firstly shouts go out to hamster lord for making me remember such a painful experience with his happy b'day days thread!
Well today i was talking with my homeboy outside of school when someone pokes me in the neck i turn around to see who it is & its Shati I give her a death stare try to serpress my rage & say "hey shati" very very coldly then walkaway(anagram of her real name bonus points for whoever can decifer it) long story short last year i spit alot of game at this chick, she was real close to being my Gf & i let her borrow my copy of days (my DS was broke at the time) she ends up pawning it. & i avoid her completly because im afraid i might not be able to keep my self from punching her in the face. Any way she knows not to come near me, at one point she said something to me a few months ago (dont remember what it was) & i cussed her out.
i think the reason she had the audacity to come up to me like that was because her best friend is a close firend of mine & she tried to talk me into forgiving Shati (also Shati has screwed this girl over in a few different ways & their still friends) So i think Shati thinks were cool & were faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from cool what shoul i do?
Well today i was talking with my homeboy outside of school when someone pokes me in the neck i turn around to see who it is & its Shati I give her a death stare try to serpress my rage & say "hey shati" very very coldly then walkaway(anagram of her real name bonus points for whoever can decifer it) long story short last year i spit alot of game at this chick, she was real close to being my Gf & i let her borrow my copy of days (my DS was broke at the time) she ends up pawning it. & i avoid her completly because im afraid i might not be able to keep my self from punching her in the face. Any way she knows not to come near me, at one point she said something to me a few months ago (dont remember what it was) & i cussed her out.
i think the reason she had the audacity to come up to me like that was because her best friend is a close firend of mine & she tried to talk me into forgiving Shati (also Shati has screwed this girl over in a few different ways & their still friends) So i think Shati thinks were cool & were faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from cool what shoul i do?