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When are we expecting news?



Jul 28, 2004
in my mind


Legendary Member
Dec 17, 2003
You know what's the worst part? There's other franchises that are dormant that I'm part of. Like, I waited a long time for the LoK remsaters. I was fine with that.

I feel KH is extra stressful because I'm waiting for the gacha nobldy wants to come out, then for it to bomb, and then hopefully I get better news after. It feels like I'm waiting to be punched in the face before being given water.

Not that ML and KH4 are necessarily linked like that, but that's why I find the KH wait more negative, because the team has decided to spend who knows how many resources on a game designed to prey on people, and one that's not even likely to work, and it feels like we can't actually move on until we know what's actually up with ML.


ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
I don't want to start a doompost chain, so bear in mind that these are the thoughts of a common buffoon who knows nothing about anything.

I do have a quiet concern that ML's imminent failure to launch will harm KH as a franchise as well as SE's relationship with Nomura. ML in its current state seems built to please no one while simultaneously being a very big budget phone game with a lot of complicated systems that must be tough to maintain.

I feel like Nomura went to Square and said "Kingdom Hearts: Pokémon Go, it'll make lots of cash" only to turn around and make it about this really esoteric baroque society stuff and pull it really far away from what most would casually expect when downloading a KH game. The appetite for stories that have nothing to do with Sora seems really, really small, and this might be the last time they're willing to let Nomura be so free.

I love Nomura as a director and I'm willing to just not play something he makes if I think it seems dumb, but I worry that this blunder (and that's what this is, a huge blunder) might signal to SE that old boy is losing his magic.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2011
I think more fans are hungry for Missing Link than people think, but the casual audience isn’t on message boards discussing this franchise when we’re years without a new game. It’s easy to see negativity and grumpiness when we’re dying in a drought, but I believe the game will be more popular than people think. It just actually needs to come out.

I'd personally much rather have a 3.5 game set in the present starring the Guardians of Light, like what they're doing when Sora is away. I hate it when a story's world stagnates when the main character isn't around. But even with Missing Link being set in the past, I don't think the entire game will be stories of old; it'll include the characters we know and love. We will be dealing with memory fragments and medals based on future worlds. The Astral Plane is probably like the Realm of Darkness, where time is weird and blurs together. This could mean we get cutscenes tying up mysteries and loose ends from past games, like 0.5, and more. Nomura said in an interview about Missing Link that he still wants to answer a bunch of mysteries from across the series. I don't think the story is just a bridge between the phone games. It will be more, it will probably have Sora and his friends; you’ll just experience those cut scenes through Player as s/he explores the Astral Plane. Probably. Maybe.

Those that insult Missing Link before it's even out will have to deal with ME! And I've watched all of Dragon Ball Z subbed AND dubbed! So, I know a thing or two about combat. BACK OFF!


ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
Those that insult Missing Link before it's even out will have to deal with ME! And I've watched all of Dragon Ball Z subbed AND dubbed! So, I know a thing or two about combat. BACK OFF!
Heh heh heh... when you lose, will you be willing to spend 500 gems to try again..? Or will you wait til the next day for your daily energy to refill..? Either way, your statues are MINE bud


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
I think more fans are hungry for Missing Link than people think, but the casual audience isn’t on message boards discussing this franchise when we’re years without a new game. It’s easy to see negativity and grumpiness when we’re dying in a drought, but I believe the game will be more popular than people think. It just actually needs to come out.

I'd personally much rather have a 3.5 game set in the present starring the Guardians of Light, like what they're doing when Sora is away. I hate it when a story's world stagnates when the main character isn't around. But even with Missing Link being set in the past, I don't think the entire game will be stories of old; it'll include the characters we know and love. We will be dealing with memory fragments and medals based on future worlds. The Astral Plane is probably like the Realm of Darkness, where time is weird and blurs together. This could mean we get cutscenes tying up mysteries and loose ends from past games, like 0.5, and more. Nomura said in an interview about Missing Link that he still wants to answer a bunch of mysteries from across the series. I don't think the story is just a bridge between the phone games. It will be more, it will probably have Sora and his friends; you’ll just experience those cut scenes through Player as s/he explores the Astral Plane. Probably. Maybe.

Those that insult Missing Link before it's even out will have to deal with ME! And I've watched all of Dragon Ball Z subbed AND dubbed! So, I know a thing or two about combat. BACK OFF!

Wasn’t that kind of the point of Melody of Memory to fill in the gaps while we wait for KH4?

Anyways, I’d like to be surprised by what Missing Link could bring to the table for a mobile game. I’m a bit more open minded now that I went down the rabbit hole of Pokemon TCGP. Just hoping my phone battery can take it. Lol.

And if those keyblade leaks are real, it gives me hope that we’ll get news sometime in 2025.