Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Michael Eisner
Unlikely, but man that would be an awesome end. I'd also love to see Walt Disney implemented into the Kingdom Hearts mythos somehow, though obviously as a force of good, perhaps as a being from the time when the worlds were one.
Oh, I vote for Pete as final boss. But it's not gonna happen. So I'm going to go with Diz. Or Ansem. Or Diz and Ansem recombined if Diz is actually Ansem's shell. If not, possibly another **deep breath** Ultra Super Psuedo Airship Ripoff Mermaid Ansem Man.
i don't know who the GEU is but it sure as heck isn't sora's shell.....soras came back from being a heartless, he still has all three of his vital parts.......body(Shell),soul, and heart(mind).............its going to be DIZ/Ansem that fights him b/c well...........it would be the coolest to finally get rid of Ansem and to find out what DIZ is up to......but i don't want to fight Ansem if he's that lil mermaid thing again.....that was gay!!!!