Re: Xemnas IS Terra?yes indeed
Truthly,When Xehanort took over Terra, Terra's heart tried to take back control of his body. Xehanort tried to remove Terra's heart, messed up, and locked both hearts from controlling the body. Then the amnesiac Terra-Xehanort became Ansem the Wise's apprentice.
Terra-Xehanort became a Heartless willingly, for the power of darkness and because he sought knowledge,this heartless went off and named himself Ansem
,because of this a nobody was formed from both Terra and Xehanort,Xemnas,that is why he has both Terra and Xehanort's memories
,also......Sora destroys Ansem(leader of heartless)in KH1,then he destroys Xemnas(leader of nobodies)in KH2,but when you desrtoy both halfs it comes back into a whole,just like Lea(Axel),
so since Sora destroyed both halfs,it will come to be Terra-Xehanort,most likely you'll be fighting him in KH3....Hope this helped suscribe to me on youtube
DiamondGamin - YouTube ohh yea almost forgot a little sneak peek to you gamers
LEA(axel)holds a keyblade ive had all kh games and i can tell you if you havent played it yet on 3DS you need to i highly reccomend it to everyone