, it will allow the series to experience a bit of a “fresh start” narratively. I will admit, Square had a lot of ground to cover with this game as far as the multitude of character arcs and connections set up by previous titles, it’s not surprising that some stuff slipped through the cracks. Moving forward though, the story should be able to have a more linear directive (please) and the lack of a burden to resolve previous titles should allow more passion to be placed in the series. I know Normura spoke about how he was much more focused on UX than KH3 before the game even released. I think that passion has definitely shown through in the mobile games plot, which has grown quite complex and intriguing.

Here’s to hoping the DLC does a good job at fixing as much a sit can, and KHs future is bright.