Well what is wrong with it? People call me Emo as if it were a bad thing
Say waht ever ya want to say(Cause I'll get you back in Hell)
Say waht ever ya want to say(Cause I'll get you back in Hell)
Those are stereo-types. It's a shame people don't even know what "emo" means. Besides, the majority "emo people" are posers. Correction, the majority of "people" are posers.Keybearer00 said:okay
1.my hair isen't greasy
2.I don't cry anymore(I got sick of it long ago)
3.What music are you refearing to, I listen to Rise Against,AFI,From First To Lsst, and stuff like that
4.I wear tight shirts and baggy pants(spikey bracelets and those gloves at hot topic are also things I wear)
5.So do goths, besides cutting yourself is fun
6.I only get depressed at big things
*I'll address these by number*Keybearer00 said:okay
1.my hair isen't greasy
2.I don't cry anymore(I got sick of it long ago)
3.What music are you refearing to, I listen to Rise Against,AFI,From First To Lsst, and stuff like that
5.So do goths, besides cutting yourself is fun
6.I only get depressed at big things
billabong13 said:Must I explain?
Things Wrong With Emo's
1. Greasy hair that smears all over their faces (not that we'd want to see them cry anyways)
2. They cry too damn much.
3. Their music sucks total ass.
4. They wear fleece and tight pants.
5. They cut themselves.
6. They depress themselves over small matters.
Forgive me if I missed anything major, but these are the ones that I got off the top of my head.
billabong13 said:^ No, you're just short and annoying.
billabong13 said:1. Your username.
2. Your picture.
billabong13 said:What does resizing your pics have to do with your height?
If you don't understand what I'm trying to say, it's that I've seen your picture in the Picture thread and you're still short.