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What aspects of the game would you have taken out/added?

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New member
Dec 10, 2009
-I would remove the gummi ship missions and replaced them with corridors of darkness.
-I would remove Atlantica and the Pride Lands, and probably Halloweentown in KH2 also.
-I would add a crapload of new kayblades to synthesize since we can only do the Ultima Weapon
-I would remove Maleficent in KH2 and never add Pete.
-Add mickey as a playable character in something other than days.

And with all this new disk space cleared up I would add a heck more story development and more enemies with higher levels.

Ok your turn!


Oct 9, 2009
i like this thread >:D

woot 1st post

1.i'd get rid of the gummi routes
2. riku gettin a keyblade[he doesnt deserve it!], darkness suits him better
3.takin the roxas battle off fm and puttin it on kh2[original], havin to use swap magic just 2 fight him is annoyin
4.kairi, nuff said
5.Atlantica! kh1 it was annoyin but barable, kh2 destroyed all hope i had in it.
i know i have more just need time to think


Feb 9, 2009
Road To Dawn
-I would remove the gummi ship missions and replaced them with corridors of darkness.
-I would remove Atlantica and the Pride Lands, and probably Halloweentown in KH2 also.
-I would add a crapload of new kayblades to synthesize since we can only do the Ultima Weapon
-I would remove Maleficent in KH2 and never add Pete.
-Add mickey as a playable character in something other than days.

And with all this new disk space cleared up I would add a heck more story development and more enemies with higher levels.

Ok your turn!
well first let me talk about your things.
1) Sora cant create corridors of darkness, so this is impossible
2) There goes 3 hours of play time
3) Add another 6 months to the wait time for the game and it will also take up more memory
4) There goes 2 major plot characters, parts of the story from nearly every fricking world
5) This would be great aside from the fact that there is no multiplayer, and sora is the only person possible to play as....if you really want to play as him, buy codebreaker.
Ok, now since we have cleared up all this space in your mind.....what do you recomend for story development??? Also, if enemies had higher levels, we would be sitting there fighting a normal heartless for five minutes just like in days....boring!!!
Alright, now that i am done with yours....I dont really feel like posting my complaints right now, Have a nice day! :)


New member
Dec 21, 2009
2) Sora remembering all the crap that happened to Roxas and Xion etc etc. that'd be FUNNY
3) No Saix. Period.
4) Having Kairi actually be able to stand up for herself
5) ¬_¬ Less spiky haired main characters. not that it's bad but..seriously how many?
6) More Zexion. More Ienzo. ;)
7) More of Donald spazzing out. xD

that's my brain for ya!


New member
Dec 27, 2009
no gummi ships, lingering sentiment and roxas battle in the original kh2 disk, no atlantica, play as riku more time(u can only play as him againts xemnas in the last battle) and maybe more bosses


New member
Oct 14, 2009
being chocolate brown
Well I'd:

1.Have sora use the keyblade rider.
2.Switch Halloweentown with a FF wourld and the world from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
3.Maleficent team-up with ff villains
4.more female nobodies
5.and have Kilala on kh.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
well first let me talk about your things.
1) Sora cant create corridors of darkness, so this is impossible
2) There goes 3 hours of play time
3) Add another 6 months to the wait time for the game and it will also take up more memory
4) There goes 2 major plot characters, parts of the story from nearly every fricking world
5) This would be great aside from the fact that there is no multiplayer, and sora is the only person possible to play as....if you really want to play as him, buy codebreaker.
Ok, now since we have cleared up all this space in your mind.....what do you recomend for story development??? Also, if enemies had higher levels, we would be sitting there fighting a normal heartless for five minutes just like in days....boring!!!
Alright, now that i am done with yours....I dont really feel like posting my complaints right now, Have a nice day! :)

K imma attack u haha.
-Ur right. Find some otehr aspect of travel, i know we havent seen the keyblade traveling portion of bbs yet, but if its quick then please god sora use that.
-I think other worlds shoula been there instead. Interesting worlds, with plot relevant to the story maybe. Cuz these just werent...at all.
-Hey, if its a good game...ill wait!
-Really? Were they relevant? I mean yeah in Kh1 maleficent was a tool, much like she is now. I just dont see why they brought the hoe back. And petes just annoying, im already hating that hes in BBS. They didnt do much of anything in KHII.
-Sorry! What i meant was that he should have his own portion of the game. Like, make a boss fight solely for him, NOT SORA, kind of like Riku, like how rikus was relevant to the story, mickey was just like, "omg! im here!"

The enemies...i dunno i kind of liked that part of days. I thought i wouldnt, but i really really liked it. IT was challenging, like the spider heartless eating monster in halloween town.
And as for what i meant with story development, I mean more Organization XIII, like more luxord and demyx and heck even xaldin. I just felt like we didnt get enough of them interacting with each other. And yes, I played KH2FM+ so i know there are more scenes but i still feel like there could have been more. Like the ones in the novels.

Talys Alankil

New member
Oct 24, 2009
i like this thread >:D

woot 1st post

1.i'd get rid of the gummi routes
2. riku gettin a keyblade[he doesnt deserve it!], darkness suits him better
3.takin the roxas battle off fm and puttin it on kh2[original], havin to use swap magic just 2 fight him is annoyin
4.kairi, nuff said
5.Atlantica! kh1 it was annoyin but barable, kh2 destroyed all hope i had in it.
i know i have more just need time to think
Completely out of topic… So swap magic works ? :p

Yeah so…
1. As many mentioned, Keyblade riding instead of gummi ship. Or gummi ship, but completely optional. It was already better in KHII than KHI but still...
2. Already mentioned too, but make Kairi a little better on her own. Disney Princess role was ok in KHI, but in II it becomes boring. They should have used her Keyblade more than in one scene.
3. Add FF worlds, and FF summons (I heard Bahamut had been planned if KHI but then removed… :( )
4. Make Riku playable a little more
5. Make Sora remember everything
6. Give a plot that makes sense in Atlantica in KHII. Really. Or delete the world.
7. Stopping this Final Mix only for Japan shit. I don't mind importing now on the new-gen, but on a zoned console it's pretty boring.
8. Give more development to many Org members. I mean, really, in KHII Xigbar comes quite out of thin air. You only see him once in dragon land, and don't even know who he is or what he does.
EDIT : 9. Make you play the part where Sora dual wields his Keyblade and WttD against mansex
Last edited:


New member
Dec 7, 2009
1.I Would make the game more challenging
2.I would give to Maleficent a much more major role in Kingdom hearts 2 (as she has in kh1 and bbs)
3.I would add the worlds of sleeping beauty,snowhite and more(excactly as it is in bbs)
4.The final boss would be definately all of the org xii members against mickey,Riku,kairi,Donald,Goofy,Sora together


Bronze Member
Dec 15, 2009
1. Remove the scene with Axel fading into darkness.
2.The Roxas vs Sora fight that is in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix.
3. Sora recognizing Axel and them teaming up.
4. A scene showing what happens to the Nobodies after they fade into darkness.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
1. Remove the scene with Axel fading into darkness.
2.The Roxas vs Sora fight that is in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix.
3. Sora recognizing Axel and them teaming up.
4. A scene showing what happens to the Nobodies after they fade into darkness.

It seems a lot of people would want Sora to remember the events in Castle Oblivion a lot earlier in the game (Referencing KH2FM here). I think it would have been more interesting also because it was annoying constantly seeing sora be confused when other people would reference things in the past and he would say, "huh? Whatre you talking about?" it got old so fast.


Cod 6 online profile (lizymans)
Jul 22, 2008
I would remove pete
Sora's gay cloths (that's notsupposed to be gay)
I would remove the save points, so that you can just press start and save whenever you want.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
There are so many things I would change, I don't know where to begin.

First off, Kairi. There are so many things they could have done with her character, but in the end she fell flat. I would have put an emphasis on her role as a PoH in the sequel, and have that be the reason why the Organization wanted her. Or maybe have it tie into her past at Radiant Garden. I dunno, something, ANYTHING,would have been better than what was presented in KH2.

And speaking of the Organization, they needed waaay more screentime than they got. This wouldn't be so bad, had Days actually took the time to give depth to numbers IX-XII, but it didn't. Maybe have Kairi interact with some of the members when she's imprisoned, or have her overhear their conversations.

I would have either taken out the Maleficent subplot completely, or made it tie into the main plot. As it stands, the whole subplot was poorly crafted and forced.

Also, Roxas. All the promotional material kept focusing on this mysterious dual-wielding kid, but we only get to play as him in the first 2 hours, then he completely disappears until the end of the game. I would have had it so Roxas would occasionally try to take control (maybe when Sora encoutners an Org member), leaving Sora to wonder what the hell is going on. In addition, I would have made his acceptance of Sora be a gradual process instead of the immediate change it was in the game.

Atlantica was pointless. I would have taken it out completely.

The plots of the Disney worlds desperately needed development. I thought Space Paranoids was excellents, but too many were just rehashes of the movies.

I too would have liked for Sora to remember Castle Oblivion over the course of the games. And speaking of Castle Oblivion, where the hell was Namine between the prologue and the end of the game? Maybe Sora could have encountered her once or twice before the end of the game, and be left with a feeling like there's something he should remember, but can't.

DiZ needed more screen time as well. There was absolutely no logical progression for his character to suddenly realize he was wrong about nobodies. Have him try to manipulate Sora from the shadows or something, and have Sora run into him a couple times. Show exactly what made him change his opinion.

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can remember.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
The World that Never Was
Are we talking kh2 here? That's what it looks like, so that's what I'm gonna go with.

Firstly, remove Space Paranoids. I hate that world. x_x

Maybe have Mickey come and help you during battle more often, like he does with Xaldin? Which, by the way, is possibly the hardest boss in the game.

Instead of going back to each world again, which was plain annoying, just add in one or two new worlds, and only do each world once.

No gummi ship. No.

More Organization XIII please. More development of some of the lesser ones, like Demyx and Luxord, and at least MENTION the ones who were already eliminated in C.O. rather than pretending they never existed. And more Axel. :3

In fact, one thing that really bothered me was that Roxas made Sora shed a tear when he just saw his FAKE twilight town friends, but when his best friend Axel DIED he didn't cry or even seem to care all that much. Roxas should have come out of Sora for a goodbye like he does in the end of the game, or at LEAST made Sora shed a tear.

Or, in relation to the above, add in the Rememberance scene between Axel and Roxas from FM.

Actually, Roxas' treatment of Axel throughout the game (even if he's Sora for most of it) bothered me. The game placed much more emphasis on Hayner, Pence, and Olette as his best friends rather than Axel, who was his ACTUAL best friend.

Less Pete. Or replace him entirely with a more intelligent villan.

More Roxas, like someone else mentioned--have more of him than just the very beginning and the very end.

When Sora sees Kairi, he just kinda stands there until she hugs him. When Sora sees Riku, he falls on his knees and cries. I think they're got it a little backwards. >>;

No dodge roll?!? No glide?!? Must be fixed.

It's stupid that cure takes up ALL your mp. In the first one, you could heal almost unlimited times once you had mp rage and such. At the least, take only half, so you can heal twice. I've died too many times waiting for the stupid bar to fill back up.

There's probs more, but I think I'll stop now. >>;


Oct 9, 2009
i thought of more >:)

[cont'd from 1st post]
6.limit drive on the NA version
7.no cloud side story, the sephiroth fight is nice but do they really think i give a shit about cloud?
8.the 1000 heartless battle not being so easy
9.no reaction commands, some r cool but it takes all the challeng out of the game

Completely out of topic… So swap magic works ? :p
no i just got stoned and imagined it.


spams bombs, not posts
Dec 22, 2007
Obviously, one of the first things I'd do is make the story connect much better, especially in worlds that seemed isolated.

- I'd remove Atlantica. (pointless world imo)

- speaking of isolated worlds, I'd probably also make Pride Lands somehow fit into the storyline better or something.. I mean, it wasn't that bad of a world guys. At least, there was more of a point than a world where you only sing. (We got a minigame/ non-combat already for crying out loud. It's Winnie the Pooh. I generally consider it boring, but in KH2's case, it was a hell of a lot more enjoyable than the singing segments in Atlantica.)

- I'd make two or three more of the doors accessible in Halloween Town, if only limited segments of each area.. not to over do it and make the reason for them being accessible make sense.

- Change the gummi-ship missions to more like KH1: FM. (I read a FAQ about them awhile back. Apparently, they were less repetitive and more variable than KH2's. Why they didn't stick to a similar format, I don't know, but I'd sure love it if they make the possible ones in KH3 more like them, instead of possibly rehashing KH2's.)

- Reaction commands would be activated on multiple buttons. (I think BBS is doing this btw.. seeing how there's a few attacks that use circle, some that use triangle, etc.) Also, more enemy RCs would be activated via the command menu. Not to mention, some would have more limited (time) windows and may even have a consequence for mashing triangle in anticipation for the RC, in order to prevent spamming them and mashing triangle like a noob.

- Oh.. yeah.. difficulty-speaking.. Proud mode would be about as hard if not harder than KH1's Expert mode, if not harder and there would be an option to go the level one rout on regular KH2.
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