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Who wants a battle?

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Bronze Member
Mar 24, 2005
Mostly rp section....maybe somtimes forum insanity
This is my first try so im willing to fight against a other person. Ill need 3 Judges a opponent, Ill post my template after i know who im facing.

No godmodding or powerplaying.
This is a Medieval battle but your allowed super powers.
Good luck! Ive come prepared.


Bronze Member
Mar 24, 2005
Mostly rp section....maybe somtimes forum insanity
Ok, make your template heres mine....

Name: Grim

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Class: Mime

Occuptaion: None

Weapons/equipment: None

Mimic Grim Turns into his opponent and learns all of his opponents moves and attacks.
Rock bottom Creates a hole in the ground which his opponent falls trough. His opponent will come back eventually but falls from the sky.
Light weight Makes his enemy float. Enemy can be transported out of the batte field.
Heavy Weight Enemy becomes heavy and takes longer to attack.
Psychic Can predict the next move and Evade it.
Enclose Use's powers of space and time to convert the world into a sanctum of chaos trough his opponents mind.
Teleport Can teleport to different parts of the ground.
Invisible Protection Creates a Invisible wall in which he is protected by opponents.
Implode Makes a object Implode


Sorry that its a Picture, Immaginations a bit Low.

Bio: On a dark windy stormy night, two fishermen, a father and son were out on sea. It was stormy and the water was pushing against the small wooden boat. Suddenly out of nowhere a casket was seen. the fisherman picked up the casket and saw to there amazement a child was wrapped in blanckets. That night they brought the baby home to the Wife. the wife saw the baby and smiled. Suddenly a flash of light came. The house was destroyed. The power of grim had awoken.

When he was 4 he was locked away in a Tomb but escaped it by using teleportation. He destoyed all the people who locked him up with one fatal blow. The next day he ruled the mountain. It was called grim's mountain. Travelers feared to go upon it as they may meet the fearsome warrior grim. Many warriors have thought they could face the dreaded grim.

A young warrior named Shokun, climbed the mountain one day in order to slay the dreaded demon. he came to no avail and was tossed off the mountain. Once a whole battalion of great warriors scaled the mountain. they too failed. Everyblow they tossed at the mighty Mime, was reversed. Some even were confused as he Mimicked the soldiers. Many slaughtered eachother in the confussion. Eventually each of the soldiers were dead leaving only one alive. Grim just looked at him and pressed his hand on his face. He absorbed his soul and mind and learned of the outside world.

He decided to stay on the mountain. Knowing he was feared troughout the world inspired him to stay on the mountain, feared. Feared from all humanity . He knew more and more soldiers would try to brave him and each one would fall after the other.

Its not only men who try to slay him. Once Grim was ambushed by monsters, soldiers and the most powerful Paladins of the world. Grim simply casted Enclose and they were all in there version of hell. they screamed and they were so easy to slay. Each kill made him stronger. He was too strong. So the rulers of the world closed off the mountain but still Foolish men climbed up the mountain only to be killed or run back down.

ooc: No offence but by your noobish attitude this should be a walk in the park


Do Our Best
Jun 5, 2005
I've Been Thinking
OOC: No offense, *snort* yeah right

Name: Teoran Faldar
Gender: Male
Class: Demon
Occupation: Assassin
Weapons/Equpment: A katana, and dark blasts of evil energy.
Appearence: He has red eyes, dark hair that is cut neatly and short, and is wearing a tuxedo.
Brakeheart-- Racks the enemy with overwhelming pain for a little bit.
Demon's Sanctum-- Surrounds him in an evil energy that will harm all who touch it but him, gives him a chance to rest if overwhelmed.
Terror-- Distorts enemies vision so that everything is dark and looks like it is trying to kill him/her.
Demon-- Transforms him into an ultimate killing machine for a time, at this time he can fly.
Dark Wind-- Hit's opponent with hundreds of invisible blows rapidly.
Angered Soul-- When he gets emotional (angry) his strength is multiplied by two.

Bio: Teoran has lived all of his life as an outcast, he had never been accepted, when he was born his parents sent him to an orphanage for to their people his red eyes were an omen that he would have a future filled with bloodshed and that he could become a demon, both omens were true though those things never would have happened had he been accepted at any point in his life.

He has Grown to detest all living things and as such has aquired a job that will allow him to make people suffer, he hopes that one day he will meet an opponent that will finally end his nightmare.


Bronze Member
Mar 24, 2005
Mostly rp section....maybe somtimes forum insanity
ooc: ok the spaces for Judges are still open

Grim, What could I tell you about him....? He is what man made him. A child with innocent powers. They could of helped them but they feared for the life of there family. They locked him up on that mountain for as long as Grim could remember. But every second, every minute, every day, Just made him feel more pain.

His power was extroidinare. He walked alongside the mountain. Looking out at the nearest town. He could take it over if he wanted to, but he didnt. That was the strange thing about Grim, although everyman feared him, he was ok with having the mountain. Grim feared nothing. He Levitated rocks and let them go watching as the debree seperated all troughout the mountain.

It was now dark. As it got dark, Grim travelled higher trough the mountain. Into the place in which he called home. A small cave. He cuddled up agaisnt the rock and fell asleep. He wasnt a monster, he was human. No one knew this but he was human. Many belived him to be the devil in disguise. But he wasnt, he could think by himself. Not attacking by instinct seperated him from being monster at all.

The sun came up. It was a red sun. Grim had his own special ways of knowing people who came up the mountain. He leapt down a few rocks and crept around each cornor. Using psychic to make sure his enemy wasnt behind him or was trying a surpirise attack....
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Alaude Drenxta

\+The Devil's+/ .{Advocate}.
Apr 9, 2005
My house?
I'll judge percy, I think I detect the slightest bit of ego in this kid's attitude, beat his ass. ;D


Do Our Best
Jun 5, 2005
I've Been Thinking
OOc: You know that's very patronizing, besides I don't even really think I'm going to win.

Teoran walked up the mountain, wondering whether the stories of a Devil Child were true, he seeked the devil Child because the stories of his power brought the promise of death, someone would end him and this child seemed to be fit.

The rock crunched beneath his feet he could feel this enormous power coming closer, hye knew he would soon face battle and he began to ready himself metally for a surprise attack every rock could hold this enemy that the people of the village feared so much, the question was were they cowards or was he actually strong?


Bronze Member
Mar 24, 2005
Mostly rp section....maybe somtimes forum insanity
Grim smiled at the pathetic Mortal who came to face him. His cackle was strong in the wind. He teleported in fron of his enemy. He smiled once more and laughed in his opponents face.
"A Human like you trying to face against me, The great Grim, Didnt you read the Sign Little man, This place is off limits....." He laughed at his pathetic opponent. He knew this guy was a waste of time but ever since the warning was put up on the bottom of the mountain fewer and fewer people began to come. But the ones who did come were fools. Pathetic fools who could be destroyed in a Instinct. He wouldnt let this guy go to waste though. He would kill him.

He approached his enemy walking calmly and coolly, He teleported twice. First to the far right then back again. He teleported again but this time behind the enemy, then back again once more. He raised his hand up in the air. Light weight He spoke. He watched hi opponent fly up in the air. Heavy weight He smiled this time as his opponent came rushing back down and thrusted into the ground.

He approached his enemy and teleported yet again right towards his enemys face. He gave his opponent a kick in the gut before casting Invisible wall A Small invisible wall came infron of him protecting him from his opponent. Griim simply folded his hands and waited for his enemy to strike. He laughed at him.
"Run, Run now while you still have the energy within you......." He smirked. He knew this would provoke the fool to attack him thus leading him to a Invisible wall.
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Do Our Best
Jun 5, 2005
I've Been Thinking
"You know. . .that almost hurt." he ran toward his enemy and stopped in front of him "Do you dare face me?" he stood infront of this enemy, in his experience it was never wise to rush into a provoked attack unless you're absolutely sure of your enemy this would take a bit more time, a little strategy, he charged his dark blasts, and shot two at the thing.


Bronze Member
Mar 24, 2005
Mostly rp section....maybe somtimes forum insanity
ooc: You seemed to Ignore my invisible wall, Strike one for you.

The pain was soothing to him. He had felt so much pain, A little more didnt hurt him, he had felt the worst pain of all, the pain of being excluded from the world. The pain that his opponent gave him didnt hurt him at all, Mentally that was. His opponent slashed his stomach and blood dripped down his cloths.
"You done yet?" His opponent asked.
"Not nearly, " Grim laughed. "But i must admit, that was the first Piece of blood that was ever drawn from me, Except for a warrior called Shokun, who was the only man who ever got away from me....., But this is over now...."
He smiled as he casted Heavy weight on the opponent. He then waved his opponent goodbye, he laughed a bit. Rock Bottom He cried. The floor opened and His opponent fell down.

Grim teleported towards the mountain cliff. His opponent would soon be dead. As he looked up he saw the Demon fall from the sky. He was going at great speed and Grim knew once he fell down, he would be dead.
"The heavier they are, The harder they fall....." He laughed.
A big dust cloud emerged as his opponent collided with the ground.

ooc: if you survived that, Your kinda god modding but prove me wrong..... I like a good challenge...


Do Our Best
Jun 5, 2005
I've Been Thinking
OOC: I never said they hit you And if I'm god modding by surviving then you're god modding by doing it, oh well.

Teoran didn't panic, though he supposed that he wouldn't blame anyone who did he began to breathe deeply, "DEMON'S SANCTUM, the dark energy would take some of the inpact away, still, this would hurt. he smacked against the walls of his sanctum as he hit the ground hard. He released the sanctum and stood slowly he was bleeding and bruised and he thought he probably broke a rib but he wouldn't go down easily.
"Not bad, DARK WIND" he said as the blows began to land on his oponent, for a second his vision blurred Is he going to be my end?
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Bronze Member
Mar 24, 2005
Mostly rp section....maybe somtimes forum insanity
Grim started to rise and get blown away. His opponent was still alive. He smiled madly as he put up another Invisible wall with Invisible protection. This brought the wind to a Halt. He waited until the wind was gone before shattering the small invisible wall. He approached his enemy. His enemy was above many cliffs. It was Valley like. Grim smiled.
"This, This is it, the end for you my friend, the end of the road....... The end of your mere existence," He cackled wildly. Grim raised both hands. His wound was bleeding now but it did not hurt him.

Implode The cliffs around Grim and Teoran Collapsed. A gigantic rockslide came rushing down towards them, Ready to smash there bones to debree. Grim smiled at his enemy. He dissapered behind another cliff after teleporting. The rockslide trough Grims eyes had smothered his opponent. Grim walked up to the huge rocks. The rocks were piled on top of eachother. They were large rocks. Boulders. He awaited for a sign of his opponents death. Using qsychic he prepared.

ooc: Good battle, try avoiding that if you may.......
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Do Our Best
Jun 5, 2005
I've Been Thinking
OOC: Just the fact that you decided my charactor died from one of your attacks whereas if I did that you'd make up some excuse like he enjoys pain or something.


Bronze Member
Mar 24, 2005
Mostly rp section....maybe somtimes forum insanity
A) I never Said your character died. My character Just assumed.
I however think it would be Godmodding If your character survived a Rockslide like that. Ecspecially after I made a great attack on you before hand which left you half dead. I assume you would be dead now.

B) I never said my character Enjoyed pain, I said it Soothed him. That move was inner pain i Assumed so it would hurt him Mentally. My character couldnt feel pain as he had no one to love or care about or even anything to like so he Did not feel pain.

So having that explained I think my character was not godmodding but thats up for the Judges to decide.
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