Ansem didnt just ever completly PWN Xemnas while they were talkin....Hey it was Chirstopher Lee! He could just pull out a lightsaber and he and Xemnas could have a lightsaber duel!
how long did it take you to write this?Shady-DVS-Hoody-Child said:The fact that Riku randomly has a Keyblade. The fact that Leon and everyone's mother remember's Hollow Bastion's original name out of nowhere, when they've lived there since they were kids. The Mermaid World. Nuff said. No Traverse Town. What happened? It just died? Riku wearing black shoes, but taking off his cloak makes his shoes automatically change, same for Mickey. Do they have cloaked shoes now? Sora not noticing his clothes shrinked, and Hayner, Pence, and Olette not acting weirded out seeing a teenager wearing small clothes. Everyone's obsession with seasalt ice cream. Scrooge's secret ingredient must've been cocaine. Taking Hercules no time at all to rebuild the Coliseum. Hercules, Simba, and Riku being emo. What the hell Simba, what. the. hell. Riku turning to light, eventhough darkness was the only thing that made him unique. The Door to Light appearing out of nowhere, as well as Kairi's letter. That dark beach appearing out of nowhere. Riku turning into a total weakling, depending on Sora to walk. Great, now Riku is a panzy. Totally out of character. Sora's hand in Riku's back pocket. ((I SWEAR I SAW THIS)) Selphie's part in the game. Totally useless. Seifer still calling you weak, even after saying your the strongest in Twilight Town, and getting beaten over 10 times. The use of "lamer" in KH2. Rai's stupidity, as well as that stupid "Y'know" line. The fact people thought they were seeing clones of themselves, when they were just looking at their reflection. Man, Twilight Town is full of idiots. Axel making almost no sense in his dying speech, and being corny instead of sad. "My heart just wouldn't be in it" or "Thats what happens when you put your whole being in your attack". Using sarcasm to cover up the fact that you made no sense? The Got it Memorized line. Stupid. Goofy being smarter than sora and donald. Sora thinking a stupid computer would help him find Riku and Kairi. "Computer! Where are Riku and Kairi?!" Idiot. Paying people money to hit a ball continously in the air. Random skateboards in every world. Am I missing any?
and when u try 2 go back in the mansion in TT he says we cant just Barge in.the fact that cloud dosent give a crap about sora..while leon treats him like hes his little brother,Spoiler Show
when u go to the other side of TT u cant go up the stairs to leave..he says something dosent feel right.
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how in the HELL did Genie mistake Pete for Aladdin
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when u tell cloud Sephiroth is waiting he walks away and dissapears
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the fact that u can lie 2 cloud about seeing sephiroth
Sora_aroS said:the fact that Donald and Goofy just disapered before u fight sephirtoh...i looked they werent watching..they ran i bet...and the fact that TWTNW has so many damn buildings,and kairi handles a keyblade like its nothing, and aladdin still dresses like his wife is not rich..and Pete and Mickey mouse only meet 2wice..and the fact that the rules in the coliseum changed 2..just have a clean fight,when u get the ice cream its with u for a while and it Never melts,where does sora keep all the key blades, and potions, and items, and rings, and all those things, u never get a chance 2 see the inside of the palace at agrabah,the fact that Roxas could hit the floor head first so hard and not get a concusion i mean his keyblade got stuck in the ground..and when u try 2 go back in the mansion in TT he says we cant just Barge in.the fact that cloud dosent give a crap about sora..while leon treats him like hes his little brother,Spoiler Show
when u go to the other side of TT u cant go up the stairs to leave..he says something dosent feel right.Spoiler Show
how in the HELL did Genie mistake Pete for Aladdin
Spoiler Show
when u tell cloud Sephiroth is waiting he walks away and dissapears
Spoiler Show
the fact that u can lie 2 cloud about seeing sephiroth
how does Jiminy just jump from he in his @$$ or his hood?..
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Tifa wears a bra in KH2! *gasp!* Of course, she doesn't wear one in AC. (cough)fanboyservice(cough)
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Xemnas uses a lightsaber-like weapon, voice done by Christopher Lee. Coincidence?
Savior of Dawn said:1.FF7: AC spoiler (Sort of)Spoiler Show
Tifa wears a bra in KH2! *gasp!* Of course, she doesn't wear one in AC. (cough)fanboyservice(cough)
2. Suddenly EVERYBODY except Goofy, Donald, and Mickey is taller than Sora, even though he grew quite a bit.
3. They say Sora, Donald, Goofy at least 50 times throughout the game. Now they're officially SDG.
4. Sora's skateboard can send any heartless flying, yet does almost no damage. What the hell is that skateboard made out of anyways?
5. Sora is suddenly an idiot.
6.Spoiler Show
Xemnas uses a lightsaber-like weapon, voice done by Christopher Lee. Coincidence?
7. Riku gives Kairi some type of keyblade (Obviously from destiny islands) yet she never actually fights with it. And it suddenly disappears for no reason.
8. Kairi wears no skirt. Her top is slightly unzipped at the bottom, making a slight skirt.
9. Ending cutscene: Donald's head is HUGE.
That's about it with me. These don't really bug me, I just noticed them.
3. They say Sora, Donald, Goofy at least 50 times throughout the game. Now they're officially SDG.
Believe it or not, it's Destiny Islands. =/ There's more than one island, remember? Sora, Riku, and Kairi had boats to get to that island where they play.Sorocoroto said:Where did the Island that Kairi and Selphie where on come from? It looked like it was so close to the island from the first game but in the first game its not there
haha werid the fact that Mickey comes out of no where helps Sora (boss fight at Beasts castle first time)