As I sliced open a warrior's head in Skydance's Behemoth, it made me really wish Square Enix had put the effort into a proper Kingdom Hearts VR game.
The experience on PSVR was fine but so short and overall blah, and the cancelled game at least looked like they'd have done battles properly but that still didn't make it far.
The technology has evolved to really allow you to run, attack, and cast spells in real time against enemies so seamlessly, it would have been a delight to fight Heartless in VR. And even if they didn't want to do that, a non-canon Coded sequel where you're Mickey looking down on Sora in a platforming game would have been great too.
I've been playing Max Mustard and thinking something similar with Kingdom Hearts would have been nice.
Also I'm bitter that Square Enix won't do a VR mode for FFVII Rebirth mini-games either. This is the problem with cancelling outsourcing smaller AA titles, you lose all the projects that had whimsy and delight.