no diz is ansems shell he discardedchosen destiny said:i think DiZ is like a part of the heart of ansems heart. thats all i can think of. DiZ is a very mystrious person.
no diz is ansems shell he discardedchosen destiny said:i think DiZ is like a part of the heart of ansems heart. thats all i can think of. DiZ is a very mystrious person.
RikuHeroOfDark said:no diz is ansems shell he discarded
when you beat ansem for the last time at the end of CoM ansems says"im only a mere shell".... of DiZ is the question...
dude yeah he did. go beat CoM wiht riku right now. he says it ive checked it many times to make sure i wasnt dreaming. andi respect you cause your the noob pwner adn what not but seriosly he says it.Themuffinman said:Ansem did not say he was a shell, where did you get that stupid Idea?
Riku: Come on out Ansem, I can smell you...
Ansem: Oh I know what you can do. Your skill with darkness has matured
Ansem: But I do not understand. Why accept darkness, and still refuse me?
Ansem: You and I are similar. We both follow where the darkness leads...
Ansem: We exist in the same space--so why deny me?
Ansem: Perhaps some part of you still fears the dark?
Riku: Wrong. The truth is...
Riku: You just really stink.
Ansem: You are a fool to choose a fight with me
Ansem: You've been conquered by me once before. You should know what sort of power you face...
Riku: Oh I do...I used all the power you had to give and still lost to Sora
Riku: I'm not impressed
Ansem: Very well... then sink into the dark abyss!
*I beat ansem*
Ansem: Insolent brat!
Riku: Ansem...
*Slices through ansem*
Riku: You're finished!
Ansem: Hardly...finished...I gave you....the dark...My shadow...lingers...
*Ansem disappears into the darkness and Mickey saves Riku, Ansem is never seen again*
You're only half right. Ansem is the flesh of the former Ansem. See Ansem was good a while ago, then his heart got corrupted by darkness, to purge himself of darkness, true Ansem split into 2. Maybe even 3. The maniac Ansem, DiZ, Quite possibly the EM.frodo101 said:DiZ is ansem
Ummm, are you talking to Muffin Man? Because, just for your information, he wasn't flaming. Copy and paste an example from his post where you see him flaming, and we'll see if you're right about it.Sora's Shadow said:you like flaming dont ya. here's some advice. get a life!