Based primarily on trailer impressions and interviews, it seems like most of the major events and occurrences revolve around Terra and Ven. Terra's struggle with darkness and Ven's enigmatic issues seem to be the main focus while Aqua serves as the spectator and witness to the plot. (Though that's not to say that her story won't be as deep, but it certainly isn't as advertised.) Having said that, I'm gonna play hers first because it seems to be the least involved, and because I'm curious about discovering her significance towards everything, seeing as how there's a load of information on Terra and Ven. After her scenario, I'll play Ven's and then Terra's. I think that Terra is the central character of the three with the most importance, so I want to save his for last.
My thoughts exactly. Aqua doesn't seem to have as "gaspful" a storyline as the other two, which would make a good start since I want to save the best for last. So Aqua -> Ven -> Terra. I'm not great with magic though, so hopefully it won't be too hard to begin with.
But hey, if we can switch between characters halfway, I could see myself going back and forth between the characters till I'm too confused to understand anything. XD
50th post yaay.