You can freeze the bubbles? Sweetness!!
1) I would rush down to see the beginning movie every time someone started a new file, I was that obsessed, and would rush down when the ending movie played.
2) I wouldn't let someone get to Neverland unless I was there, and then I'd sit there shrieking to myself about Peter. I did that at...all times. Any time there was flight or Peter..Peter Pan rocks y'all.
3) I would read each and everything like seventy different times.
4) I spent what, a good half hour in the beginning? One time I actually analyzed how to do it.
5) It took me forever to find the puppies. Especially in Halloweentown, even to this day I can't remember where some of the puppies are. -.- Even if I had a paper in front of me I couldn't tell you.
6) Agh, the darned keyblade. -.- I got the keyblade, and beat Deep Jungle. Got the new keychain, looked at it and started freaking out because it scared me. o-o I didn't touch them for fear that my keyblade would blow up of sorts, even though my brother used them. I didn't actually use them until after Antlantica.
7) I didn't lock Monstro. I just..skimmed through, got Pinoch, went "Hey yay! I can jump higher" when I got High Jump and wandered around and left. -.- Never beat it in that first file.
8) Neverland..Neverneverneverland. Oh boy. I beat the game on one of my files, and figured I would go to the Clock Tower and fly around just because I could. Well, I go there, I'm like what, lvl 58? I get enfuriated when I see that darned phantom and start yelling at the screen and attacking like mad.

I died in what, ten seconds? Especially when I started flying around my "dead" partners and "mourning." <_<
9) Got lost in Wonderland. When I figured out you could like..hit the chairs or sit in them, I was so exicted I was in awe. Pure awe, I tell you. And now I forget what you do to do it. I still get lost in there.
10) Wandered up and down the same lift every time I went to Hollow Bastion. -.- Never figured out you had to use gravity on the floating boxes until after I'd almost beaten the game.
11) Agh, my brother and I spent about two (TWO STINKING) hours just trying to fight the last Riku.
12) When the tiger came up in Agrabah my brother and I were fascinated by the rumbling. -.-
13) Spent about four weeks or so trying to beat the dumb lizard in Deep Jungle.
14) Spent even more trying to beat Ice Titan.
15) Attempted Sephy just for laughs and got my butt kicked. Horribly.
16) Haven't gotten the Ultima blade or all the trinities NOR all the "weapon" thingies.
And finally..joined the forums (Just Kidding!! I love this place).. Wow, I was an oddball about KH. <_<