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What random things did you notice in KH2?

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New member
Mar 24, 2006
in the ending scene where sora lands in the water. his hair starts out all wet but slowly goes back together:D i luaghed when i saw that

Ip Man

Jan 5, 2006
A~X~E~L said:
Kairi's keyblade...what the heck ???

Yeah, I really dislike that part. Riku just pulls out another Keyblade out of his ass and gives it to Kairi without explaining anything? And she doesnt ask anything about it. I was like... "is Nomura is running out of ideas or something?"


New member
Mar 1, 2006
Everywhere your not
I thought it was dumb that all of a sudden kairi gets a keyblade what next donald and goofy get keyblades along with everyone in all of the worlds.


New member
Mar 15, 2006
lostdude said:
in the ending scene where sora lands in the water. his hair starts out all wet but slowly goes back together:D i luaghed when i saw that
hahhah I was like i bet he's hair isn't gonna be wet and then BOOM he's hair is not wet...


New member
Aug 4, 2005
1. kairi's keyblade
2. if sora was still holdin on 2 the good luck charm, he should have had oathkeeper from the beginning......
3. sora gets the pouch of 5000 munny but never gets 2 spend it, lol
4. roxas turns into sora for a few split seconds on and off yet him and sora are 2 different ppl but 1 and the same
5. sora, donald, and goofy NEVER thank namine or meet her for that matter
6. the roxas vs. sora cutscene was changed, the original way the cutscene was planned was much better than in the game


New member
Mar 1, 2006
Everywhere your not
iholdthekeys said:
1. kairi's keyblade
2. if sora was still holdin on 2 the good luck charm, he should have had oathkeeper from the beginning......
3. sora gets the pouch of 5000 munny but never gets 2 spend it, lol
4. roxas turns into sora for a few split seconds on and off yet him and sora are 2 different ppl but 1 and the same
5. sora, donald, and goofy NEVER thank namine or meet her for that matter
6. the roxas vs. sora cutscene was changed, the original way the cutscene was planned was much better than in the game

About no. 6 yeah they originally planned it to be a playable battle but memory on the disk was too small for it to happen because they tried to stay in the one disk range and it cost a lot of memory.


New member
Mar 6, 2006
xansemx said:
Yeah, I really dislike that part. Riku just pulls out another Keyblade out of his ass and gives it to Kairi without explaining anything? And she doesnt ask anything about it. I was like... "is Nomura is running out of ideas or something?"

That was the worst. He was like "Here, catch this random keyblade I created out of my saliva! It's covered in flowers 'n stuff! LOLOLOLOL!"


New member
Aug 4, 2005
they should have got rid of things then from the game, such as maybe 1 part in the final battle, that dragon and 2nd time u fight xemnas in his weird form isn't 2 thrillin....... i just like the meteor rain reaction command......... but yeah, you didn't get to fight roxas or axel for that matter........ those would have been some nice fights to do with sora..... especially the roxas one..... fightin another keyblade master who is yourself...... square-enix messed this game up bigtime


Bloodstained Angel
Dec 29, 2005
WHY IS THERE SO MUCH FRIKIN SEA SALT ICE CREAM! I found that obnoxious how much they ate that stuff. No wonder that one kid is fat, the rest of Roxas' friends are soon going to follow suite and blow up one day.


New member
Mar 29, 2005
1.) you can't defeat a Final Fantasy character with Fenrir in the Titan Cup (paradox)
2.) if you position yourself right, donald will try to walk through sephiroth's legs when you approach him for battle
3.) you can ONLY kill sephiroth with the ultima
4.) pooh is psycho O_O;;
5.) you can't do the reaction command "reversal" while sora is in his old clothes
6.) while in "select" mode, you can run around and fight using the right joystick to move the camera. personally dubbed "sora vision" XP

The Conquerer

The Bloody Warrior
Mar 6, 2006
A scene it the closing credits. It shows Sora finally goes back to the secret place and he notices that Kairi has drew a paopu fruit and connected it to Sora's mouth. Kinda like he did 1 year ago. Sora smiles I think.


Ashy to Classy
Mar 12, 2005
Carson, CA
The fact that Riku randomly has a Keyblade. The fact that Leon and everyone's mother remember's Hollow Bastion's original name out of nowhere, when they've lived there since they were kids. The Mermaid World. Nuff said. No Traverse Town. What happened? It just died? Riku wearing black shoes, but taking off his cloak makes his shoes automatically change, same for Mickey. Do they have cloaked shoes now? Sora not noticing his clothes shrinked, and Hayner, Pence, and Olette not acting weirded out seeing a teenager wearing small clothes. Everyone's obsession with seasalt ice cream. Scrooge's secret ingredient must've been cocaine. Taking Hercules no time at all to rebuild the Coliseum. Hercules, Simba, and Riku being emo. What the hell Simba, what. the. hell. Riku turning to light, eventhough darkness was the only thing that made him unique. The Door to Light appearing out of nowhere, as well as Kairi's letter. That dark beach appearing out of nowhere. Riku turning into a total weakling, depending on Sora to walk. Great, now Riku is a panzy. Totally out of character. Sora's hand in Riku's back pocket. ((I SWEAR I SAW THIS)) Selphie's part in the game. Totally useless. Seifer still calling you weak, even after saying your the strongest in Twilight Town, and getting beaten over 10 times. The use of "lamer" in KH2. Rai's stupidity, as well as that stupid "Y'know" line. The fact people thought they were seeing clones of themselves, when they were just looking at their reflection. Man, Twilight Town is full of idiots. Axel making almost no sense in his dying speech, and being corny instead of sad. "My heart just wouldn't be in it" or "Thats what happens when you put your whole being in your attack". Using sarcasm to cover up the fact that you made no sense? The Got it Memorized line. Stupid. Goofy being smarter than sora and donald. Sora thinking a stupid computer would help him find Riku and Kairi. "Computer! Where are Riku and Kairi?!" Idiot. Paying people money to hit a ball continously in the air. Random skateboards in every world. Am I missing any?


New member
Jan 22, 2006
Part Time Savior said:
Why does sora have oversized shoes? o.o
for all these years i'm also thinking wy he has those shoes...looks like he has a size 20 feet...but it looks cute:)


New member
Mar 7, 2006
Shady-DVS-Hoody-Child said:
The fact that Riku randomly has a Keyblade. The fact that Leon and everyone's mother remember's Hollow Bastion's original name out of nowhere, when they've lived there since they were kids. The Mermaid World. Nuff said. No Traverse Town. What happened? It just died? Riku wearing black shoes, but taking off his cloak makes his shoes automatically change, same for Mickey. Do they have cloaked shoes now? Sora not noticing his clothes shrinked, and Hayner, Pence, and Olette not acting weirded out seeing a teenager wearing small clothes. Everyone's obsession with seasalt ice cream. Scrooge's secret ingredient must've been cocaine. Taking Hercules no time at all to rebuild the Coliseum. Hercules, Simba, and Riku being emo. What the hell Simba, what. the. hell. Riku turning to light, eventhough darkness was the only thing that made him unique. The Door to Light appearing out of nowhere, as well as Kairi's letter. That dark beach appearing out of nowhere. Riku turning into a total weakling, depending on Sora to walk. Great, now Riku is a panzy. Totally out of character. Sora's hand in Riku's back pocket. ((I SWEAR I SAW THIS)) Selphie's part in the game. Totally useless. Seifer still calling you weak, even after saying your the strongest in Twilight Town, and getting beaten over 10 times. The use of "lamer" in KH2. Rai's stupidity, as well as that stupid "Y'know" line. The fact people thought they were seeing clones of themselves, when they were just looking at their reflection. Man, Twilight Town is full of idiots. Axel making almost no sense in his dying speech, and being corny instead of sad. "My heart just wouldn't be in it" or "Thats what happens when you put your whole being in your attack". Using sarcasm to cover up the fact that you made no sense? The Got it Memorized line. Stupid. Goofy being smarter than sora and donald. Sora thinking a stupid computer would help him find Riku and Kairi. "Computer! Where are Riku and Kairi?!" Idiot. Paying people money to hit a ball continously in the air. Random skateboards in every world. Am I missing any?

Lol, i like most of these.
Now there,s almost no random things anymore to mention but....
1. Sora would of still been running around in his normal clothes if it wasnt for those fairies
2. The Atlantica Musical thingie, when i first saw this.....wow.
3. The stupid fact the Organization members didnt show up in KH1, they could of just killed Sora in his weak state right there.
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