I'm aware but then again it goes back to my previous post. Anyone who haven't seen the original movie that the level is based on (e.g.
Tangled, The Pirates movies (which is understandable cause they either ONLY saw the first film and/or second film. Not so much the third film as it was a VERY divisive film for PoTC fans),
Tron (also understandable, which I'll get into), and maybe
The Princess and the Frog, Wreck-it Ralph, Moana and
Zootopia) they either will get confused or don't know what is going on here if they haven't seen the movie first prior to playing the level. Which is funny, cause
Tangled is still one of Disney's most well-known animated films in the last decade other than
Frozen, Zootopia, etc., and it does perplexed me to not see not many people watching the movie before playing the level in KH3. At least with
Tron when it became a level in KH2 it made sense cause not many people particularly those who were born in the 1990's and 2000's (including myself) weren't familiar with this obscure Disney film and they didn't started watching that film after they played the level in KH2.
Also this video gives a better explanation on the problems with the Tangled world:
Secondly regarding the Satchel, more than likely Gothel gave it to Rapunzel off-screen after her only encounter with Sora, Donald and Goofy in the swamp as it was mentioned in the Journal entry description in Jiminy's Journal and pretty much it was just like what happened in the original movie:
Once again and Last time saying this!! While I agree with you and to EVERYONE that Kingdom of Corona had a better environment and story than Arendelle as Sora and the gang had more interactions with the cast (minus Pascal) than the Frozen characters, it doesn’t mean that the worlds story is “Better” as frankly parts of the world felt “forced” (even more FORCED than Arendelle and The Caribbean) and TOO linear compared to the original movie such as How Eugene/Flynn got knocked unconscious, Him escaping from the Guards with Maximus help (minus the Pub Thugs) and Revealing his real name at the end of the world to SDG.
Secondly, Sora just wouldn’t shut up when he tried to call out Rapunzel and attracted attention of the antagonists even if he showed concerned for Rapunzel's well being. The First time attracted Gothel’s attention, the second time attracted Marluxia’s attention. Just watching him calling Rapunzel (the second time before Marluxia appeared) almost made me want to shut him up about to interfere the events of the movie and especially the “world order!” Even. Donald and Goofy did absolutely
NOTHING and stood idle while Sora remained unconscious until Maximus woke him up the next day thanks to Marluxia. Shame on them.
Flynn/Eugene’s character in the game was vastly different compared to his role in the original movie. Basically as the Stabbington Brothers were written out of the game and replaced with Marluxia (believe me EVERYONE but their Grandmothers saw this a mile away when the film was announced as a world and knew he was going to replace the brothers) he is the ONLY thief that steals the crown and his reasonings on why he wanted to return the crown and Satchel in KH3 felt not only lacking and “forced” but it had little to no purpose compared to why he wanted to return it in the original movie.
Also not only do Sora and the gang never question Rapunzel's long hair along with witnessing Rapunzel’s magic powers through her hair, but they also didn’t know about Mother Gothel true colors and remained blissfully unaware about her after their first and ONLY time encountering her until Marluxia reveals her real colors to them through context. Wanna hear the worse part, they, especially Goofy (who is supposed to be the intelligent one of the trio) didn’t grow suspicious with Mother Gothel especially when she coldly dismissed them and said they were “useless and of no help”. I mean If I was present with them and after our first encounter with Gothel once she dismiss us and leaves, I too would be the first to question and feel suspicious about Gothel especially when she coldly dismiss us as “useless” and wether if she really is Rapunzel’s “real mother” (which she isn’t). Even they remain blissfully unaware that Flynn/Eugene got knocked out and when they (particularly Donald and Goofy) see him again they don't question what happened to him they just say, "Flynn Sora's unconscious" and "Oh no Rapunzel is held Captive" etc. it felt too preachy and over the top.
Lastly, compared to Toy Box, Monstropolis, San Fransokyo, Olympus and The Caribbean, especially the former 4 they were not always together with Rapunzel and Flynn/Eugene in the world as they tend to separate then reunite with them for certain instances of the world which just became "repetitive".
Think about it, Rapunzel and Flynn separate from the trio while they were fighting the Reaper Nobodies, when SDG reunited with them they just befriended Maximus, then they separate again when they arrive at the Kingdom (which is where they stop joining the party afterwards, mainly Rapunzel following post story) and don't reunite with them when Rapunzel does the Kingdom Dance, then they don't interact with them again (mainly Rapunzel) until once they start rescuing her from the Tower from Gothel and after Flynn/Eugene has been healed.
I'm sorry, but I’m more disappointed with the Kingdom of Corona than Arendelle IMAO (of course this doesn't mean Arendelle was superior but it's a different issue compared to Corona), so while it's above Arendelle in terms of SDG's interacting with Rapunzel and Flynn I say it's below the other 5 KH3 Disney worlds in terms of story in my opinion.
Also why would I say Arendelle and Corona are the same when honestly I was more frustrated with how linear and forced
Kingdom of Corona's story was? The Main point and I'm saying this one last time if we wound up getting worlds based on
The Princess and the Frog, Wreck-it Ralph, Moana and especially
Zootopia in a future KH game, I want SDG feeling more involved and relevant to the plot of the movie's world (be it an original or a retelling of the movie) and not feel "Dejá Vu" like the
Frozen and the
Tangled worlds in KH3 where they either act as strangers and have little interactions between the film's cast or having the story of the movie's world feel "forced and linear" by making SDG involved for a time being with the film's cast then separating from them in parts of the story then not be involved until the climax of the world resulting in the trio feeling out of place.
Lastly FYI, not EVERYONE will mostly agree that Kingdom of Corona is "the best" world, some enjoy it, others are divided, other don't like it. Same can be said with Arendelle or ANY Disney world in KH3, in fact there are a few people out there that enjoyed Arendelle despite the restrictions Disney put and the lack of variety the world had and those that didn't like San Fransokyo and/or The Caribbean (either for the story or level design).
You can continue arguing "till the cows come home" but honestly I'm putting my foot down on Corona. While I do enjoy the world for SDG's interactions with Rapunzel and Flynn (minus Pascal cause they hardly notice him), going to the Kingdom and doing the dance with Rapunzel, I'm sorry it still was below the other KH3 Disney worlds in terms of story (which frankly I think that was the worlds BIGGEST detriment to a degree) along with Sora, Donald and Goofy (who is supposed to be the intelligent one of the trio) not growing suspicious with Mother Gothel after their FIRST and ONlY encounter with her the moment she coldly dismissed them and said they were “useless and of no help”.