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What's everyone's thoughts on the minneapolis riots?



Active member
Aug 25, 2020
The World That Never Was
You do know you have essentially said you are a person not worth spending time on, which would implicitly mean you are calling yourself a worthless person.

I think that’s a bit sad to think about. To have no values, no cause, no joys beyond the superficial consumption of commodities...parroting broken logic formed from a rejection of change and growth; born from ignorance; cultivated by spite.

Trust me when I say nobody here has wasted any time on you—rather they find this entire situation humorous and odd. Any time spent responding to you has likely been done in passing during mundane gaps in one’s day.

But if your goal was to derail this topic so that you may not have to address why you continue to play games by developers who have expressed support for BLM because there is a part of you that is uncomfortable confronting that reality because you get to live in a bubble that caters to you, I suppose you have succeeded only in the most minor of ways.

And since you see yourself as some sort of victor in some nonexistent battle between those who abstain from political engagement and those who do engage in it, do you not think your own time would be better spent returning to more worthwhile discussions like “What will this game made for children do in its next installment?” and “Can’t wait for Yoko Taro’s next game even though the political and philosophical points go over my head because I don’t believe in that sort of thing in media”?

Well no shit for pointing out i am a misanthorpe with a deep hatred of society and want nothing at all for doing with it. My biggest value in life is fact based truth and logic and debunking bullshit when i see it so calling me someone without values and goals in life is like a calling me an loser. So you're totally wrong there i actually am planning on working on a career in media analysis and criticism and i also plan on debunking anything you feminists or i should call your kind strawberry generation baizuos because i've never seen anybody this so fauxely offended and egotisicical in my entire life and being an anti sjw has actually gave me self confidence and a outlet to vent my anixenty and depression issues and i've been feeling so much better with my life and its given me alot of friends especially best ones. I've been growing up as the smartest person in the entire room all my fucking life and i just simply want nothing but a peaceful quiet totally stressfree life and i have no love at all for people who get in a way of it such as politcs and the people who support it. Lucky Star is not a political at all neither is k-on or also Clannad either and those are all sucessful apolitical stuff so not everything at all is political.
Thanks for proving my point on how peoples own idenity and value comes from nothing but politics and crying on social media all the time enjoy your misery and guessd what putting pronouns in your bio just gives me and my friends more things to laugh at.


ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
Well no shit for pointing out i am a misanthorpe with a deep hatred of society and want nothing at all for doing with it. My biggest value in life is fact based truth and logic and debunking bullshit when i see it so calling me someone without values and goals in life is like a calling me an loser. So you're totally wrong there i actually am planning on working on a career in media analysis and criticism and i also plan on debunking anything you feminists or i should call your kind strawberry generation baizuos because i've never seen anybody this so fauxely offended and egotisicical in my entire life and being an anti sjw has actually gave me self confidence and a outlet to vent my anixenty and depression issues and i've been feeling so much better with my life and its given me alot of friends especially best ones. I've been growing up as the smartest person in the entire room all my fucking life and i just simply want nothing but a peaceful quiet totally stressfree life and i have no love at all for people who get in a way of it such as politcs and the people who support it. Lucky Star is not a political at all neither is k-on or also Clannad either and those are all sucessful apolitical stuff so not everything at all is political.
Thanks for proving my point on how peoples own idenity and value comes from nothing but politics and crying on social media all the time enjoy your misery and guessd what putting pronouns in your bio just gives me and my friends more things to laugh at.

There are a lot of good ones but this is my favorite Oscar Wilde quote


keeps leaving X-mas decor up year-round.
Oct 21, 2011
i also plan on debunking anything you feminists or i should call your kind strawberry generation baizuos because i've never seen anybody this so fauxely offended and egotisicical in my entire life and being an anti sjw has actually gave me self confidence

This isn't anti-political / apolitical. It's literally just a different political affiliation. Not that either are good, responsible choices.

2 quid is good

Driving around Quadratum in a Toyota
Apr 27, 2018
No man, you don't get to appease racists by calling it a difference of opinion. Having the right to live an equal life should never be spoken about as an opinion


A boy in a playsuit.
Oct 28, 2005
Well no shit for pointing out i am a misanthorpe with a deep hatred of society and want nothing at all for doing with it. My biggest value in life is fact based truth and logic and debunking bullshit when i see it so calling me someone without values and goals in life is like a calling me an loser. So you're totally wrong there i actually am planning on working on a career in media analysis and criticism and i also plan on debunking anything you feminists or i should call your kind strawberry generation baizuos because i've never seen anybody this so fauxely offended and egotisicical in my entire life and being an anti sjw has actually gave me self confidence and a outlet to vent my anixenty and depression issues and i've been feeling so much better with my life and its given me alot of friends especially best ones. I've been growing up as the smartest person in the entire room all my fucking life and i just simply want nothing but a peaceful quiet totally stressfree life and i have no love at all for people who get in a way of it such as politcs and the people who support it. Lucky Star is not a political at all neither is k-on or also Clannad either and those are all sucessful apolitical stuff so not everything at all is political.
Thanks for proving my point on how peoples own idenity and value comes from nothing but politics and crying on social media all the time enjoy your misery and guessd what putting pronouns in your bio just gives me and my friends more things to laugh at.
If that's the career you're planning, might I suggest learning how to actually write a text for starters? If you want to be heard, you'd do better if your text is actually coherent rather than a hodgepodge of sentences running through each other.
Secondly if you plan on debunking everything people you don't agree with say you might want to actually follow through instead of constantly changing the subject whenever you're faced with evidence contrary to your position.

I can't speak for everyone here, but my identity and values have nothing to do with politics. Personally, in the past I may have been different, but after a bit of growing up I just decided being an asswipe to people is an unconstructive use of both parties' time and changes nothing in the end. It is my belief that people should not be downtrodden by whatever system is in place, not just for those people but because a system like that inevitably breaks down and causes even more chaos and misery for everyone involved. It is also my belief that we should be tolerant, but being tolerant to those that are intolerant, like you, is sadly not in the cards because intolerant people have only 1 goal: to shit on everyone that isn't themselves. If that is what you want: kindly go fuck yourself.

I decided upon these values long before I ever had any interest in politics. If you allow politics to influence your behavior, you are nothing but a puppet. Or a sheeple, you might say.

You don't like to be called an incel, but everything you have said so far is nothing but textbook edgelord Incel behavior. I should know, in the past I regrettably veered dangerously close into that territory.
I really have only 1 message for you: grow up. I don't know how old you are, but your rants don't sound smart. They sound like those of a petulant child.
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keeps leaving X-mas decor up year-round.
Oct 21, 2011
Relax guys. Everyone's different opinions.

Maybe if you're talking about a subjective piece of art.

It's not a difference of opinion when you're the only one who's disaffected. I'm sure everyone would love that luxury, but even then, your privilege isn't guaranteed to last. Ask any homeless veteran. And you don't get to be disaffected and then whine about other people having to fight and flee for unmatched freedom, safety and security.


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
Opinion = "Ew, tea is gross. I prefer hot chocolate. Kingdom Hearts sucks, Persona is better. Leave the toilet seat down after you use it."

Not an opinion = "Maybe some people do deserve less rights than me. Maybe your skin does make you more violent. Maybe science isn't real and -insert conservative talking head with no education on the matter" is totally right all seeing oracle who knows the one truth that MAYBE some people should be lesser."

It's really a shame what has happened to the gaming community. I mean, from the getgo, there's always been a little bit of sexism. For a little while it didn't seem so bad, but it sorta feels like it's taking a downward turn. All these nerds are falling into the alt-right trap. It's sad to see how quickly they all fall and start spewing hatred.

I've been a nerd my entire life, but in high school, none of the typical nerd dudes paid me any mind. I wasn't looking for a relationship, but fellow nerd friends. I eventually fell into my current friend group, book nerds with a little bit of band and art nerd mixed in. Notably, all girl nerds. Didn't find gaming friends till I got online more.

I remember once I saw these two dudes geeking over this dragon encyclopedia book thing I'd been DYING to check out of the library for ages, but it was ALWAYS checked out. So I said screw it, I'd ask to sit with them so I could read it without taking it away. The look they gave me, I'll never forget it. "Why is she talking to us?". Spoiler alert, I never got to check out that book in my entire 4 years of high school even though I basically live in the library.

I remember another incident, this one guy always brought his laptop to school to play games. Especially near the end of school. I saw he was playing the Sims once and I've been an avid simmer since I was like, 12. I think a LITTLE before I got into KH actually when I was also 12. Once again, the look he gave me. Like, "Why are you talking to me?" I just gave up at that point, gave up as in, I'll just meet my friends naturally (which I did) instead of constantly getting glared at by random dudes who I noticed shared my interest. (It was easy not to strike up conversation anyway given I'm shy. Ha)

ANYWAY. It's 2020. Nerd culture is "cool". Any girl who is a nerd looking for fellow nerdy guys either genuinely wants a friend or they can't find a non-nerd partner if they're looking for love. Even if she is faking it, why the hell does it matter?? Isn't that a good thing??? There's a person willing to fake their interest in gaming because they like you THAT MUCH and your reaction is "How dare you pretend to like what I like just to get to know me."

That is typical incel BS. You've let life long losers talk you into rejecting any and all possibilities for romance or friendship. Even if that girl isn't a nerd at first and only pretending to be, there are a shit ton of games of all different kinds. No doubt you can find one she'll actually really love and bring her into gaming for real.

This is why incels always confuse me. Why can't you act like normal people, not be a sexist creep, make some friends, and eventually stumble upon that one friend that ends up being something more? Why do you immediately give up and hop on the racist sexism train? You're falling into that "men only think with their d***" stereotype. Please grow up and use your freakin' brain.

Being racist, creepy, and sexist is not going to make you attractive. The only women you'll attract that way are most likely the crazy ones that will kill you in their sleep, because they're just as weird as you are.
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Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Opinion = "Ew, tea is gross. I prefer hot chocolate. Kingdom Hearts sucks, Persona is better. Leave the toilet seat down after you use it."

Not an opinion = "Maybe some people do deserve less rights than me. Maybe your skin does make you more violent. Maybe science isn't real and -insert conservative talking head with no education on the matter" is totally right all seeing oracle who knows the one truth that MAYBE some people should be lesser."

It's really a shame what has happened to the gaming community. I mean, from the getgo, there's always been a little bit of sexism. For a little while it didn't seem so bad, but it sorta feels like it's taking a downward turn. All these nerds are falling into the alt-right trap. It's sad to see how quickly they all fall and start spewing hatred.

I've been a nerd my entire life, but in high school, none of the typical nerd dudes paid me any mind. I wasn't looking for a relationship, but fellow nerd friends. I eventually fell into my current friend group, book nerds with a little bit of band and art nerd mixed in. Notably, all girl nerds. Didn't find gaming friends till I got online more.

I remember once I saw these two dudes geeking over this dragon encyclopedia book thing I'd been DYING to check out of the library for ages, but it was ALWAYS checked out. So I said screw it, I'd ask to sit with them so I could read it without taking it away. The look they gave me, I'll never forget it. "Why is she talking to us?". Spoiler alert, I never got to check out that book in my entire 4 years of high school even though I basically live in the library.

I remember another incident, this one guy always brought his laptop to school to play games. Especially near the end of school. I saw he was playing the Sims once and I've been an avid simmer since I was like, 12. I think a LITTLE before I got into KH actually when I was also 12. Once again, the look he gave me. Like, "Why are you talking to me?" I just gave up at that point, gave up as in, I'll just meet my friends naturally (which I did) instead of constantly getting glared at by random dudes who I noticed shared my interest. (It was easy not to strike up conversation anyway given I'm shy. Ha)

ANYWAY. It's 2020. Nerd culture is "cool". Any girl who is a nerd looking for fellow nerdy guys either genuinely wants a friend or they can't find a non-nerd partner if they're looking for love. Even if she is faking it, why the hell does it matter?? Isn't that a good thing??? There's a person willing to fake their interest in gaming because they like you THAT MUCH and your reaction is "How dare you pretend to like what I like just to get to know me."

That is typical incel BS. You've let life long losers talk you into rejecting any and all possibilities for romance or friendship. Even if that girl isn't a nerd at first and only pretending to be, there are a shit ton of games of all different kinds. No doubt you can find one she'll actually really love and bring her into gaming for real.

This is why incels always confuse me. Why can't you act like normal people, not be a sexist creep, make some friends, and eventually stumble upon that one friend that ends up being something more? Why do you immediately give up and hop on the racist sexism train? You're falling into that "men only thing with their d***" stereotype. Please grow up and use your freakin' brain.

Being racist, creepy, and sexist is not going to make you attractive. The only women you'll attract that way are most likely the crazy ones that will kill you in their sleep, because they're just as weird as you are.

This whole ass post is real. I work part-time at GS and I cannot tell you how many times I've bit hit on by the same guys who also say "oh but I bet you don't know anything about games"

Like wtf, I part time at GS and these guys are there buying a fucking 2K or Madden and it's all they play (not even conjecture. I can see their purchase history and I ask them about what they play and it's always "oh I only play the new sports games"). I am pretty certain I know way more about games than them.

In college I experienced this a bit in gamer circles. I would try to join in game tournaments in our dorm or just casual gaming days and I never once got the chance to play anything. The guys were really just there to play together and steadfastly ignored any of the girls who tried to get in on the games. It was frustrating. I'm happy to report when I switched schools, I found a way more accepting and diverse group of gamers who were open to everybody and many of them became good friends.

So I never want to hear about "women using games to attract men" ever again in my life. It is not as if those types of incels even let women into those spaces or acknowledge them in the first place. How can they be using games to attract men but also in the same breath get rejected by men?


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
This whole ass post is real. I work part-time at GS and I cannot tell you how many times I've bit hit on by the same guys who also say "oh but I bet you don't know anything about games"

Like wtf, I part time at GS and these guys are there buying a fucking 2K or Madden and it's all they play (not even conjecture. I can see their purchase history and I ask them about what they play and it's always "oh I only play the new sports games"). I am pretty certain I know way more about games than them.

In college I experienced this a bit in gamer circles. I would try to join in game tournaments in our dorm or just casual gaming days and I never once got the chance to play anything. The guys were really just there to play together and steadfastly ignored any of the girls who tried to get in on the games. It was frustrating. I'm happy to report when I switched schools, I found a way more accepting and diverse group of gamers who were open to everybody and many of them became good friends.

So I never want to hear about "women using games to attract men" ever again in my life. It is not as if those types of incels even let women into those spaces or acknowledge them in the first place. How can they be using games to attract men but also in the same breath get rejected by men?

Oh my gosh, you just brought back a memory of something that happened in college. I'm in IT, and apparently they held gaming nights every Friday in the IT building. I usually just went straight back to my dorm after work and classes (to play BbS on my PSP and watch anime of course), but when I heard about this I was SO excited. Oh my gosh, an entire roomed full of nerds and IT people who share my major, surely they'll be friendly and I can play some games.

No one would talk to me. Or they'd move to different computers if I sat nearby. Most of the games people were playing weren't even competative games, it was freakin' Minecraft and stuff.

So I left and never went back. I was also uncomfortable because I think I was the only girl there, and definitely the only black person. I was sad.

I must forget this memory again. But yeah, stuff like that prevented me from ever going to an anime convention. Or cosplaying. Or anything. I felt like I didn't fit in. I didn't want to go by myself, but I had no IRL nerd friends to go with.

But for the first time this year, me and a friend of mine (fellow nerd friend at last) were going to go to our first anime convention. We even got our first cosplays, some scrub demon slayers (we were gonna pretend we were just background characters instead of trying to cosplay actual Demon Slayer characters). We bought the haori from an online Japanese thrift store and everything.... then the pandemic hit. Lol.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Oh my gosh, you just brought back a memory of something that happened in college. I'm in IT, and apparently they held gaming nights every Friday in the IT building. I usually just went straight back to my dorm after work and classes (to play BbS on my PSP and watch anime of course), but when I heard about this I was SO excited. Oh my gosh, an entire roomed full of nerds and IT people who share my major, surely they'll be friendly and I can play some games.

No one would talk to me. Or they'd move to different computers if I sat nearby. Most of the games people were playing weren't even competative games, it was freakin' Minecraft and stuff.

So I left and never went back. I was also uncomfortable because I think I was the only girl there, and definitely the only black person. I was sad.

I must forget this memory again. But yeah, stuff like that prevented me from ever going to an anime convention. Or cosplaying. Or anything. I felt like I didn't fit in. I didn't want to go by myself, but I had no IRL nerd friends to go with.

But for the first time this year, me and a friend of mine (fellow nerd friend at last) were going to go to our first anime convention. We even got our first cosplays, some scrub demon slayers (we were gonna pretend we were just background characters instead of trying to cosplay actual Demon Slayer characters). We bought the haori from an online Japanese thrift store and everything.... then the pandemic hit. Lol.

Oh no ;A; Hopefully next year will be better so you can finally go to a convention. They are some of the most fun events I go to during the year. And if you manage to build a solid group of friends and acquaintances, you end up having some really awesome adventures during the weekend.

It seems like a lot of first times were cut off this year for a lot of people. I was going to finally go to DragonCon and cosplay since I rarely do it. I cancelled my plans for other conventions just so I could go to this one. Alas...

Man, screw those guys. It's crap like what you described that gets my blood boiling. They should not open up events like that for everybody if they are going to exclude people they don't feel comfortable with or have no intentions of interacting with. Just remember that they weren't people worth being friends or associating with. You have found more fulfilling companions in other places of your life and that is what matters.


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
Oh no ;A; Hopefully next year will be better so you can finally go to a convention. They are some of the most fun events I go to during the year. And if you manage to build a solid group of friends and acquaintances, you end up having some really awesome adventures during the weekend.

It seems like a lot of first times were cut off this year for a lot of people. I was going to finally go to DragonCon and cosplay since I rarely do it. I cancelled my plans for other conventions just so I could go to this one. Alas...

Man, screw those guys. It's crap like what you described that gets my blood boiling. They should not open up events like that for everybody if they are going to exclude people they don't feel comfortable with or have no intentions of interacting with. Just remember that they weren't people worth being friends or associating with. You have found more fulfilling companions in other places of your life and that is what matters.

Yeahhh, we were considering going to DragonCon, but we decided to go to Momocon instead and see how it went and then try DragonCon.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Yeahhh, we were considering going to DragonCon, but we decided to go to Momocon instead and see how it went and then try DragonCon.

I've heard great things about Momocon, but never gone because it usually falls on or around the same weekend as Fanime here in California.

My friends have gone to DragonCon before and said it's really fun. Obviously the focus is more on generalized nerd/geek culture so there are less anime and video game-related vendors and events to attend, but between the size of the convention center and how many things there are to do, you can't really get bored or feel disappointed.


ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
even though I was baiting I just wanna apologize for even getting that sexist bs convo started... Obviously I think it's stupid but for some it's probably not even fun to see in jest. My entire bad gang.


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
Don't feel bad for outing a sexist, they woulda done it themselves eventually.