Myra takes Akira to see Riku at the prison. An officer escorts them over and lets Riku out of his cell. Fatso stares at Myra through the bars.
Fatso: …
Riku only gets to see Myra and Akira for about an hour.
Myra: I might not be able to bail you out, Riku, but I promise I’ll get you out of here.
She takes his hand.
Riku: Akira, isn’t there something you could do?
Akira: Like what?
Riku: A way to get me out of here.
Akira: If I do, they’ll come back for you. Or I could blow up the whole town, but this is where we get our stuff from when we’re low on it, right? I can't destroy this place, daddy!
Riku: …You’re a little smart ass for a three year old.
Akira: I'M FOUR!!!
Riku: Oh yeah! Happy birthday, sweetie. I couldn’t get you anything, but I drew you a picture.
Riku takes a picture from his pocket and hands it to Akira. She unfolds it and stares at it.
Akira: What is it?!
Riku: It’s your dream man!
Akira: I have a dream man?
Riku: Yes. His name is…Ceasar!
Akira: Ceasar?
Riku: Yes. He’ll be extremely cute, polite, and a lady’s man. Just wait.
Akira: How do you know?
Riku: Trust me.
Akira: …Thanks anyway, even though you suck at drawing.
Riku: Now I-
Officer: I hate to ruin the moment but your time is up, Riku.
Riku: ...Okay. Listen, Myra, I’ll write you a letter. Everyday!
Myra: I’ll always write back.
Riku: I love you.
Myra: I love you too.
Akira: Me too! (steps on Riku’s toe)
Riku: Ow!
The officer takes Riku back to his cell. Myra and Akira follow and all the guys in the other cells stare at Myra- a few of the real perverted ones stare at Akira. xD
Officer: opens Riku's cell) Say bye-bye.
Myra kisses Riku and all the others in the cells start wooing.
Akira: EWWWWWWWWWW! (covers eyes)
Riku: Bye… (goes in cell)
30 seconds later.
Akira: Bye daddy.
Akira’s eyes start to tear.
The officer walks Myra and Akira down. All the guys start whistling.
Riku watches them leave.
Riku: sighs) I hate this place. (pulls on bars) Damn it.
Did I mention that the guys in prison have weird nicknames?
Bubble: Hey, Riku!
Riku: What?!
Bubble: I bet you have fun with her in bed!
Nerd: Yah, rock the boat!
Josh: I can hear the bed creek already.
Riku: Grrr.
Bubble: What’s it like to hit that thang, Riku?
Riku: You shut the hell up faggots.
Josh: We wuz just joking, playa.
Riku: Am I laughing?!
Josh: Uh-
Riku: Then shut the f**k up. (lays down on the bed)
Fatso: yawns)
Riku is on the top bunk of the bed while Fatso is on the bottom.
Fatso: Riku.
Riku: What?
Fatso: Your wife is beautiful...She reminds me of my wife...I loved her so much.
Riku: What happened?
Fatso: She was murdered.
Riku: By who?
Fatso: …I was on a crash diet! I had to eat SOMETHING!
Riku: You…ate you wife?
Fatso: I'm so ashamed.
Riku: That’s the freakiest thing I’ve ever heard of, man.
Fatso: I couldn’t control myself.
Riku: Sure, Fatso…Whatever you say.
Riku lays his head on the pillow. During the week, Myra has gotten a job at a new research lab. She already has a degree so she doesn’t have to start small. She’s making good bucks, but she still doesn’t look forward to work. There’s this geek at the job who has a crush on her too.