It took me awhile to figure out how to get out of the roulette room. What I hated about that was that it would premium one of the activated cards in my deck, instead of one of the ones that wasn't in my deck. Because of that, I would have all of these premium cards, and not a thought in my head that I should replace some of them with regular cards- and then I'd die the next battle because I ran out of cards. But that was mostly my own stupidity and thoughtlessness.
I don't hate premium cards. I don't use them, for the most part, except for a couple here and there, but that's mostly because I don't really need them. I beat the game perfectly fine using only the regular cards. And, if I do use premiums, I'll try and put them in sleights, so that I can get them again. And I do stack up on elixirs and such. They're not so bad.
Not enough for me to hate. But not enough for me to like them, either.