simple question for entertaining^_^
EDIT: P.S the stance i mean only for keyblade wielders ok
EDIT: P.S the stance i mean only for keyblade wielders ok
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nobody else wondering why riku xehanort and vanitas use the same stanceI like Riku's stance, specifically because it isn't practical in any way shape or form. he literally is using one hand in a "come on" gesture, and I find that hilarious.
nobody else wondering why riku xehanort and vanitas use the same stance
Now that I think about it, most keyblade wielders' stances are rather impractical. Aside from Eraqus, dual wield Roxas, and Sora, they're always holding the key down low and beside/behind them.
This works for Ven because his reverse grip means he's gotta come around a lot more to strike, so any forward motion is part of the attack. Everyone else has to take a second or two to move the keyblade in a different direction to set up their attack.
I could excuse the wind up if these stances weren't also a nightmare for defense. Minus Eraqus and Sora, everyone leads with their body. Sure, holding your sword behind you looks cool, but now you have to bring it around to defend as well. Roxas, who has two keyblades, has the only excuse for holding one behind him as he can block with one and attack with the other. But instead, he stands straight forward, keyblades at either side, leaving his middle wide open.
If one if the other sword fighters on here can justify these styles to me that would be great, because my expertise is mainly in Fencing and no one in KH fights that way.
Also, what's up with Sora's valor form stance? One under the right arm, the other over the right shoulder. I know it's not listed, but it's an interesting style that no one else uses and doesn't seem to come from anywhere. It seems Sora's only dual wielding experience comes from Roxas and I don't think Roxas ever holds them like that.
swoosh since vanitas came before riku mean's riku is the one copying vanitas but like you said they have no connection kinda wired but i think i know why maybe cause young sora fight young riku in the island using his stance maybe that's how he learnd the stance cause sora and riku fight with wooden sword alot and i still believe riku sharing something with xehanort seriously they both have white hair both of them fell to darkness both of there keyblade have eye shape both use same stanceThat's a good question. Before BBS, I assumed Riku and Vanitas had the same stance because they were connected to each other. But now that we know that they have nothing to do with each other, it makes it odd that Vanitas has his battle stance.
the point is sora and riku use there stances since they were youngIt wasnt even a flashback. It doesn't really count as anything.