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Worlds of Kingdom Hearts | Star Wars is here, bby! Other live action films?


Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Ditto and the same thing can be said for other animated films such as The Princess and the Frog, Wreck-it Ralph, Moana and especially Zootopia that become worlds for future KH games and have SDG more involved and relevant to the plot of the movie's world (be it an original story or a retelling of the original movie) compared to their adventures in the Frozen and Tangled worlds in KH3.

Basically the problem with the Frozen world and to an extension the Tangled world in KH3 is that they either act as strangers and having little interactions between the films cast by just meeting them once and doing their own adventure from beginning to end without being acknowledged (in Frozen's case) or having the story of the movie's world feel "forced and linear" by making SDG involved with the cast for a time being then separating from them in parts of the story then reuniting with them and then separating from them again and not be acknowledged until the climax of the world making them feel out of place (in Tangled's case). On top of that the Tangled world made a Lot changes by changing characters personalities and elements (e.g. Marluxia replacing the Stabbington Brothers, Making Flynn/Eugene a lone thief lacking Empathy, Gothel a pawn to the Organization, etc..) and leaving so many plotholes out from the original film, that will either frustrate people who've seen the movie and confuse players who haven't seen the original movie (in Tangled's case). Just imagine if the development team pull a "Marluxia" and replace one of the specific characters from the film and replacing them with one of the Foretellers or Luxu/Xigbar.

That's the part that gives me skepticism, it's not just Frozen I'm concerned about and hoping Disney or whomever will give them less guidelines and restrictions for Arendelle but it's moreso the other animated films from Disney like Wreck-it Ralph, Moana, Zootopia and to some degree The Princess and the Frog to suffer the same treatment as what the Frozen and the Tangled worlds in KH3 endure.
A lot of people I know who played KH3 and never watched Tangled actually really enjoyed Kingdom of Corona's world (playing it and the story). The only thing that confused them was the satchet, but aside from that they thought it was a fun early world with an interesting story. One of the things they really liked about it was that they felt close to Rapunzel/Flynn because you could talk to them as you travel to the kingdom.

I never really got why people compared Kingdom of Corona to Arendelle. Corona was handled way better than Arendelle. Larxene was basically the voice of The Walt Disney Empire scolding for Sora for even getting close to Elsa and doing anything possible to keep him away from her. She doesn't even speak to Elsa or Anna or anyone else from that world. At least Marluxia interacted with Mother Gothel and Rapunzel; he also fit the world thematically.

Out of all the worlds in KH3, you can clearly tell that Arendelle was the one Disney was most protective of... which makes me not want to see it again. I want worlds that will either give me an original plot that complements the main story or a film reenactment that Sora and the gang are actually involved with and is somewhat related to the main story.


Well-known member
May 17, 2018
A lot of people I know who played KH3 and never watched Tangled actually really enjoyed Kingdom of Corona's world (playing it and the story). The only thing that confused them was the satchet, but aside from that they thought it was a fun early world with an interesting story. One of the things they really liked about it was that they felt close to Rapunzel/Flynn because you could talk to them as you travel to the kingdom.
I'm aware but then again it goes back to my previous post. Anyone who haven't seen the original movie that the level is based on (e.g. Tangled, The Pirates movies (which is understandable cause they either ONLY saw the first film and/or second film. Not so much the third film as it was a VERY divisive film for PoTC fans), Tron (also understandable, which I'll get into), and maybe The Princess and the Frog, Wreck-it Ralph, Moana and Zootopia) they either will get confused or don't know what is going on here if they haven't seen the movie first prior to playing the level. Which is funny, cause Tangled is still one of Disney's most well-known animated films in the last decade other than Frozen, Zootopia, etc., and it does perplexed me to not see not many people watching the movie before playing the level in KH3. At least with Tron when it became a level in KH2 it made sense cause not many people particularly those who were born in the 1990's and 2000's (including myself) weren't familiar with this obscure Disney film and they didn't started watching that film after they played the level in KH2.

Also this video gives a better explanation on the problems with the Tangled world:

Secondly regarding the Satchel, more than likely Gothel gave it to Rapunzel off-screen after her only encounter with Sora, Donald and Goofy in the swamp as it was mentioned in the Journal entry description in Jiminy's Journal and pretty much it was just like what happened in the original movie:

I never really got why people compared Kingdom of Corona to Arendelle. Corona was handled way better than Arendelle. Larxene was basically the voice of The Walt Disney Empire scolding for Sora for even getting close to Elsa and doing anything possible to keep him away from her. She doesn't even speak to Elsa or Anna or anyone else from that world. At least Marluxia interacted with Mother Gothel and Rapunzel; he also fit the world thematically.

Out of all the worlds in KH3, you can clearly tell that Arendelle was the one Disney was most protective of... which makes me not want to see it again. I want worlds that will either give me an original plot that complements the main story or a film reenactment that Sora and the gang are actually involved with and is somewhat related to the main story.
Once again and Last time saying this!! While I agree with you and to EVERYONE that Kingdom of Corona had a better environment and story than Arendelle as Sora and the gang had more interactions with the cast (minus Pascal) than the Frozen characters, it doesn’t mean that the worlds story is “Better” as frankly parts of the world felt “forced” (even more FORCED than Arendelle and The Caribbean) and TOO linear compared to the original movie such as How Eugene/Flynn got knocked unconscious, Him escaping from the Guards with Maximus help (minus the Pub Thugs) and Revealing his real name at the end of the world to SDG.

Secondly, Sora just wouldn’t shut up when he tried to call out Rapunzel and attracted attention of the antagonists even if he showed concerned for Rapunzel's well being. The First time attracted Gothel’s attention, the second time attracted Marluxia’s attention. Just watching him calling Rapunzel (the second time before Marluxia appeared) almost made me want to shut him up about to interfere the events of the movie and especially the “world order!” Even. Donald and Goofy did absolutely NOTHING and stood idle while Sora remained unconscious until Maximus woke him up the next day thanks to Marluxia. Shame on them.

Flynn/Eugene’s character in the game was vastly different compared to his role in the original movie. Basically as the Stabbington Brothers were written out of the game and replaced with Marluxia (believe me EVERYONE but their Grandmothers saw this a mile away when the film was announced as a world and knew he was going to replace the brothers) he is the ONLY thief that steals the crown and his reasonings on why he wanted to return the crown and Satchel in KH3 felt not only lacking and “forced” but it had little to no purpose compared to why he wanted to return it in the original movie.

Also not only do Sora and the gang never question Rapunzel's long hair along with witnessing Rapunzel’s magic powers through her hair, but they also didn’t know about Mother Gothel true colors and remained blissfully unaware about her after their first and ONLY time encountering her until Marluxia reveals her real colors to them through context. Wanna hear the worse part, they, especially Goofy (who is supposed to be the intelligent one of the trio) didn’t grow suspicious with Mother Gothel especially when she coldly dismissed them and said they were “useless and of no help”. I mean If I was present with them and after our first encounter with Gothel once she dismiss us and leaves, I too would be the first to question and feel suspicious about Gothel especially when she coldly dismiss us as “useless” and wether if she really is Rapunzel’s “real mother” (which she isn’t). Even they remain blissfully unaware that Flynn/Eugene got knocked out and when they (particularly Donald and Goofy) see him again they don't question what happened to him they just say, "Flynn Sora's unconscious" and "Oh no Rapunzel is held Captive" etc. it felt too preachy and over the top.

Lastly, compared to Toy Box, Monstropolis, San Fransokyo, Olympus and The Caribbean, especially the former 4 they were not always together with Rapunzel and Flynn/Eugene in the world as they tend to separate then reunite with them for certain instances of the world which just became "repetitive".

Think about it, Rapunzel and Flynn separate from the trio while they were fighting the Reaper Nobodies, when SDG reunited with them they just befriended Maximus, then they separate again when they arrive at the Kingdom (which is where they stop joining the party afterwards, mainly Rapunzel following post story) and don't reunite with them when Rapunzel does the Kingdom Dance, then they don't interact with them again (mainly Rapunzel) until once they start rescuing her from the Tower from Gothel and after Flynn/Eugene has been healed.

I'm sorry, but I’m more disappointed with the Kingdom of Corona than Arendelle IMAO (of course this doesn't mean Arendelle was superior but it's a different issue compared to Corona), so while it's above Arendelle in terms of SDG's interacting with Rapunzel and Flynn I say it's below the other 5 KH3 Disney worlds in terms of story in my opinion.

Also why would I say Arendelle and Corona are the same when honestly I was more frustrated with how linear and forced Kingdom of Corona's story was? The Main point and I'm saying this one last time if we wound up getting worlds based on The Princess and the Frog, Wreck-it Ralph, Moana and especially Zootopia in a future KH game, I want SDG feeling more involved and relevant to the plot of the movie's world (be it an original or a retelling of the movie) and not feel "Dejá Vu" like the Frozen and the Tangled worlds in KH3 where they either act as strangers and have little interactions between the film's cast or having the story of the movie's world feel "forced and linear" by making SDG involved for a time being with the film's cast then separating from them in parts of the story then not be involved until the climax of the world resulting in the trio feeling out of place.

Lastly FYI, not EVERYONE will mostly agree that Kingdom of Corona is "the best" world, some enjoy it, others are divided, other don't like it. Same can be said with Arendelle or ANY Disney world in KH3, in fact there are a few people out there that enjoyed Arendelle despite the restrictions Disney put and the lack of variety the world had and those that didn't like San Fransokyo and/or The Caribbean (either for the story or level design).

You can continue arguing "till the cows come home" but honestly I'm putting my foot down on Corona. While I do enjoy the world for SDG's interactions with Rapunzel and Flynn (minus Pascal cause they hardly notice him), going to the Kingdom and doing the dance with Rapunzel, I'm sorry it still was below the other KH3 Disney worlds in terms of story (which frankly I think that was the worlds BIGGEST detriment to a degree) along with Sora, Donald and Goofy (who is supposed to be the intelligent one of the trio) not growing suspicious with Mother Gothel after their FIRST and ONLY encounter with her the moment she coldly dismissed them and said they were “useless and of no help”.
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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2015
It's points like above that makes me SEVERELY worried about the worlds in the future games. You see how messy the story-told worlds are, and the retelling has BEEN a mess since 2. The only world that actually more-or-less retold the story is Agrabah, and even then Sora, Donald, and Goofy felt...somewhat involved. I especially loved the conversations between Jafar and Maleficent. That being said...the worlds of 3 makes me...exceedingly worried about the other worlds. ESPECIALLY the more modern ones like Wreck-it-Ralph, Zootopia, Moana, and so on if they were as restrictive as they were.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I'm aware but then again it goes back to my previous post. Anyone who haven't seen the original movie that the level is based on (e.g. Tangled, The Pirates movies (which is understandable cause they either ONLY saw the first film and/or second film. Not so much the third film as it was a VERY divisive film for PoTC fans), Tron (also understandable, which I'll get into), and maybe The Princess and the Frog, Wreck-it Ralph, Moana and Zootopia) they either will get confused or don't know what is going on here if they haven't seen the movie first prior to playing the level. Which is funny, cause Tangled is still one of Disney's most well-known animated films in the last decade other than Frozen, Zootopia, etc., and it does perplexed me to not see not many people watching the movie before playing the level in KH3. At least with Tron when it became a level in KH2 it made sense cause not many people particularly those who were born in the 1990's and 2000's (including myself) weren't familiar with this obscure Disney film and they didn't started watching that film after they played the level in KH2.

Also this video gives a better explanation on the problems with the Tangled world:

Secondly regarding the Satchel, more than likely Gothel gave it to Rapunzel off-screen after her only encounter with Sora, Donald and Goofy in the swamp as it was mentioned in the Journal entry description in Jiminy's Journal and pretty much it was just like what happened in the original movie:

Once again and Last time saying this!! While I agree with you and to EVERYONE that Kingdom of Corona had a better environment and story than Arendelle as Sora and the gang had more interactions with the cast (minus Pascal) than the Frozen characters, it doesn’t mean that the worlds story is “Better” as frankly parts of the world felt “forced” (even more FORCED than Arendelle and The Caribbean) and TOO linear compared to the original movie such as How Eugene/Flynn got knocked unconscious, Him escaping from the Guards with Maximus help (minus the Pub Thugs) and Revealing his real name at the end of the world to SDG.

Secondly, Sora just wouldn’t shut up when he tried to call out Rapunzel and attracted attention of the antagonists even if he showed concerned for Rapunzel's well being. The First time attracted Gothel’s attention, the second time attracted Marluxia’s attention. Just watching him calling Rapunzel (the second time before Marluxia appeared) almost made me want to shut him up about to interfere the events of the movie and especially the “world order!” Even. Donald and Goofy did absolutely NOTHING and stood idle while Sora remained unconscious until Maximus woke him up the next day thanks to Marluxia. Shame on them.

Flynn/Eugene’s character in the game was vastly different compared to his role in the original movie. Basically as the Stabbington Brothers were written out of the game and replaced with Marluxia (believe me EVERYONE but their Grandmothers saw this a mile away when the film was announced as a world and knew he was going to replace the brothers) he is the ONLY thief that steals the crown and his reasonings on why he wanted to return the crown and Satchel in KH3 felt not only lacking and “forced” but it had little to no purpose compared to why he wanted to return it in the original movie.

Also not only do Sora and the gang never question Rapunzel's long hair along with witnessing Rapunzel’s magic powers through her hair, but they also didn’t know about Mother Gothel true colors and remained blissfully unaware about her after their first and ONLY time encountering her until Marluxia reveals her real colors to them through context. Wanna hear the worse part, they, especially Goofy (who is supposed to be the intelligent one of the trio) didn’t grow suspicious with Mother Gothel especially when she coldly dismissed them and said they were “useless and of no help”. I mean If I was present with them and after our first encounter with Gothel once she dismiss us and leaves, I too would be the first to question and feel suspicious about Gothel especially when she coldly dismiss us as “useless” and wether if she really is Rapunzel’s “real mother” (which she isn’t). Even they remain blissfully unaware that Flynn/Eugene got knocked out and when they (particularly Donald and Goofy) see him again they don't question what happened to him they just say, "Flynn Sora's unconscious" and "Oh no Rapunzel is held Captive" etc. it felt too preachy and over the top.

Lastly, compared to Toy Box, Monstropolis, San Fransokyo, Olympus and The Caribbean, especially the former 4 they were not always together with Rapunzel and Flynn/Eugene in the world as they tend to separate then reunite with them for certain instances of the world which just became "repetitive".

Think about it, Rapunzel and Flynn separate from the trio while they were fighting the Reaper Nobodies, when SDG reunited with them they just befriended Maximus, then they separate again when they arrive at the Kingdom (which is where they stop joining the party afterwards, mainly Rapunzel following post story) and don't reunite with them when Rapunzel does the Kingdom Dance, then they don't interact with them again (mainly Rapunzel) until once they start rescuing her from the Tower from Gothel and after Flynn/Eugene has been healed.

I'm sorry, but I’m more disappointed with the Kingdom of Corona than Arendelle IMAO (of course this doesn't mean Arendelle was superior but it's a different issue compared to Corona), so while it's above Arendelle in terms of SDG's interacting with Rapunzel and Flynn I say it's below the other 5 KH3 Disney worlds in terms of story in my opinion.

Also why would I say Arendelle and Corona are the same when honestly I was more frustrated with how linear and forced Kingdom of Corona's story was? The Main point and I'm saying this one last time if we wound up getting worlds based on The Princess and the Frog, Wreck-it Ralph, Moana and especially Zootopia in a future KH game, I want SDG feeling more involved and relevant to the plot of the movie's world (be it an original or a retelling of the movie) and not feel "Dejá Vu" like the Frozen and the Tangled worlds in KH3 where they either act as strangers and have little interactions between the film's cast or having the story of the movie's world feel "forced and linear" by making SDG involved for a time being with the film's cast then separating from them in parts of the story then not be involved until the climax of the world resulting in the trio feeling out of place.

Lastly FYI, not EVERYONE will mostly agree that Kingdom of Corona is "the best" world, some enjoy it, others are divided, other don't like it. Same can be said with Arendelle or ANY Disney world in KH3, in fact there are a few people out there that enjoyed Arendelle despite the restrictions Disney put and the lack of variety the world had and those that didn't like San Fransokyo and/or The Caribbean (either for the story or level design).

You can continue arguing "till the cows come home" but honestly I'm putting my foot down on Corona. While I do enjoy the world for SDG's interactions with Rapunzel and Flynn (minus Pascal cause they hardly notice him), going to the Kingdom and doing the dance with Rapunzel, I'm sorry it still was below the other KH3 Disney worlds in terms of story (which frankly I think that was the worlds BIGGEST detriment to a degree) along with Sora, Donald and Goofy (who is supposed to be the intelligent one of the trio) not growing suspicious with Mother Gothel after their FIRST and ONlY encounter with her the moment she coldly dismissed them and said they were “useless and of no help”.
Aren't Sora, Donald and Goofy always strangers when visiting new worlds? At least if they ever revisit Kingdom of Corona, I can BUY Rapunzel and Flynn welcoming them back as friends. If they revisit Arendelle and encounter Elsa/Anna, I would expect them to not know who the hell Sora, Donald, and Goofy are. Elsa spoke to them once for less than five minutes, then basically never saw them again (except standing on the boat far away after unfreezing Arendelle).

I'm not saying Kingdom of Corona was the best world, I'm just saying that for people who didn't even watch the movie, it was a solid world that conveyed a story well enough to keep people engaged. I mean it changed the plot from the film a bit and took out characters, but I can't buy the Sora/Donald/Goofy being excluded and separated from Rapunzel/Flynn. They get separated after the nobody attack and then get reunited after the swamp area, then get split up for good at the Kingdom. That was basically 3/4 of the world, and for the last bit Flynn joins you as Rapunzel is kidnapped. I mean a scene showing how they met Maximus would have been nice, but not necessary.

You really think that Sora, Donald, and Goofy are going to immediately become suspicious of Mother Gothel after a five minute interaction? They know that Rapunzel was breaking her mother's rule by leaving the tower, so they really wouldn't know who is in the wrong. They're also the group that believed that "Ping" was a boy. Sora's also the boy that wanted to escape his world on a wooden log raft with food to last one day for one person to be split between three. I think it's reasonable that they didn't see Gothel and think "villain!" immediately. I mean Sora's befriended Jack Skellington -- who on first glance does not seem friendly -- the same goes for The Beast.

I think we all want Sora and the gang to feel relevant to the plot in the Disney world, but things will get cut or changed. I think the best implementation of Disney worlds was the KH1 way -- either original story (Olympus Coliseum) or hybrid story of the film and original plot (Agrabah/Atlantica/NeverLand).

My biggest concern for future films is Disney's limitations and control over the worlds. Monstropolis would have been PERFECT to me if they allowed Randall be a mid-world boss. Instead PIXAR demanded that Randall not fight. What happened in Arendelle was basically a slap in the face to Frozen fans, but still probably the worst treatment of a Disney world in a numbered game. I can actually think of side games that had Disney worlds used better than Arendelle in KH3.

I agree with you that Sora, Donald or Goofy should have questioned Rapunzel about her hair. It would have allowed her to talk about Mother Gothel, so that when they met her they could have some context about who they were dealing with at that time. It also made Sora -- who is normally an inquisitive boy -- seem less interested. I mean really long hair isn't anything special compared to all the stuff Sora's seen (I mean if you went to Toy Box before Corona, Sora was literally a toy fighting alongside other toys). But I do remember loving the scene when they ask Peter Pan how come he can fly so nonchalantly.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2015
My biggest concern for future films is Disney's limitations and control over the worlds. Monstropolis would have been PERFECT to me if they allowed Randall be a mid-world boss. Instead PIXAR demanded that Randall not fight. What happened in Arendelle was basically a slap in the face to Frozen fans, but still probably the worst treatment of a Disney world in a numbered game. I can actually think of side games that had Disney worlds used better than Arendelle in KH3.

Really because I can't. In my opinion EVERY world in BBS was the equivilent to Arendelle. TAV were just there, (Terra's a GODDAMN idiot for not understanding a bad guy when they're clear as fucking day), Sora, Donald, and Goofy were.....just there in KH2. And they had no relevance in the worlds until the 2nd act when the Organization kicked in. Talking about Disney worlds here. 2 WORLDS outta 11 did their retelling story right. That's not good. Any relevance Recoded had was dropped in 3, by all means do say I'm wrong.


Well-known member
May 17, 2018
Aren't Sora, Donald and Goofy always strangers when visiting new worlds? At least if they ever revisit Kingdom of Corona, I can BUY Rapunzel and Flynn welcoming them back as friends. If they revisit Arendelle and encounter Elsa/Anna, I would expect them to not know who the hell Sora, Donald, and Goofy are. Elsa spoke to them once for less than five minutes, then basically never saw them again (except standing on the boat far away after unfreezing Arendelle).
Of course they act as strangers when they visit the Disney and Pixar worlds, but what I'm saying is that if they encountered and meet the characters from the films world and just meet them ONLY once and/or not being acknowledged by them (in Frozen's case) in the climax/ending of the world. That's why I remain pessimistic if The Princess and the Frog, Wreck-It Ralph, Moana, Zootopia and ANY future Disney animated film if they become worlds in a future KH game will wound up with restrictions and guidelines by Disney just like what happened to the Frozen world in KH3 which resulted in having SDG encountering the films cast ONCE but not be acknowledged by them for the majority of the world including the climax or making the plot of the movies world too "linear and forced" like what happened with the Tangled world.

and for the last bit Flynn joins you as Rapunzel is kidnapped.
Yeah, but he didn't join the party and they separate from him once again when the trio were facing the Reaper nobodies while he goes on ahead to the tower. The rest of it (Gothel stabbing Flynn/Eugene, Eugene cutting Rapunzel's hair causing Gothel aged to dust, Rapunzel healing Flynn/Eugene) just had Sora Donald and Goofy being just "There" in the background not knowing what's happening ever since Flynn went of to the tower to rescue Rapunzel (yeah they saw Gothel's cloak before it was immediately turned into the Grim Guardianess Heartless and witness Flynn/Eugene dying until Rapunzel revived him with the Healing incantation) but they weren't acknowledged by the cast until after Eugene was Healed. Just Imagine if SDG were involved during the climax of Wreck-It Ralph, Moana and Zootopia but are just "there" in the background doing their own conflict (e.g. Fighting a Giant Heartless), while the movies characters just primarily play out like in the movie but SDG don't get acknowledged by the film's cast until after the conflict is solved.

You really think that Sora, Donald, and Goofy are going to immediately become suspicious of Mother Gothel after a five minute interaction? They know that Rapunzel was breaking her mother's rule by leaving the tower, so they really wouldn't know who is in the wrong. They're also the group that believed that "Ping" was a boy. Sora's also the boy that wanted to escape his world on a wooden log raft with food to last one day for one person to be split between three. I think it's reasonable that they didn't see Gothel and think "villain!" immediately. I mean Sora's befriended Jack Skellington -- who on first glance does not seem friendly -- the same goes for The Beast.
Regardless of it, that scene alone still raised Red Flags to SDG after their only Encounter with Gothel. If I were in their shoes or be right beside them and if Gothel gave me the cold shoulder calling me "useless of no help" I too would raise an eyebrow and think to myself you know something feels of with this woman. Honestly not having SDG ask Rapunzel about her hair, how it glows, and briefly touch upon Gothel would allow the trio to know about Rapunzel's hair and mainly Gothel once they meet her once in the swamp, but instead it was just told through context by Marluxia very late in the worlds middle act, so THAT was a missed opportunity IMAO.

Also, FYI, even if Gothel and Rapunzel saw/Encounter Marluxia ONCE none of them ever bring up his name nor mention his name again for the remainder of the world. At least with Monstropolis, Toy Box and San Fransokyo they do acknowledged the Organization, particularly the former when Randall had a "teamup" with Vanitas.
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Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Really because I can't. In my opinion EVERY world in BBS was the equivilent to Arendelle. TAV were just there, (Terra's a GODDAMN idiot for not understanding a bad guy when they're clear as fucking day), Sora, Donald, and Goofy were.....just there in KH2. And they had no relevance in the worlds until the 2nd act when the Organization kicked in. Talking about Disney worlds here. 2 WORLDS outta 11 did their retelling story right. That's not good. Any relevance Recoded had was dropped in 3, by all means do say I'm wrong.
Sure BbS had TAV "just there", but at least we got to see ACTUAL LOCATIONS FROM THE FILM the worlds were based on AND ACTUALLY SEE CHARACTERS FROM THE FILM FOR MORE THAN 5 SECONDS. "Arendelle" isn't even visited, we see it from on top of the mountain. We're just on a mountain and a made up ice labyrinth to add diversity to the lacking world. We see Elsa's castle, but can't even go in. Any of the BbS worlds offered more than that in terms of the Disney worlds.

Which 2 worlds did their retelling right?


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2015
Sure BbS had TAV "just there", but at least we got to see ACTUAL LOCATIONS FROM THE FILM the worlds were based on AND ACTUALLY SEE CHARACTERS FROM THE FILM FOR MORE THAN 5 SECONDS. "Arendelle" isn't even visited, we see it from on top of the mountain. We're just on a mountain and a made up ice labyrinth to add diversity to the lacking world. We see Elsa's castle, but can't even go in. Any of the BbS worlds offered more than that in terms of the Disney worlds.

Which 2 worlds did their retelling right?
I'll stand my guard that TAV had such useless filler in each Disney world, but I WILL give you that. They do at least go to different places...while SDG are secluded to...only the mountains.

The 2 words I'm talking about in KH2 are Beast's Castle & Space Paranoids. They've done a tremendous job reeling in the plot of the overall story while still maintaining their retelling. It actually felt like Sora, Donald, and Goofy, even Xaldin were involved in the world rather than being...just there. I might also give that spot to KH1's Agrabah, being the only world that (somewhat) did the story retelling and integrating the original plot of the Princesses. Better that than the Organization literally doing NOTHING to try to get Anna, Elsa, and Rapunzel. The NEW 7 Princesses of Hearts haven't even been brought up after Arendelle.


New member
May 23, 2019
Does anyone remember Meet the Robinsons? the movie was done by Disney. someone brought it to my attention and I thought what a fun mess of a world it would make. tho it would have to use the plot of the movie...


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2015
Meet the Robinsons, if it was in KH3, would've done SOMETHING to tackle the explanation of this mess in this series known as Time Traveling, tbh. There's no telling how restrictive Disney would be in regards of this gem, though.


Well-known member
May 17, 2018
Meet the Robinsons, if it was in KH3, would've done SOMETHING to tackle the explanation of this mess in this series known as Time Traveling, tbh. There's no telling how restrictive Disney would be in regards of this gem, though.
I don't think Disney will be as restrictive with this film when compared to the Pixar worlds (e.g. Monster's Inc.), Frozen, Tangled and presumably their later animated films if they become worlds (e.g. Wreck-It Ralph, Zootopia, Moana, etc.)

Come to think of it I could see this be a world for the next KH game before KH4 alongside Wreck-It Ralph.
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Legendary Member
Nov 25, 2016
There's still things that we don't know about Time Traveling in the Kingdom Hearts Universe, sure we have the basis of Rules from Xehanort but how does that explain Maleficent going back to the Age of Fairy Tales, Timeless River?

I think they only knew an easy way to Time Travel but with the Introduction of World Lines we could get more Information about Time Travel and Meet the Robinsons could tie into the plot of Kingdom Hearts 4 or a Side Game.


Well-known member
May 17, 2018
There's still things that we don't know about Time Traveling in the Kingdom Hearts Universe, sure we have the basis of Rules from Xehanort but how does that explain Maleficent going back to the Age of Fairy Tales, Timeless River?

I think they only knew an easy way to Time Travel but with the Introduction of World Lines we could get more Information about Time Travel and Meet the Robinsons could tie into the plot of Kingdom Hearts 4 or a Side Game.
I love to see it happen along with Meet the Robinsons and on top of that it would allow the time traveling part that has been introduced to DDD and especially now Union X to be better explained cause I'm sorry, but to this I still don't know if any of the Organization Members aside from Master Xehanort time traveled to the present one last time or half of them being in replicas other half converting into nobodies.


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
Meet the Robinsons, if it was in KH3, would've done SOMETHING to tackle the explanation of this mess in this series known as Time Traveling, tbh. There's no telling how restrictive Disney would be in regards of this gem, though.
Boy I need to watch that film at some point. I just downloaded the tie in game on XB1.


Dec 8, 2018
So after D23 showing (So far) whether the next KH game title is called, I have 10 worlds I think some have a pretty likely shot given the context in KH3, that the next game and KH4:
- Moana
- The Princess and the Frog
- The Incredibles
- Zootopia
- The Haunted Mansion
- Sleepy Hollow
- Onwards
- Sugar Rush
- Frozen 2
- Raya and the Last Dragon


Jan 2, 2013

Based on this image I already want this film as a world and the female protagonist as an ally. If DDD.2 is already in development it might be too late but I could easily see it for KH4


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2015
When you recently watched the Nutcracker & the Four Realms and you realize it's a Disney movie and you're like...hmmmmmmmmmmm this COULD fit. Frankly most live action movies seen pretty overlooked. NATFR & Haunted Mansion are one of them. I'm still not as strongly comfortable with Disney's direction with the worlds in the future tbh...