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Xion's Creation...

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Gummi Master

New member
Oct 27, 2008
OK. It took me a while to get here but thanks to 'Phil' I found where to start a new thread.
This is in regards to the new character, Xion, confirmed in KH: 358/2 Days. Many people have made some very persuasive arguments, but I have yet to here the theory I'm about to discuss. If someone has made this proposition and I haven't read it I fully apologize and would like to talk abou the theory more.

Here's what we know:
1. Xion wields a keyblade resembling Sora's, fake or not.
2. Xion has some thoughts or memories about Sora and Kairi.
3. Xion closely resembles Kairi, more-so than even Namine, or at least as much as her.
4. In a new clip revealed from 358/2 Days DiZ speaks to Namine about restoring Sora's memories, in which Namine responds "...She won't be able to handle it"
5. The requirements for a nobody (as far as we know) are the creation of a heartless, in which a heart is taken/overcome/something to that nature by darkness and a body/soul to remain.
6. Finally, during the events of KH1, Sora released his heart, as well as Kairi's.

If you still haven't figured out where I'm going with this than here it is:
What happens when one body contains two hearts and becomes a heartless...
I propose that Xion is actually Sora's nobody when he contained Kairi's heart.
All feedback is appreciated. Not bad for a first post huh?:thumbsup:


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama

Both hearts have a corresponding heartless from that time; Roxas and Namine.

Answer me this, if nobodies are the body and soul, what is Xion? Is she a nothing like Namine? Or is she a full-fledged nobody?

Kairi had her body and soul, along with her heart at the end of KH1.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Sleeping on the couch at the usual spot until such
If you still haven't figured out where I'm going with this than here it is:
What happens when one body contains two hearts and becomes a heartless...
I propose that Xion is actually Sora's nobody when he contained Kairi's heart.

Assuming you mean to leave Roxas untouched, then what is Namine?

Plus, there's most likely a connection between Xion and Aqua. The distinctive shorter strands in Xion's hair seem to come directly from her, not to mention Aqua looks a bit like an older Kairi to begin with--and assuming Xion DIDN'T come from Sora and/or in fact has no connection with him, Aqua would have to be involved in order for her to possess a Keyblade (or steal one from Roxas).

The thing that drives me the most is the fact that Xemnas addresses Aqua's armor in the Room of Sleep. That's not to say that she couldn't manifest in some other way, but Xion's resemblance and possible dissociation from Sora (requiring a Keymaster's involvement) makes me think in that direction.

Edit: I know we're tearing it apart, but it's not a bad first post. This theory hasn't been completely disproven even now (though I SINCERELY hope it's not the case), and you're a lot more coherent than some of the people I've had to argue with.


xion is da colest but we still dont know much about her some are saying that she is related 2 aqua i think she is they do look da same:toungesmile:


Snobby Von PersnicketyBitch
Jul 29, 2008
And so do a lot of other characters in KH, it's called recycled designs.

Gummi Master

New member
Oct 27, 2008
Excellent! I was hoping this would branch out to Namine!
Alright, well Roxas is 100% a nobody and the only thing that makes him special is that he derived from Sora, this is why he is capable of weilding the Keyblade.
If indeed Xion derives from Kairi's heart in Sora's body at the specific time when Roxas was born then her ability to weild a Keyblade (fake or not) is the same as Roxas'.
This means that Roxas is 100% nobody and Xion is 100% leaving Namine...
Either she is Kairi's heartless, Roxas and/or Xion's nobody, or some other form of existence.
To me all are pluasible, but regarding Xion, there's too much evidence connecting her to Sora/Kairi.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Sleeping on the couch at the usual spot until such
Alright, well Roxas is 100% a nobody and the only thing that makes him special is that he derived from Sora, this is why he is capable of weilding the Keyblade.

I'm not sure that we can make that assertion just yet. He's got some Ven in him, and while that may not make him less of a Nobody, it may complicate things.

If indeed Xion derives from Kairi's heart in Sora's body at the specific time when Roxas was born then her ability to weild a Keyblade (fake or not) is the same as Roxas'.
This means that Roxas is 100% nobody and Xion is 100% leaving Namine...
Either she is Kairi's heartless, Roxas and/or Xion's nobody, or some other form of existence.
To me all are pluasible, but regarding Xion, there's too much evidence connecting her to Sora/Kairi.

Kairi is incapable of having a Heartless. It would have to be born of the darkness in her heart taking over, but she has none.

I'm not sure how Roxas and Xion would have a Nobody, but if SA's onto something, that may be the case.

Byronic Hero

Resonance of Darkness
Jun 29, 2008
Roxas is Sora's Nobody. Namine is Kairi's. So far we can take that as fact. So No I dont think that was how Xion was created, something similar but different maybe, but not exactly this way.

Gummi Master

New member
Oct 27, 2008
Roxas is Sora's Nobody. Namine is Kairi's. So far we can take that as fact. So No I dont think that was how Xion was created, something similar but different maybe, but not exactly this way.

In all honesty I don't think we can take that as 100% fact, as mostly true, yes. In particular with Namine, her existence is clowded in mystery (hopefully to be revealed in 358/2 Days). She has special powers unlike any other being, resembles Kairi, and has connections with Roxas and Xion-this much is true. This is why I find a Ven-->Sora-->Roxas and Aqua-->Kairi-->Xion theory appealing. Also I have stated that perhaps Namine was Kairi's heartless, among other things, I still hold merit to this because, even though Kairi is a PoH and can't produce a heartless, what better existence of a heartless than Namine?


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Sleeping on the couch at the usual spot until such
Also I have stated that perhaps Namine was Kairi's heartless, among other things, I still hold merit to this because, even though Kairi is a PoH and can't produce a heartless, what better existence of a heartless than Namine?

I disagree wholely and completely. Kairi's heart is pure. Without darkness, Heartless cannot happen (no, not even human-shaped Heartless like Xehanort). Also, without a connection to Sora, Namine cannot control his memories.

If Namine were Kairi's Heartless, it would mean she contained Kairi's heart, which we saw return to Kairi already. Also, she spent a year of her (non)existence with DiZ, who has been researching Heartless and Nobodies for years. He deemed her a special Nobody. That's what she is.

Gummi Master

New member
Oct 27, 2008
I disagree wholely and completely. Kairi's heart is pure. Without darkness, Heartless cannot happen (no, not even human-shaped Heartless like Xehanort). Also, without a connection to Sora, Namine cannot control his memories.

If Namine were Kairi's Heartless, it would mean she contained Kairi's heart, which we saw return to Kairi already. Also, she spent a year of her (non)existence with DiZ, who has been researching Heartless and Nobodies for years. He deemed her a special Nobody. That's what she is.

True. So you agree that Namine is indeed, at very least a product of BOTH Sora and Kairi (Kairi's heart in Sora)?

I agree. I no longer think of her as something close to a heartless, but a special existence/nobody.
This idea upholds my theory then that Xion is to Kairi as Roxas is to Sora end where their hearts were sharing the same vessel produced Namine.

Math:1(Sora)-1(Sora's heart)=0(Roxas) ..........(am I calling Roxas a zero, if that's how you see it X)
1(Sora)-1(Kairi's heart)=0(Xion)
1(Sora)-2(Sora and Kairi's heart)= -1(Namine)


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Sleeping on the couch at the usual spot until such
True. So you agree that Namine is indeed, at very least a product of BOTH Sora and Kairi (Kairi's heart in Sora)?

I agree. I no longer think of her as something close to a heartless, but a special existence/nobody.
This idea upholds my theory then that Xion is to Kairi as Roxas is to Sora end where their hearts were sharing the same vessel produced Namine.

Math:1(Sora)-1(Sora's heart)=0(Roxas) ..........(am I calling Roxas a zero, if that's how you see it X)
1(Sora)-1(Kairi's heart)=0(Xion)
1(Sora)-2(Sora and Kairi's heart)= -1(Namine)

I've believed that Namine resulted from Kairi's heart leaving Sora's body since about the middle of KH2, I think.

Not to be rude, but I'm not following how the math matches the body count. (Namine is already stretching physics by existing without a "lifeless shell.") I guess there are other ways in which Xion could be Kairi's Nobody, but I don't really see them.

For that to be the case, to begin with, the heart would have to leave KAIRI, and thus a pure Nobody. Except that, according to her PoH status, this is impossible.

Xion's definitely got some Aqua in her, but not the whole thing; whereas Roxas is an exact replica of Ven, Xion's a mixture, so I don't get the feeling she resulted in the same way (as far as Ven-Aqua absorption, not Kairi's Nobody status).


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Sleeping on the couch at the usual spot until such
what does that mean and i hate kiari

Platonic=not romantic.

The Sokai relationship carries weight ONLY because Sora was lusting over her at Halloween Town and other places. But that's the only time I've seen where it was reciprocal; most of it's Kairi, and all her advances are done very badly. (Read SA's essay on Kairi vs. Namine and you'll see what I mean.)


New member
Oct 1, 2008
The Castle That Never Was in the World That Never
So I have an idea:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Kairi's heart was ripped out by the heartless, but being PoH, she couldn't become a heartless. Since she couldn't become heartless, she couldn’t have a nobody, also due to the fact that her body was just sitting there. Now, Kairi's heart was intertwined with Sora's. But when he released their hearts something happened:<o:p></o:p>
Roxas/the shadow/Anti-Sora:<o:p></o:p>
Roxas was "born" from Sora's soul and body, thus he is a true nobody (Sora's). But maybe in the past Ven's heart went into Sora's and that is why they look identical (also just for the record, Roxas looks like Ven, not the other way around, because timeline wise, Ven came first, not Roxas). And while that was happening, due to the darkness within it, Sora's heart became a heartless, a shadow that for some unknown reason (possibly because Roxas bonded with him) became the Anti-Sora.<o:p></o:p>
Kairi's heart was hidden within Sora's, but when Sora opened his heart to darkness, it was released. Now because of Kairi's PoH status, she can't have a heartless, and beacuse of that, she can't have a nobody. But maybe, due to the fact that there hearts were one, when Sora opened his heart his darkness was used to help make Namine and Xion. Kairi's heart and Sora's darkness were used to create Xion as a heartless, while Kairi's soul and Sora's body were used to create Namine as a nobody. That could explain why Xion looks like Kairi and can use a keyblade, and why Namine's powers only affect Sora and why she doesn't remember being Kairi. Also, this could be flipped to say that Namine is the heartless and Xion is the nobody, but as Ansam has said that Namine is a nobody and since we don't know for sure whether Xion is a true nobody, it doesn't work that well that way.<o:p></o:p>
This is just an idea that kinda make sense. And you can't say that it doesn't work because Kairi had her body and heart because Sora had his body while Roxas was still out there. Anyway... what do you think?<o:p></o:p>


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Sleeping on the couch at the usual spot until such
Roxas/the shadow/Anti-Sora:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Roxas was "born" from Sora's soul and body, thus he is a true nobody (Sora's). But maybe in the past Ven's heart went into Sora's and that is why they look identical (also just for the record, Roxas looks like Ven, not the other way around, because timeline wise, Ven came first, not Roxas). And while that was happening, due to the darkness within it, Sora's heart became a heartless, a shadow that for some unknown reason (possibly because Roxas bonded with him) became the Anti-Sora.

The only Anti-Sora I know about (other than the Drive Form, which is still part of Sora and I don't know how to BEGIN to explain) came from Riku, long before Roxas was ever conceived.
Kairi's heart was hidden within Sora's, but when Sora opened his heart to darkness, it was released. Now because of Kairi's PoH status, she can't have a heartless, and beacuse of that, she can't have a nobody. But maybe, due to the fact that there hearts were one, when Sora opened his heart his darkness was used to help make Namine and Xion. Kairi's heart and Sora's darkness were used to create Xion as a heartless, while Kairi's soul and Sora's body were used to create Namine as a nobody. That could explain why Xion looks like Kairi and can use a keyblade, and why Namine's powers only affect Sora and why she doesn't remember being Kairi. Also, this could be flipped to say that Namine is the heartless and Xion is the nobody, but as Ansam has said that Namine is a nobody and since we don't know for sure whether Xion is a true nobody, it doesn't work that well that way.<o:p></o:p>
This is just an idea that kinda make sense. And you can't say that it doesn't work because Kairi had her body and heart because Sora had his body while Roxas was still out there. Anyway... what do you think?<o:p></o:p>

A Heartless must have a heart, just as a Nobody must (or at least is SUPPOSED to) have a body. Xion could be a human-shaped Heartless, but if SHE was that strong, why was Sora's Heartless just a shadow? And whose heart does she have? And why didn't the Organization slaughter her on sight and grab themselves another heart?

DiZ says that Namine is a special Nobody, and Xigbar says that Xion is a special Nobody, but apparently Xigbar can't be taken seriously (you know, only having been around since, oh, Xehanort).

Sora was a human-shaped Heartless, actually. Or at least that's the impression I got. If he DID have some body to him, maybe it resulted from Kairi sacrificing it for him, and thus the reason why Namine returned to her. But that sounds like bull so I doubt it.

Byronic Hero

Resonance of Darkness
Jun 29, 2008
A Heartless must have a heart, just as a Nobody must (or at least is SUPPOSED to) have a body. Xion could be a human-shaped Heartless, but if SHE was that strong, why was Sora's Heartless just a shadow? And whose heart does she have? And why didn't the Organization slaughter her on sight and grab themselves another heart?

DiZ says that Namine is a special Nobody, and Xigbar says that Xion is a special Nobody, but apparently Xigbar can't be taken seriously (you know, only having been around since, oh, Xehanort).

Sora was a human-shaped Heartless, actually. Or at least that's the impression I got. If he DID have some body to him, maybe it resulted from Kairi sacrificing it for him, and thus the reason why Namine returned to her. But that sounds like bull so I doubt it.

The power of your heartless depende on how much darkness you have in your heart at the time it is taken. Since Sora only had a little bit, he turned into a lowly Shadow.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Sleeping on the couch at the usual spot until such
The power of your heartless depende on how much darkness you have in your heart at the time it is taken. Since Sora only had a little bit, he turned into a lowly Shadow.

Well then Xion just plain CAN'T be a Heartless, because there's not enough darkness in Sora's heart--much less his and Kairi's heart combined--to create a human-shaped Heartless.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Swallowed by darkness
please dont flame. Now, maybe, since kairi body soul and heart were still intact at the end of kingdom hearts, a heartless or a nobody couldn't have been created. Sora, on the other hand, might have been running around as just a heart, (please dont flame) maybe, namine is actually just soras soul, and she is a girl because of sora and kairis time as one heart, which is why her powers only affects soras memories, as for roxas, he is just the body part. Xion, Might have been created when namine screwed with soras memories, and altered his memory of kairi. That might be why she just dissapears, and nobody ever mentions her.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Sleeping on the couch at the usual spot until such
please dont flame. Now, maybe, since kairi body soul and heart were still intact at the end of kingdom hearts, a heartless or a nobody couldn't have been created. Sora, on the other hand, might have been running around as just a heart, (please dont flame) maybe, namine is actually just soras soul, and she is a girl because of sora and kairis time as one heart, which is why her powers only affects soras memories, as for roxas, he is just the body part. Xion, Might have been created when namine screwed with soras memories, and altered his memory of kairi. That might be why she just dissapears, and nobody ever mentions her.

She can't be Sora's soul, actually, because Roxas is Sora's body AND soul. If the soul leaves the body, the person dies.

Xion may have, but it doesn't really explain where she got her body (not that Namine's one to talk as far as that's concerned).


New member
Oct 29, 2008
Namine was noted as kairi's special nobody because of sora becoming a heartless right at the time he had opened his heart with the keyblade. Xion is probably Kairi's actual nobody because namine was assigned her nobody:)
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