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Worlds of Kingdom Hearts | Star Wars is here, bby! Other live action films?

Sep 14, 2010
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

i dunno. i'll have to check out some of the shorts to see if i want a world based off of it first
I thought it would make sense since KHII had a world based off the classic Mickey Mouse cartoons. I could put a list of Silly Symphony cartoons for you to check out even the one with Donald.

Oh I notice in the old thread someone brought up five Mickeys involving The Prince and the Pauper. The person mean't to say 6 Mickeys since the member might forgot the Mickey from Timeless River.


Oct 9, 2009
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

robin hood, it would be an awesome oppertunity to use sora's original concept art

Doubt we'll ever see that original concept used but I do agree that I'd like to see Robin Hood as a world in kh.

and port royal to return during movies 2 and 3 with Both jack and barbosa as world partners, would be awesome, former boss enemy returning as an ally
A Davy Jones battle in that big whirlpool would be boss.


Jan 2, 2013


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

i was looking on youtube for kingdom hearts stuff when i stumble on this guy this guy made some very good world ideas some which may or may not come true

Top five worlds I would like to see in Kingdom Hearts 3 - YouTube

I think he has some interesting ideas and the worlds he chose where quite interesting ones that I myself wouldn't mind seeing. Though I'd prefer if they made a world from multiple Silly Symphonies than just the one he suggested, similar to how they did it with Fantasia.

I really dig his idea for the rescuer mice, it would be cool if you could meet them in various worlds and get side quests from them.
Sep 14, 2010
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

What would they call the world of the Silly Symphonies, and shorts to put in that world. If they included a Mickey in that world it could be the Mickey from The Band Concert.


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

So, this is what i've been thinking about..
Twilight Town
Game Central Station
(Wreck-It Ralph)
Rhythmic Jungle
(The Jungle Book)
Treasure Planet
(Monsters Inc.)
Voodoo Bayou
(Princess and The Frog)
Native Forestlands
(Tim Burton)
Port Royal
(POC Dead Man's Chest)
Symphony of Sorcery/Mysterious Tower (Fantasia 2000)
Olympus Coliseum
Hawaiian Paradise (Lilo and Stich)
Sherwood Forests (Robin Hood)
Keyblade Graveyard

At first i was thinking that we would be revisiting alot or some of the Princess of Hearts's worlds, but i really think that those, along with Radiant Gardens, and Castle Oblivion will all be cutscened. Just an idea though, i think they all meld pretty well together. :)

Bubbles McGee

New member
Jul 16, 2013
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Hiya~ I'm Bubbles~ :) I've read through a this thread and attempted to skim through a majority of any of the ones before so I apologize for anything that has been repeated. So I'm just gonna tackle this with some worlds I'd love to see making there first appearance and for shortness purposes I will cut out saying any Pixar worlds as much as I'd love for them to make it into the move. *cough* Brave *cough*

New Disney Worlds that I'd love to see make their debut

- Cherry Tree Lane: Based on the movie Mary Poppins I believe this could be an absolutely FABULOUS world. Of course I think they're wouldn't be any suitable bosses and that heartless entering that world would be difficult due to not much of a clear antagonist. That's why I'd advise this world to take the roe Atlantica filled in Kingdom Hearts II, as a fun musical minigame world. As for Atlantica they could only really follow the plot of the third movie if they don't want to give the world the boot seeing as to how Ariel is no longer a Mermaid. Which even if they followed the plot of the third it wouldn't make for much of a musical minigame type story and would be better going back to the type of world it was in Kingdom Hearts I. But come on who wouldn't love to see this

Mary Poppins:
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You’ll always sound precocious

Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay!

Because I was afraid to speak
When I was just a lad
My father gave me nose a tweak
And told me I was bad
But then one day I learned a word
That saved me achin’ nose

And as we've witnessed from worlds such as Port Royal they don't seem to keep the worlds to purely animated films. Mary Poppins is also one of the most iconic Disney characters there is being among the ranks with the great mouse himself.

- Litwack's Arcade: Based on the popular movie Wreck it Ralph I think this would be an astounding sub world. Perhaps the Arcade would be in Traverse Town or Radiant Garden and just like with Tron's world in Kingdom Hearts II SDG would get beamed into Game Central Station forced to go through the games and help Ralph become less of a villain. As difficult as it would be for Disney and SE to get the rights to all the video game characters who Cameo'd in the movie I think it would be a great world to simply have the Wreck it Ralph original characters as well as possible major or cameo roles of other SE video game characters who have made it from there because their game was unplugged. Not to mention how awesome it would be to fight Cybug Heartless and race around in go-karts.

- O' Malley's Pad: A world based upon the classic movie the AristoCats, with SDG turn into household pets naturally with Sora as a cat. Though in this world I can't really see the film's antagonist Edgar as a boss so perhaps he'd summon a rather large Heartless that'd be the cause of his demise, such as with Lady Tremaine in Castle of Dreams when her unversed destroyed her. This would be a great world all in all to explore and fight more animal based heartless while chilling with the cats.

- Corona: Based on the popular movie Tangled I could see this world as tons of fun. I imagine it being somewhat akin to SDG entering the world and running into Flynn who's currently on the run from the Stabbington Brothers. Of course Flynn would make up some lie to get they're help escaping causing a mini-boss battle. Ultimately taking them on a journey to the tower where low and behold Rapunzel smacks them all with a frying pan. It'd be a very fun light hearted world and not to mention Gothel would be the most amazing Villian's Council member in history if they recruited her. I'd envision her boss fight being where she falls out of the tower, but rather than dying of old age she comes back more powerfully as a heartless.
- New Orleans: Based off another more recent Disney classic the Princess and the Frog I'd love to enter this world with Sora getting mixed up in the same voodoo magic with SDG turning into a Frog, Alligator, and Firefly respectively. Leading them each to need to discover what they all truly need, I'd see this as one of those worlds where Sora learns a big lesson about how he may want to *insert issue that's been holding Sora back throughout the game*, but NEEDS to *insert solution here* and then of course a battle would Doctor Faciler would be the bomb diggity.

- Arendelle: Not much I can say about this world aside that it's based off Frozen, which has yet to be released. Though even though it is a more recent movie I'd love to see it happen as a world. And Princess movies are practically all definite movies that the Disney Fantatics who play these games would enjoy seeing. Maybe if they decide that the movie is a bit too new then they could always include a summon in the game like they did with Chicken Little. I'd say the ideal summons would be either Olaf or Sven, mabe even both! Here's a reference picture with Olad being the Snowman and Sven being the Reindeer http://images.wikia.com/disney/images/2/2d/Olafsven1.jpg Of course I'd see Sven's summon being similar to Dumbo's in KH I. Riding on his back perhaps ramming enemies? While Olaf could easily freeze targets in place with some ice magic giving Sora some time to attack them. With both maybe being riding on Sven while Olaf shoots ice at the heartless.

- Atlantis: Not to be confused with Atlantica, Atlantis is a world based off of the movie Atlantis: the Lost Empire which I think would make for a fantastic world. Perhaps SDG join in on the expedition to explore the lost city, and eventually save the Crystallized Kida. It'd be a fun world which could easily host some Final Fantasy characters who are expedition team members or maybe even Atlantis residents!

- Pixie Hollow: I can hear people groaning now, but of course I just think it would be so much fun! It'd be a sub-world in Neverland of course which would be fun! Especially if Neverland returned with Return to Neverland's plot. I could see SDG shrinking down to the size of Fairies and playing a bunch of mini-games and maybe it could even be akin to Pooh's Story Book where perhaps all the Fairies have been kidnapped and spread across the worlds and once Sora discovers them they're set free and SDG can return to Pixie Hollow to play that Fairie's Segment. It'd be a nice breather from all the Xehanort stuff going on across the worlds and a great little sidequest for once people complete the game OR to participate in while adventuring!

So that about wraps up my list, but of course I could go on for days on end about tons of world possibilities. Though something which I just would like to bring up that upsets me is the ending of KH II. I'm referring to the credits where you see all the Disney characters in their worlds having a good life or maybe even their happily ever after. The one thing that really stuck out the most to me was Belle's segment. Belle danced with the Beast and then it had shown him dancing as his human form which meant he had changed back into Prince Adam. This upsets me, why? Because it completely ruined the chances of returning to Beast's Castle in the third installment. Afterall Gaston's dead, he can't be a villain for that world which upset me in the second game for him not being present. The curse is broken so there isn't much plot progression that can go on in a world that has already had happily ever after and not an existing sequel. When Beast's castle could have easily done a modified version of the Enchanted Christmas plot with perhaps the organ turning into a heartless. Or they could've done the obvious plot with Gaston and the villagers from the movie. Sadly it was skipped over though, so looks like the chances of Beast's Castle returning are slim. Who knew a five second clip could have such an effect :/



Jan 2, 2013
Sep 14, 2010
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

The Cookie Carnival - YouTube
52 Water Babies 1935 Silly Symphony - YouTube
Silly Symphony - Music Land (1935) - YouTube

I think a world based off of silly symphonies could work, especially if the shorts that were adapted into the world were these or shorts similar to them

In regards to a minigame world, I wonder what disney film would be able to fit that category
Don't forget the 3 little Pigs, and the Old Mill.


Active member
Jul 25, 2012
1837 Cumberland Rd
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Well I think in Kingdom Hearts 3 they're Saying that There are supposed to be 13 Worlds in the game because in Every Kingdom Hearts Game so I think I Got some Ideas of what New and Returning Worlds i can think for KH3. Because according to the First Kingdom Hearts Game it had about 13 Worlds and the same thing that happened in the other Kingdom Hearts games. Plus 3 Original Worlds that appear in KH Series(Twilight Town, Radiant Garden, and Keyblade Graveyard)

New Worlds.

1. Future-land(Meet the Robin-sons)

2. Arendelle Castle(Frozen)

3.Treasure Planet(Treasure Planet)

4. The Land of Savages(Pocahontas)

5. Game Central Station(Wreck It Ralph).

6. City of New York(Oliver and Company)

7. The Forest of the Great Prince(Bambi)

8. Town of Oakey Oaks(Chicken Little)

Returning Disney Worlds

1. Atlantica(The Little Mermaid II)

2. Pride Lands(The Lion King II)

3. Agrabah(Aladdin and the King of Thieves)

4. Castle of Dreams(Cinderella III A Twist in Time)

5. Dwarf Woodlands(Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs)

Returning Original Worlds

Radiant Garden(Appearances of Marvel and Star Wars for the First Time joining the Restoration Committee)

Traverse Town(Appearances of Disney Characters from Disney Television)

Keyblade Graveyard(Final World for the Battle of 7 Lights and 13 Darknesses)

Cutscene Worlds Only

Castle Obilvion

Destiny Island

The World That Never Was

Land of Departure
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Active member
Jul 25, 2012
1837 Cumberland Rd
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Personally, this would be my list-
Twilight Town
Radiant Garden
Andy's Room-Toy Story
The Death Star-Star Wars
The Haunted Mansion-Disney attraction
Beast's Castle-this time with Gaston... seriously... where is he?
Wonderland-The live action Tim Burton version
Game Central Station-wreck it ralph
The Ocean-Finding Nemo
Timeless River-this time with different cartoons and Olswald
England-The Sword in the Stone
Treasure Planet-Treasure Planet
Port Royal-Dead Man's Chest
Halloween Town/Suburbs-I would like to somehow see The Nightmare Before Christmas and Frankenweenie together
The Keyblade Graveyard

I think Gaston was Somehow Removed from Kingdom Hearts II due to Xaldin taking Over his Role as a Villain.


Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Thank you, but I must disagree. Facing the Emperor, who has a host of varying powers, would be a far more intricate and memorable battle. I just believe turning circumstances on its head, and allying with Vader would be more rewarding, especially if it ended with the player aiding in the ultimate defeat of the Emperor. It's a far more powerful moment.

I'm not disagreeing that it'd potentially be a more powerful moment; I'm saying that that it would simply be very unlikely to actually happen, even if KH3 gets a SW-themed world. The Death Star as a SW 'world' makes sense, and while you presented a very clever and awesome way for Vader to be an ally, I don't see it being something that Nomura would do. Sora would most likely team up with Luke. Plain and simple. And chances are that you'd fight both Vader and the Emperor.
Sep 14, 2010
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

i dunno, i'll have to think about that.
Ok plus if there's a hub in the Silly Symphonies world then some characters that are not in transported stage battles against the heartless would appear in the hub world like The Flowers and Trees from the first colored Silly Symphony short film for example.


New member
Jul 8, 2013
The Keyblade Graveyard
Re: Worlds of Kingdom Hearts - What worlds do you want to see in KH3?

Personally, this would be my list-
Twilight Town
Radiant Garden
Andy's Room-Toy Story
The Death Star-Star Wars
The Haunted Mansion-Disney attraction
Beast's Castle-this time with Gaston... seriously... where is he?
Wonderland-The live action Tim Burton version
Game Central Station-wreck it ralph
The Ocean-Finding Nemo
Timeless River-this time with different cartoons and Olswald
England-The Sword in the Stone
Treasure Planet-Treasure Planet
Port Royal-Dead Man's Chest
Halloween Town/Suburbs-I would like to somehow see The Nightmare Before Christmas and Frankenweenie together
The Keyblade Graveyard

The reason why I want all these worlds? There is no exact reason, but I do think that they would just be cool to see. Worlds like Atlantica, Olympus Collisium, and such are getting kind of.... well... boring... I think that if we incorporated new worlds, or worlds that were only used once, it would make things seem a little more fresh. Pixar needs to be used for something though... there just isn't really any "pixar" in Kingdom Hearts... (actually zero that I can think of)...
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Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008

I don't really understand what happened to my post, or why it was deleted or what, but I will just post it again...Personally, this would be my list-
Twilight Town
Radiant Garden
Andy's Room-Toy Story
The Death Star-Star Wars
The Haunted Mansion-Disney attraction
Beast's Castle-this time with Gaston... seriously... where is he?
Wonderland-The live action Tim Burton version
Game Central Station-wreck it ralph
The Ocean-Finding Nemo
Timeless River-this time with different cartoons and Olswald
England-The Sword in the Stone
Treasure Planet-Treasure Planet
Port Royal-Dead Man's Chest
Halloween Town/Suburbs-I would like to somehow see The Nightmare Before Christmas and Frankenweenie together
The Keyblade Graveyard
Because of this:


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  • Do not respond with list-only posts. If you do decide to list worlds you'd like to see in the series, be sure to include an explanation. An explanation consists of more than one sentence! If you post just a list with no reason to why you wish to see a world, your post will be deleted.