As we all know, X[chi] is a fairly young game, only a few weeks old. It is clear that there are multiple updates that will come sometime in the future, as seen by the "Coming Soon" worlds and the incomplete worlds that we have now. Also, the dev team has shown a willingness to create special events. So, what would you like to see in the future of X[chi]? What features? What kind of events? What worlds? New heartless? New cards/characters?
Personally, I would love to see a trading feature, where you can trade cards you have to someone else. Similarly, I'd like a "gift card" feature, where you can give cards to members of your party.
Another feature I'd like to see is a lifetime stats page, listing information such as total Lux, heartless defeated (and perhaps a breakdown of which heartless you defeated), limit cuts performed, and card draws.
For events, I'd like to see a multitude, but with at least a week between events. They should occasionally repeat. Other events I'd like to see would be one on defeating heartless (either most or specific ones at specific points), one based on Lux collection, and one based on performing side missions. Events should also allow players to draw limited edition cards without needing to pay actual money.
As far as cards go, I'd like to see Terra, Aqua, and Ventus attack cards, and a Master Eraqus assist card. Also, a Yen Sid assist card would be a nice addition.
Personally, I would love to see a trading feature, where you can trade cards you have to someone else. Similarly, I'd like a "gift card" feature, where you can give cards to members of your party.
Another feature I'd like to see is a lifetime stats page, listing information such as total Lux, heartless defeated (and perhaps a breakdown of which heartless you defeated), limit cuts performed, and card draws.
For events, I'd like to see a multitude, but with at least a week between events. They should occasionally repeat. Other events I'd like to see would be one on defeating heartless (either most or specific ones at specific points), one based on Lux collection, and one based on performing side missions. Events should also allow players to draw limited edition cards without needing to pay actual money.
As far as cards go, I'd like to see Terra, Aqua, and Ventus attack cards, and a Master Eraqus assist card. Also, a Yen Sid assist card would be a nice addition.