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Will Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX be on PSN ???

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New member
Jan 4, 2017
Since the PS4 have a mandatory digital release.. And 2.8 is digital.. Do you guys think that the Remix will be also released as Digital..?? cuz that would be awesome, since i live in a small country and is really hard to get games...


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
They will be. Every single PS4 game is available digitally.
Not a true statement (Lego Dimensions, that Japanese Tetris game) but to answer the OP, it's not been confirmed but I think it's more than likely that 1.5 + 2.5 will be available digitally.


New member
Jan 4, 2017
Yea.. Skylanders also isn't available digitally.. I think it's because of the peripherals.. Don't know about the Japanese game tho.. But i'll keep the high hopes on KH.. :biggrin:


New member
Jan 5, 2017
Since the PS4 have a mandatory digital release.. And 2.8 is digital.. Do you guys think that the Remix will be also released as Digital..?? cuz that would be awesome, since i live in a small country and is really hard to get games...

They will be. Every single PS4 game is available digitally.

Not a true statement (Lego Dimensions, that Japanese Tetris game) but to answer the OP, it's not been confirmed but I think it's more than likely that 1.5 + 2.5 will be available digitally.

Wow what a coincidence, I just asked the same question on some other KH forum a few days ago! xD I'm in the same situation as you, I live in a small country were physical games are very expensive so the only way to buy my games is through PSN.
I received this message from the Square Enix support:

"Thank you for contacting the Square Enix Support Centre.

We are happy to see your interest and ongoing support for our games and products,

Unfortunately, we do not have any information at this time on a digital release of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 or 2.5 on digital format for PS4. Please continue to check our website for further news and updates.

If you have any other queries, please contact us again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Kind regards,

The Square Enix Support Centre team"

I don't think that necessarily mean they won't be released digitally, maybe the support team just didn't got a confirmation yet if they will be put on PSN, so we'll just have to wait until the last week of February or the first week of March and see if 1.5 + 2.5 appears available for pre-orders on the PS Store. :(
The wait is going to be painful xD I mean with 2.8 releasing digitally you would think there's no reason for 1.5 + 2.5 not to be too right? but yeah 95% of PS4 games gets a digital release as opposed to the PS3 era were only 60% of games used to be put on the PS Store :p prior to the PS4's launch Sony said that every PS4 game would have a digital release, now that isn't very true giving the examples above but at least the majority of them are available on digital.


New member
Jan 4, 2017
I received this message from the Square Enix support:

"Thank you for contacting the Square Enix Support Centre.

We are happy to see your interest and ongoing support for our games and products,

Unfortunately, we do not have any information at this time on a digital release of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 or 2.5 on digital format for PS4. Please continue to check our website for further news and updates.

If you have any other queries, please contact us again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Kind regards,

The Square Enix Support Centre team"

This is interesting, maybe the support team do have information but were told not to say anything.. So they can announce it later.. It's anybody's guess at this point...

It's nice to meet someone who struggles like i do trying to get new games.. But if you want there is this Online Store named Play-Asia.com that can ship worldwide.. So if you don't mind sparing a few bucks paying shipping.. You can buy the game there.. I'm using it as a last resort if the digital don't come out... But like you said.. 95% of ps4 games are digital so we can expect a digital release..


New member
Jan 5, 2017
This is interesting, maybe the support team do have information but were told not to say anything.. So they can announce it later.. It's anybody's guess at this point...

It's nice to meet someone who struggles like i do trying to get new games.. But if you want there is this Online Store named Play-Asia.com that can ship worldwide.. So if you don't mind sparing a few bucks paying shipping.. You can buy the game there.. I'm using it as a last resort if the digital don't come out... But like you said.. 95% of ps4 games are digital so we can expect a digital release..

Same! I thought I was the only one with the same problems as you xD I've been thinking and there's just too much reasons for them to be released digitally too:
1- This gen it's kind of mandatory for PS4 games to have a digital release too
2- As time goes by digital purchases are starting to become more successful than physical ones (I'm talking in general terms here, since physical copies are still very successful on consoles)
3- Square Enix has been having great success with their digital sales on PSN
4- 2.8 is the first KH game to be available digitally
5- The PS4 is the best selling console of this gen, which means both digital and physical sales are being much more successful compared to last gen

I read that the reason as to why they might've been released only on disc last gen was because SE's contract with Utada Hikaru about her songs only stated for them to be released physically since PSN didn't existed in the PS2 era, then Birth by Sleep came out on PSP but that game used the exact same opening song from KH1 so the contract still only stated for physical releases only. Maybe SE just didn't wanted to pay more money to renew the contract giving that on the PS3/PSP eras physical copies still were much more popular than digital ones, and well it wasn't mandatory for games to be put on the Store at that time.
This is all just speculation from something that I read on an old forum thread*

So yeah, I really don't see any reason for them to not be put on the Store except if for some reason Square Enix wouldn't want to renew the contract with Hikaru and thus pay her more money, but that would be incredibly stupid giving the success they will have with a digital release, so it'll be worth it for them! and once again: mandatory PS4 digital releases, unless there was a really good motive to not put them on the Store.

I know Play-Asia but honestly I don't like to buy physical stuff online and do all that shipping stuff :p I actually have some game store on my city that could get me the game but yeah, it would be expensive and there might be some other problems :(

Sorry for writing all this text XD could I sent you a friend request on PSN so that way we could let each other know if there's any news about a digital release for 1.5 + 2.5? only if you want of course. :cool:


ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
Not a true statement (Lego Dimensions, that Japanese Tetris game) but to answer the OP, it's not been confirmed but I think it's more than likely that 1.5 + 2.5 will be available digitally.

I can't speak for any Japanese tetris game, but it kind of goes without saying that Lego Dimensions may not have a digital release given it's reliance on a physical media hub.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
I can't speak for any Japanese tetris game, but it kind of goes without saying that Lego Dimensions may not have a digital release given it's reliance on a physical media hub.
Disney Infinity released digital versions of their game despite requiring physical hubs but between Tetris, Dimensions, and apparently Skylanders, it's possible for a game to not have a digital release.


New member
Jan 5, 2017
I can't speak for any Japanese tetris game, but it kind of goes without saying that Lego Dimensions may not have a digital release given it's reliance on a physical media hub.

Disney Infinity released digital versions of their game despite requiring physical hubs but between Tetris, Dimensions, and apparently Skylanders, it's possible for a game to not have a digital release.

The Japanese game is called Puyo Puyo Tetris, which just recently had a leaked trophy list for a possible Western release, maybe this time it will have a digital release?

And about Disney Infinity mmm maybe both Activision (Skylanders) and Traveller's Tales (Lego Dimensions) saw all the complains about people buying DI without caring to read the Store's description which states you need to buy physical stuff and so that's why they decided to never put them there? it seems Disney never cared about this and just put them there anyways xD


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Disney is very weird with what games they give a digital release to so their decision for DI to have a digital release is odd (it saved me $50 though).

I guess they thought people might be upgrading from other versions and since consumers would have a base then they would just need the game. Sky landers and Dimensions doesn't offer this which I can see being frustrating for people who might upgrade from PS3 -> PS4 as you would have to buy another base.


New member
Jan 5, 2017
Disney is very weird with what games they give a digital release to so their decision for DI to have a digital release is odd (it saved me $50 though).

I guess they thought people might be upgrading from other versions and since consumers would have a base then they would just need the game. Sky landers and Dimensions doesn't offer this which I can see being frustrating for people who might upgrade from PS3 -> PS4 as you would have to buy another base.
Yeah that might be the case! so in the end its quite understandable why Skylanders and Dimensions doesn't have a digital release, but I can't understand why that Tetris game doesn't (even though its PS3 and Vita versions are in the PS Store). Apparently is coming to the West now so hopefully this time it does come to PSN, and more importantly let's hope 1.5 + 2.5 does! :)


New member
Jan 4, 2017

So yeah, I really don't see any reason for them to not be put on the Store except if for some reason Square Enix wouldn't want to renew the contract with Hikaru and thus pay her more money, but that would be incredibly stupid giving the success they will have with a digital release, so it'll be worth it for them! and once again: mandatory PS4 digital releases, unless there was a really good motive to not put them on the Store.

I know Play-Asia but honestly I don't like to buy physical stuff online and do all that shipping stuff :p I actually have some game store on my city that could get me the game but yeah, it would be expensive and there might be some other problems :(

Sorry for writing all this text XD could I sent you a friend request on PSN so that way we could let each other know if there's any news about a digital release for 1.5 + 2.5? only if you want of course. :cool:

I heard that the reason why KH didn't go digital wasn't because of Utada, Nomura said in an interview that it was just something he couldn't explain.. But since 2.8 is now digital and i KH 3 probably going to be as well.. than we will see KH 1.5 and 2.5 in Psn.. fingers crossed..

I also don't do much shipping but believe me, my country (Mozambique btw) doesn't have a single game store, so it gets really hard to get games...

Yea you can add me on psn, i'll be checking my friend requests.. :smile:

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Nomura stated in an interview it was not Utada and it wasn't Disney.

One only need to look at SE's lack of digital releases for a number of games at the company up until a few years ago to come to a conclusion. They were afraid of pirating, and also failed to consider digital distribution in PS2 era titles.


New member
Jan 5, 2017
I heard that the reason why KH didn't go digital wasn't because of Utada, Nomura said in an interview that it was just something he couldn't explain.. But since 2.8 is now digital and i KH 3 probably going to be as well.. than we will see KH 1.5 and 2.5 in Psn.. fingers crossed..

I also don't do much shipping but believe me, my country (Mozambique btw) doesn't have a single game store, so it gets really hard to get games...

Yea you can add me on psn, i'll be checking my friend requests.. :smile:

Nomura stated in an interview it was not Utada and it wasn't Disney.

One only need to look at SE's lack of digital releases for a number of games at the company up until a few years ago to come to a conclusion. They were afraid of pirating, and also failed to consider digital distribution in PS2 era titles.

Oh yeah I also read about that Nomura interview, but he didn't explained the reason as to why they were never put on digital, he just stated it was due to something he wasn't allowed to say. :confused: If it had something to do with piracy then it really doesn't make much sense because years prior to the KH HD releases they put many of their PS1, PS2 and PS3 games on the PS Store, even the FFX-X2 remasters got a digital release months before KH 2.5 got released, but the later still didn't got a digital release for some reason. :frown:

I just sent you the friend request, hussein :biggrin:


New member
Jan 10, 2017
I'm super glad I'm not the only one desperately hoping for a digital release. in my case, it's just that the disc reader for my PS4 is broken and I lack the money to fix it. no warranty either, and no money to get a new one. so I'm stuck with buying games from PSN, which is honestly preferable anyways. I know 2.8 is set for a digital release, and most likely KH3, but I REALLY hope 1.5 + 2.5 will be too. it just makes sense for it to be, but we all know Square lmaoo


New member
Jan 5, 2017
I'm super glad I'm not the only one desperately hoping for a digital release. in my case, it's just that the disc reader for my PS4 is broken and I lack the money to fix it. no warranty either, and no money to get a new one. so I'm stuck with buying games from PSN, which is honestly preferable anyways. I know 2.8 is set for a digital release, and most likely KH3, but I REALLY hope 1.5 + 2.5 will be too. it just makes sense for it to be, but we all know Square lmaoo

I'm desperate too :( I mean pretty much everything points out that it WILL get a digital release finally, but yeah I won't be happy until I see 1.5 + 2.5 being available for pre-order on the PS Store :p we'll just have to wait until February or the first week of March and check the Store. Nice to see someone else struggling with this xD can I send you a friend request over PSN so that way we can inform each other if any news about it comes up? :)
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New member
Jan 10, 2017
yeah absolutely! my psn is arcticjops. and yes I agree, ultimately we'll just have to wait :)
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