Ok, make your template heres mine....
Name: Grim
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Class: Mime
Occuptaion: None
Weapons/equipment: None
Mimic Grim Turns into his opponent and learns all of his opponents moves and attacks.
Rock bottom Creates a hole in the ground which his opponent falls trough. His opponent will come back eventually but falls from the sky.
Light weight Makes his enemy float. Enemy can be transported out of the batte field.
Heavy Weight Enemy becomes heavy and takes longer to attack.
Psychic Can predict the next move and Evade it.
Enclose Use's powers of space and time to convert the world into a sanctum of chaos trough his opponents mind.
Teleport Can teleport to different parts of the ground.
Invisible Protection Creates a Invisible wall in which he is protected by opponents.
Implode Makes a object Implode
Sorry that its a Picture, Immaginations a bit Low.
Bio: On a dark windy stormy night, two fishermen, a father and son were out on sea. It was stormy and the water was pushing against the small wooden boat. Suddenly out of nowhere a casket was seen. the fisherman picked up the casket and saw to there amazement a child was wrapped in blanckets. That night they brought the baby home to the Wife. the wife saw the baby and smiled. Suddenly a flash of light came. The house was destroyed. The power of grim had awoken.
When he was 4 he was locked away in a Tomb but escaped it by using teleportation. He destoyed all the people who locked him up with one fatal blow. The next day he ruled the mountain. It was called grim's mountain. Travelers feared to go upon it as they may meet the fearsome warrior grim. Many warriors have thought they could face the dreaded grim.
A young warrior named Shokun, climbed the mountain one day in order to slay the dreaded demon. he came to no avail and was tossed off the mountain. Once a whole battalion of great warriors scaled the mountain. they too failed. Everyblow they tossed at the mighty Mime, was reversed. Some even were confused as he Mimicked the soldiers. Many slaughtered eachother in the confussion. Eventually each of the soldiers were dead leaving only one alive. Grim just looked at him and pressed his hand on his face. He absorbed his soul and mind and learned of the outside world.
He decided to stay on the mountain. Knowing he was feared troughout the world inspired him to stay on the mountain, feared. Feared from all humanity . He knew more and more soldiers would try to brave him and each one would fall after the other.
Its not only men who try to slay him. Once Grim was ambushed by monsters, soldiers and the most powerful Paladins of the world. Grim simply casted Enclose and they were all in there version of hell. they screamed and they were so easy to slay. Each kill made him stronger. He was too strong. So the rulers of the world closed off the mountain but still Foolish men climbed up the mountain only to be killed or run back down.
ooc: No offence but by your noobish attitude this should be a walk in the park