And yet despite having Sora's face, Riku managed to harden up inside enough to take Roxas on their first meeting, in Days. Unless you're saying Riku cares for Kairi more than Sora?
You're gonna have to be specific about their first meeting because be it in TLTW where Riku just blocked Axel and Roxas's hits, or in the Deep Dive fight where Nomura confirmed Riku was having a hard time with Roxas being Sora's Nobody, it didn't seem like Riku managed to harden up inside enough so easily.
Then we have the circumstances being different both when Riku met either of them, as well as their own circumstances.
Though that does bring a rather glaring contradiction. The whole point in Deep Dive was that Riku was distraught by Roxas's face being Sora's - but now we see that he actually saw it before >_>;;;
So unless he still didn't believe it or just didn't connect the dots for some bizarre reason (seeing how he asked even in KH2 whose Nobody Namine was despite the looks) to still be affected by it in the Deep Dive, Nomura screwed up rather nicely here xD;
The whole point of not showing anything in Riku's mind was so that it was possible to milk the being-held-and-protected-by-Riku thing for all it was worth.
Nah, they could've made it even more blunt by actually showing some insight. And with people being pissy about it even when they gave us the benefit of the doubt it's not blunt and utter fanservice, it's pointless to try and cover it up.
The complaining isn't about that, it's about this:
*76 days later*
*52 days later*
Why on earth did he wait so long? It doesn't make any sense at all.
Again, Riku's part in this does seem to play an issue and insight aside, we'd have to know what the guy was even doing to be able to properly judge them stalling. If Riku took off from time to time, or if the Organization themselves were on the move, the stalling makes sense.
Again, it leads back to us not seeing any of it so it's frustrating, but I'd sooner be frustrated with that than over their actions not making sense, since they possibly do and it won't be uncalled for.
Bottom line is Diz needed Riku to be his pawn, but if Riku refused or was unavailable, Diz would be stuck with waiting.