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What kind of reviews for BBS?

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What do you think, what kind of reviews BBS will get? It sure has very good graphics even for ps2, but it is on psp.

So is there any chance for it to get 100/100 points or 5 Stars? I mean that is it possible in anyway, cuz I know that there are some idiots reviewing games and they do it from their own likes and will never give an anime-game to have full points.

These are often the usual requirements in a review:

-maybe I forgot something..?

At least BBS should get full points from graphics. Music might be good as well.. Story is always good in KH-games so in this too. Creativity? The new battle-system and three scenarios might be succesful. Lenght? All scenarios summed together should be at least 35 hours I think.. Originality? I dunno.. Gameplay? Could be succesful.

What do you think?

I know one total idiot who gave KH1 32/100 points and I bet he only played Destiny Islands. He said that Graphics sucked, story was boring and Gameplay was sticky/bad. I bet that he is a jerk who will give 20-40 points to game if it´s only anime, no matter what it has inside =(


I don't know, there isn't enough information about the game to predict how well it will do.
I know, but is there any change for it to get full points? I mean that will some idiots with their shitty expectations give it low points, whatever was the content? I mean just because it´s anime?

Mr. Wilhelm

Also Sprach Zarathustra
Sep 5, 2007
Review are not always well done. Maybe the one Famitsu will do will have a true value. But well, if this game has not maximum point in graphism, that will prove the point reviews are bad done.. That is like FFXII, Famitsu gave it maximum point, but this game is far from being loved by all player.


Review are not always well done. Maybe the one Famitsu will do will have a true value. But well, if this game has not maximum point in graphism, that will prove the point reviews are bad done.. That is like FFXII, Famitsu gave it maximum point, but this game is far from being loved by all player.
Graphics sure are good. Almost so good, that I suspect Square Enix for rendering their "in-game"-screenshots ;P LOL

btw, About the lenght:

-Sora´s scenario ~7-10 hours
-Riku´s scenario ~6-9 hours
-So together CoM took 13-19 hours

BBS will take more:
-Terra´s scenario ~15-20 hours
-Ven´s scenario ~15-20 hours
-Other character ~15-20 hours
-So together MAYBE BbS will take 45-60 hours?! ;P

Sexy Angel
Apr 17, 2007
I comprised this, "What-we-know" reveiw:

-Gameplay: It seems familiar to the CoM Card system from what we know so far.
-Story: Eh, new story, but we know it may have a bad/bittersweet ending.
-Graphics: Im expecting great things from this. They look great from the screenshots that weve seen.
-Creativity: Hopefully bright new colors and stuff like that.
-Sound/Music: No doubt the music is going to be fonominal
-Originality: Meh. Its not excactly 'original'. Theres tons of new junk, but the feel may seem similar to past KH games.
-Lenght: It will be very long, as we get to see 3 storys, and players are going to want to gather the details to all three so that they know everything about it.
-maybe I forgot something..?

ok, based on the "what-we-know" reveiw, i would give it a 8/10



I comprised this, "What-we-know" reveiw:

-Gameplay: It seems familiar to the CoM Card system from what we know so far.
-Story: Eh, new story, but we know it may have a bad/bittersweet ending.
-Graphics: Im expecting great things from this. They look great from the screenshots that weve seen.
-Creativity: Hopefully bright new colors and stuff like that.
-Sound/Music: No doubt the music is going to be fonominal
-Originality: Meh. Its not excactly 'original'. Theres tons of new junk, but the feel may seem similar to past KH games.
-Lenght: It will be very long, as we get to see 3 storys, and players are going to want to gather the details to all three so that they know everything about it.
-maybe I forgot something..?

ok, based on the "what-we-know" reveiw, i would give it a 8/10

Im obsessed to Birth By Sleep.

Mr. Wilhelm

Also Sprach Zarathustra
Sep 5, 2007
Graphics sure are good. Almost so good, that I suspect Square Enix for rendering their "in-game"-screenshots ;P LOL

btw, About the lenght:

-Sora´s scenario ~7-10 hours
-Riku´s scenario ~6-9 hours
-So together CoM took 13-19 hours

BBS will take more:
-Terra´s scenario ~15-20 hours
-Ven´s scenario ~15-20 hours
-Other character ~15-20 hours
-So together MAYBE BbS will take 45-60 hours?! ;P

Hum, I'd really like the game be so long but... That would be longer than KH2 itself... I don't know, I really doubt main scenario of 3, without secret boss or optionall world etc, will be more than 35-40 hours... :unsure: Of course I'd love it be so long, but I fear to be deceived if I await a so long game... Though I think with optional quest, maybe we can reach the 60 hours, still again the question is "are they going make optional quest?" ...


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
I know one total idiot who gave KH1 32/100 points and I bet he only played Destiny Islands. He said that Graphics sucked, story was boring and Gameplay was sticky/bad.

Sounds like a dead-on review to me


Okay I'll give it a shot...


A compliation of a COM, and kh1 battle style mix. Could end the complaints of tedious gamplay and give a mix bag of sorts. Personelly I believe this gameplay will be a huge step in the right direction for the KH series. If this battle system will do as good as I think it will, then I wouldn't doubt it'd be adapted to other kh games (kh3?). Think about it a stradgeic game where you have to think somtimes, and a high action hack-and-slash mixed into one. I mean has to be succsessful! I'll gve it an 8/10 because I'm preatty sure some people won't like the idea, but we'll see.

Proabley the most anticipated factor for BBS. Terra turning evil? What's the deal with MX? How Ven and Roxas related? All these questions are lurking in our minds so I believe no doubt BBS could earn a 10/10 in the story department. I mean I believe it might even rival COM for best overall story-line!


Could be the best graphics for a PSP game EVER. Or at least rival FF7:CC. The shots that we have seen so far are aboustley amazing and if you didn't know any better you would've thought it was straight from the PS2. Some shots look even better than kh2! So yeah Graphics easiley earns an 10/10.


Looks preatty creative so far. Bright colors, big land scapes, with a regular kh cartooney flare I could see it end up earning a 9/10 out of this department.


A 10/10 done. Kh always has excellent music so BBS is a done deal.


Can't say it's the most orginal kh game. It seems to be re-using alot of past kh events (terra workng with Maleificent anyone?). So at this point I really don't know what to give it but from what I've seen so far I'll give it about a 7/10.

Here's how I see it:

Ven:15-20 hrs of gameplay
Terra:20-30 hours of gameplay
3rd character(?): 10-20 hours of gamplay

So if I add everything up togother I get about 45-65 hrs of gameplay total. Now that's ALOT. Here it could earn a 9/10, or even a 10/10 in length.

O'kay so the peliminary score I give BBS is an 9/10....//

I know one total idiot who gave KH1 32/100 points and I bet he only played Destiny Islands. He said that Graphics sucked, story was boring and Gameplay was sticky/bad

Sounds like a dead-on review to me

What? Kh was praised for it's graphics, and other site's like gamepro excalimed that the graphics were gorgeous. Heck, IGN and 1up gave it the Best Ps2 game of the year. So I fail to see how it's dead-on......
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Nice Ascot!
Nov 12, 2006
on the playground is where I spent most of my days
From what I've heard and seen in screen shots it looks like fun. :]

I think out off all the new games, this one for me sounds the most exciting!

Well for the cutscenes, they're probably gonna be really amazing I guess.

Hmmm, well the storyline seems a little bit creative. It all depends on what the twist and such are gonna be.

Although I've only heard two songs from the secret endings, jugding from that the music going to be a bit darker vs. other KH games.

(wouldn't this sort of be in the same category as creativity?) But anyways ummm vs. other games in my oppion, the most creative new game for me, I'm going to have to say Coded. I'm NOT saying that's it's my favorite new game (drunk Nomura = bad times... lol) but if you think about it, this storyline and gameplay well be quite different compared to other KH games. (unless you count the original KH cell phone game)

Ummmm, idk. lol

-maybe I forgot something..?
perhaps characters? but since we don't know much about them, we can't really review them.

I know one total idiot who gave KH1 32/100 points and I bet he only played Destiny Islands. He said that Graphics sucked, story was boring and Gameplay was sticky/bad. I bet that he is a jerk who will give 20-40points to game if it´s only anime, no matter what it has inside =(
Well I know a lot of people who have played the KH series. Half of them, like me, said they love it and it's one of there favorite series of all time, while the other say that it sucked so bad that it needs to be more like FF games and such. But everyones intitled to there oppion right? Like on this forum for instance, you'll be surprise how many people arel on this forum and they say that they're now I guess uninterested in Kingdom Hearts. Which is unfortunate. :/

As for me, I'll always be a kh freak! and as for BBS, I simply can't wait! :]


Well for the cutscenes, they're probably gonna be really amazing I guess.

What? To me it seems like your saying that the cut-scenes will look amazing but not the gameplay and stuff? I mean if this doesn't look like kh2 graphics then I don't know what does:


Personelly I haven't seen any PSP game (besides FF7:CC) produce these type of graphics in real time non e the less...//


What? Kh was praised for it's graphics, and other site's like gamepro excalimed that the graphics were gorgeous. Heck, IGN and 1up gave it the Best Ps2 game of the year. So I fail to see how it's dead-on......
Maybe in US, but in my country 85% of reviewers are jerks, who say "BIG NO" to japanese games.


Why would they^? So far they have been preatty dead-on in the reveiws. I mean heck they were genourous enough to give kh2 a 4/5, where it really deserved a 3 (or maybe even a 2)/5. COM they were kinda unfair I guess they failed to see an awsome story-line behnd the card gameplay. But I know for a fact 1up will give BBS a good score! Heck they gave kh2 a 9.0/10! Imagine what they could give to BBS (hoping 10/10)?..........^^^..//


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
im sure x-play is going to give it an unfair score

They've given every KH game a 4/5, so I don't see the problem here

What? Kh was praised for it's graphics, and other site's like gamepro excalimed that the graphics were gorgeous. Heck, IGN and 1up gave it the Best Ps2 game of the year. So I fail to see how it's dead-on......

IGN: Best of 2002: Best Game of the Year

IGN's game of the year was GTA: Vice City, not Kingdom Hearts.
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