Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Hmm...am I in the right place now?
*runs into wall*
Yep!! Mmmmm...soft...ok why did I say mmmm? Gee I'm so strange I'm too strange for me! And I don't think that even made sense!!!
Hey everybody!
Eva(The writer) well i got her email address and i've been emailing her for awhile and she asked me to post the new chappies up for her till her account works! *claps* Yay!
So as soon as i get the chapter from her i will post it here!
So new chapter soon everybody.
Edit ~ Eva has made a new account so I wont be posting them she will ^^
HELLO ALL! Sorry Ive been gone for so Long! I Couldnt sign in! So I created this account!!!
Im Trying to made it the same as my old account so people will beilive im the real KH_Fan_4_eva!
Anyway I'll Be posting chapters soon!
I will, I will, just so you no my picture isnt the same cuz it wouldnt let me upload it....I dun no why though 0_0
I cant put a chappie up 2moz cuz Im going to a leisure (I cant spell It X_X) Park with my friend!
And we all kept your fics alive for you! So they didn't die! We may have done it in a weird way but we did it all the same!:toungesmile: