VIII is written by a 14 year old with a veeeery bad romance and lines and an even worse pacing.
Personally, I feel starting off with FFVII, FFVI or FFVIII might be good. I played through FFVII and know a bit about FFVI and FFVIII so yeah xD. This is only cuz I really only know of them and not the rest so, this is based on my knowledge.
~ Raz
What the hell do you think you're doin m8.start with crisis core or dirge of cerberus or final fantasy xiii-2
Personally, I feel starting off with FFVII, FFVI or FFVIII might be good. I played through FFVII and know a bit about FFVI and FFVIII so yeah xD. This is only cuz I really only know of them and not the rest so, this is based on my knowledge.
~ Raz