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  • Nothing really. I made a fanfic. It's doing pretty good right now. It's called Kingdom Hearts: The Lost Keyhole if you wanna check it out. I'm on Chapter 9 now.
    I remember when my internet got cut off a few years ago. I was in an RP and it took two years to get the net back up. xD

    The RP was dead when I got back, lol.
    Warcraft DotA- it's a map of Warcraft with many heroes, it's one of the best strategy action game, just check it out on youtube ^_^
    Aww thanks :3 You do know a person can have a different personality online, don't you? xD;; I try to match my personalities though.

    Well somehow it sounds to me like your mother purposely set up this condition, knowing that you can't do it O_O;; It takes quite a lot to quit smoking, you know. Especially if your mother has smoked for a long time now.

    Um, there's not much going on with school right now other than waiting for my grades. I still don't know if I passed a particular exam so I'm living everyday in fear of having to retake this exam xD;;
    Wow dude, nice avatar and sig^^
    well, not much new with me, still with my girlfriend, studying hard
    and playing DotA..hehe
    FMA, Death Note, Vampire Knight, Chibi Vampire, and others that I can't really think of right now.
    Two years?! O_O;; I guess all you have to do is to wait no? xD

    So, how are you doing? How's school and everything going?
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