Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I liked running around as a Heartless xD The way he walks is just hillarious... When I first saw my brother do it, I thought he hacked the game or something .
i liked walking around as a heartless too.I enjoyed playing in alice in wonderland's world my self,and i thought The little mermaid's world was too hard
I loved to glide around Oogie Boogie's manor when it was still up. And for some reason I pretend that I was the Vampire Prince. I think I got high somehow...
I liked:
1) Fighting possesed Riku
2) Going through Hollow Bastion the first time and experiencing all the cool parts of the story that happen there
3) Walking around as a Heartless
4) Watching Sora unlock his heart and die. It's not often that they pretend to kill off the main character.
5) Getting the Ultima Weapon. That thing is the most beautiful weapon.
I liked Hollow Bastion, because of the structure and the music. It was awesome. Oh and the fight with Riku, Malificent, Dragon, Riku II, and the Behemoth.
Also Liked the Colliseum.
1. Fighting Riku the second time around and seeing Sora unlock his heart.
2. Seeing Sephiroth come down, and then beating him.
3. Fighting Kurt Zisa.
4. Fighting Ansem the first time!
5. Got to love the Coliseum time trials!
I mostly liked the fighting the way the fighting is developed it is awesome especially bosses such as cerberus , riku , ansem , and both malefincents and king triton