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Help/Support ► well, it's not exactly running away, but i don't have a better phrase for it

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brutally homeless and fluffy
Feb 19, 2006
Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity. I read something other than that in one of your guys' posts, and it's a pet peeve.

Anyway, it does seem as if you have overreacted in this situation. Being grounded from your PS3 is not the most god (lol) awful thing in the world. Besides, at your age, being a hypocrite should come second nature. Do what you have to in order to please your mother, and then when you move out do whatever the fuck you want.



"I'll have a bag packed" well, that's just going to create all sorts of tension. Don't be a little bitch, just suck it up and try to avoid escalating the situation any more than it needs to be.


Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity. I read something other than that in one of your guys' posts, and it's a pet peeve.

Anyway, it does seem as if you have overreacted in this situation. Being grounded from your PS3 is not the most god (lol) awful thing in the world. Besides, at your age, being a hypocrite should come second nature. Do what you have to in order to please your mother, and then when you move out do whatever the fuck you want.



"I'll have a bag packed" well, that's just going to create all sorts of tension. Don't be a little bitch, just suck it up and try to avoid escalating the situation any more than it needs to be.

This post is FTW on so many levels.


New member
Jul 28, 2007
Within myself.
Anyway, it does seem as if you have overreacted in this situation. Being grounded from your PS3 is not the most god (lol) awful thing in the world. Besides, at your age, being a hypocrite should come second nature. Do what you have to in order to please your mother, and then when you move out do whatever the fuck you want.



"I'll have a bag packed" well, that's just going to create all sorts of tension. Don't be a little bitch, just suck it up and try to avoid escalating the situation any more than it needs to be.
I love how all these seventeen-year-olds run around the forums holding their near adult-hood above younger members' heads as though it gives them such an endless fountain of wisdom. I've seen it multiple times before, and I do find it somewhat amusing. Anyway, I wouldn't want to step in on another's behalf and fight his battle for him, but I will say that you're about as perceptive as an amoeba if you think Angel is the one overreacting here. His mother is some religion-touting devout Catholic with a God complex; Angel is a relatively normal fifteen-year-old with a separate set of beliefs from his parents. Gee. I wonder who the bad guy in this situation is?

Anyway, I just wanted to express my support for you, Angel (I realize it doesn't mean much, but I'll do it anyway). You're a brave person: first for telling her about your beliefs, and second for sticking to them in the face of her blind rage. I'm glad to hear things have calmed down a bit, or so it seems, but just remember that the power is with you here. You're clearly the sensible one in this situation- don't let anyone tell you you've made the wrong choice. Instead of perpetuating the conflict, you got the hell out of there and let the conflict resolve itself. That takes courage and a level head and I appreciate that. Keeping a bag packed in case of future issues is probably a good idea, but I wouldn't showcase it to the world or anything. Try to get along with your folks, and if they refuse to get along with you, then what happens next (whatever that might be) is on their heads. All you can worry about is taking care of yourself at this point; don't do anything unnecessary, but don't be afraid to live your life in honesty either. If you don't want to go to Church anymore, don't go. Let this be a step in the direction of instilled self-integrity: your parents don't control you, and if what they're doing is making you unhappy and you know how to be happy without them, then they're essentially obstacles you have to move beyond. I don't think that's the case for you yet, but just know that there are other kids out here in the world who have to deal with fanatical parents that try to smother them in lifestyles they don't want to lead. In that respect, you aren't alone, and more than I want to try to advise you in how to deal with this (you seem to know what you're doing), I want to let you know that this isn't just happening to you, and it isn't something you have to feel isolated in. Who you talk to and what you say to others is fully your choice, but just don't think you have to deal with this completely by yourself. :3

And, seriously, what the heck is "tl;dr"? Anyone?



I love how all these seventeen-year-olds run around the forums holding their near adult-hood above younger members' heads as though it gives them such an endless fountain of wisdom. I've seen it multiple times before, and I do find it somewhat amusing. Anyway, I wouldn't want to step in on another's behalf and fight his battle for him, but I will say that you're about as perceptive as an amoeba if you think Angel is the one overreacting here. His mother is some religion-touting devout Catholic with a God complex; Angel is a relatively normal fifteen-year-old with a separate set of beliefs from his parents. Gee. I wonder who the bad guy in this situation is?

Anyway, I just wanted to express my support for you, Angel (I realize it doesn't mean much, but I'll do it anyway). You're a brave person: first for telling her about your beliefs, and second for sticking to them in the face of her blind rage. I'm glad to hear things have calmed down a bit, or so it seems, but just remember that the power is with you here. You're clearly the sensible one in this situation- don't let anyone tell you you've made the wrong choice. Instead of perpetuating the conflict, you got the hell out of there and let the conflict resolve itself. That takes courage and a level head and I appreciate that. Keeping a bag packed in case of future issues is probably a good idea, but I wouldn't showcase it to the world or anything. Try to get along with your folks, and if they refuse to get along with you, then what happens next (whatever that might be) is on their heads. All you can worry about is taking care of yourself at this point; don't do anything unnecessary, but don't be afraid to live your life in honesty either. If you don't want to go to Church anymore, don't go. Let this be a step in the direction of instilled self-integrity: your parents don't control you, and if what they're doing is making you unhappy and you know how to be happy without them, then they're essentially obstacles you have to move beyond. I don't think that's the case for you yet, but just know that there are other kids out here in the world who have to deal with fanatical parents that try to smother them in lifestyles they don't want to lead. In that respect, you aren't alone, and more than I want to try to advise you in how to deal with this (you seem to know what you're doing), I want to let you know that this isn't just happening to you, and it isn't something you have to feel isolated in. Who you talk to and what you say to others is fully your choice, but just don't think you have to deal with this completely by yourself. :3

And, seriously, what the heck is "tl;dr"? Anyone?


Let me put this plainly because I know from experience about these types.


It's pointless. He was better off not even saying anything. They aren't rational beings.
I believe there is a God, but the captain up stairs is not chatting it up with the likes of us.

I told my parents I didn't believe in God to try to get out of going to my Dad's church. Guess what happened? They got pissed. My Dad yelled and told me to be the best sinner I could be. They were irrational, didn't want to understand because they don't care. It's the dumbest thing you could possibly do.
Last edited:


New member
Jul 28, 2007
Within myself.
Let me put this plainly because I know from experience about these types.


It's pointless. He was better off not even saying anything. They aren't rational beings.
I believe there is a God, but the captain up stairs is not chatting it up with the likes of us.

I told my parents I didn't believe in God to try to get out of going to my Dad's church. Guess what happened? They got pissed. My Dad yelled and told me to be the best sinner I could be. They were irrational, didn't want to understand because they don't care. It's the dumbest thing you could possibly do.
And you think I don't have experience with "these types"? Sorry if I came across the wrong way to you at some point, but I actually prefer not to talk out of my ass about things I don't understand. I agree that you can't reason with religious bigots: I never once intended to suggest that you can. In fact, it was the fact that Angel didn't bother trying to reason with his mom that I found inspiring. Simply being able to walk away from a heated situation and let the world take care of itself is not something I or most people I know find easy to do, but sometimes it is entirely necessary- such as in Angel's situation. And while it may be true that telling religious parents you're an atheist may not seem like the wisest choice of all, I would say it's much more detrimental and ultimately unrewarding to live in depression over your personal feelings (or lack thereof) about God than to get into a skirmish with two people who should find a way to love you no matter who you are. I'm not naive enough to think this is the situation in every family, but at some point there comes a decision that must be made between fear of being rejected by others or fear of rejecting yourself. I, through my experiences, have come to the conclusion that I would much rather live with an open heart and an honest mind and know myself than live life afraid of the world and all the conflicts that could arise from me being who I am and never having a true understanding of what that is. I am not the sum of the people around me. I have nothing to gain from their acceptance and thus nothing to lose from their dejection. If you would rather believe that living in the darkness of a mental closet is preferable to living with the scorn of others, that's your prerogative. You exist in your own way and I exist in mine.

Too long; Didn't read
Thank you. All this newspeak innernet lingo is making me feel like a big virtual ignoramus. D:



brutally homeless and fluffy
Feb 19, 2006
'Walking away' into the town square with no intention of coming back until his mother calls, and finding a place to stay the night is not mature. It is an overreaction to, I admit, a bad situation. Should he have walked away, like you said? Absolutely; screaming and arguing probably wouldn't get him anywhere. Should he have stayed within the confines of his own home or yard? Probably. Should he have at least been at a friend/other family member's house? Absolutely.

Not only is it irresponsible to walk away like that, it's also illegal. His parents could have called the cops, and then they would have had to bring him home. This would have been a waste of the police resources, and probably would have made matters even worse.

I would say it's much more detrimental and ultimately unrewarding to live in depression over your personal feelings (or lack thereof) about God than to get into a skirmish with two people who should find a way to love you no matter who you are

He had already made the statement about what his beliefs are, and his parents couldn't accept it. Why should it matter if he pays lip-service to 'God', if he knows that he actually doesn't believe in it?

I am not the sum of the people around me. I have nothing to gain from their acceptance and thus nothing to lose from their dejection.




love how all these seventeen-year-olds run around the forums holding their near adult-hood above younger members' heads as though it gives them such an endless fountain of wisdom

Because my age has something to do with my opinion? Two years ago, I would have said the same thing. Three years, I would have had the same message, I just would have expressed it differently. Don't assume that my opinion has something to do with the fact that I am seventeen.

Oh, and I find it hard to feel bad when he was treating KHI like it was fucking Twitter with more characters. Having a phone with the capabilities to get on the internet like that proves that he is OPPRESSED and UNLOVED.


Hakuna Matata
Apr 17, 2004
Aso, I'd say under 21, 2 years is a very long time. There are many differences between 11 and 13 year olds, 13 and 15 year olds, 16 and 18 year olds, etc. Granted, you may get kids who are mature/immature for their age, but development happens pretty rapidly during adolescence, and teenagers can experience things and mature quite a bit in just two years.

Escaping Light

New member
Aug 2, 2009
the shadowy depths of my soul
to expand:
just because my mom KNOWS i'm atheist, does NOT by any means it's okay to say so to her face, for some reason. :/

so my mom drags me to church (which oddly enough, could've been avoided if I STAYED SLEEPING ASJDHGJSDG), and since she made a remark about me being a non-believer the day before, i thought it would be okay to quit the 9 month hipocrisy streak and be more of a reluctant observer in mass, rather than a willing participant.


i skip out on two signs of the cross during, and my mom tells me essentially to GTFO if I'm not going to be "respectful". i stay for the rest of the hour and i humor her, but she ignores me for the rest of the hour, with the one exception of not slamming the kneeling bench on my foot. mass ends, and we walk to the car. my mom starts saying how she and my father have tried to give me everything i've ever wanted and how ungrateful i am (an endless stream of joyful "thank you!"s and "your awesome!"s are not enough, when a belief in a higher power displays gratitude). i say that i would rather go in church and do nothing rather than continue to be a hippocrite and go through the motions, telling her flat out that i am an atheist. I also tell her that the only reason i've gone to church for quite some time (9 months, but i didn't give her an exact time period) was to keep her happy, and that if my presence was not enough anymore, then she should just say so.

she then launches into an attack on my beliefs, saying that i "shouldn't be using that word (atheist)" like i'm a theologist, or that i "have so many years of experience over her" (which i refuted repeatedly, with increasing futility).

she then tells me, quite hurtfully, that she will "treat [me] like treat god and jesus; like don't exist".

we pull into our garage, and say that i can't be expected to be her slave for the next two years, and she tells me that she will take away all my things. i run inside, and tell my father that "mom is punishing me for not being catholic anymore" (which i don't think he heard, since he had headphones on), and run up to my room, quickly trying to hide anything of value, but when i was finished with a rather half hearted attempt to hide my PS3, my mom barges in and dives for the games cabinet (she's been dying to do this since, well, ever). I grab my phone and wallet, and tell her I'm leaving.

Now, I'm at the "plaza" in my neighboorhood, and my aunt has apparently been talking to my mom about what to do, like my cousin has been with me.

I very much plan on staying here for awhile, at least until i am promised an apology. Which, knowing my mom, will come shortly following sundown.

please, don't write this off as "angsty teenager runs away because life is unfair", because my mom has gotten quite used to taking me and my presence for granted, and that's something I'm quite sick of.

(i see one tl;dr and you're getting junk punched)

That blows. Also, what does "tl;dr" mean? I hope it works out for you.


New member
Jul 28, 2007
Within myself.
'Walking away' into the town square with no intention of coming back until his mother calls, and finding a place to stay the night is not mature.
Maturity is subjective, and regardless, it worked. Sometimes it takes the ultimate form of defiance to reach compromise. You have to show you will not be controlled; only then can your words be met with the respect it takes to instill reason where none existed beforehand. You're looking at this from an objective perspective; I'm putting myself in Angel's shoes.

Should he have walked away, like you said? Absolutely; screaming and arguing probably wouldn't get him anywhere. Should he have stayed within the confines of his own home or yard? Probably. Should he have at least been at a friend/other family member's house? Absolutely.
Why should he have done any of those things? Because you find them sensible choices? You're conjuring up an image of what you would have done in that situation and applying it to someone else's mentality and way of handling things. Angel said he had no friends or relatives that he felt comfortable telling about the situation, which to me implies that he didn't have anyone he could trust to take care of him, ergo canceling out the possibility of him staying at someone else's house. And staying in his own house would have been psychological suicide: he was angry, his mom was angry, and their argument would have persevered as long as they were in the same vicinity as one another. He did what needed to be done to ensure that both of them had time to reconcile what had just happened with what needed to happen next.

Not only is it irresponsible to walk away like that, it's also illegal. His parents could have called the cops, and then they would have had to bring him home. This would have been a waste of the police resources, and probably would have made matters even worse.
This isn't an argument, it's a speculation, and an extremely flimsy one at that, especially considering the fact that it didn't happen. Few parents would actually call the police on their child after they had just had an argument. It's much simpler for everyone if conflicts remain within the family. I'm almost hesitant to even pay recognition to such a silly comment, but in terms of "police resources" and how terribly wasteful it would have been for the cops to come pick Angel up, I will say that if he lives in a town like mine, they have nothing better to do, and if he doesn't live in a town like mine then they aren't going to be concerned about some fifteen year old kid running around in broad daylight.



I don't wear khakis. You aren't funny.

Because my age has something to do with my opinion? Two years ago, I would have said the same thing. Three years, I would have had the same message, I just would have expressed it differently. Don't assume that my opinion has something to do with the fact that I am seventeen.
I just find it comical when someone pretends to have all the wisdom in the world and they're all of seventeen. Have you ever been in Angel's situation? It's easy for you to sit in judgment and tell Angel this and that from an outside perspective, but rejection is not something anyone deals rationally with, especially when it comes from someone close to you. It's not like Angel was working with some magic wand and could just pause time and think his options through. He did what he needed to do in the time that he was working with to take care of himself, and any assertion that that is ever a mistake is ludicrous. What his parents might have done, whether they would have called the police, whether he would have been grounded for life afterward; these aren't things that were or are in Angel's control. What was in his control was what he was going to do, and from where I'm standing as someone who has been in similar situations more times than I can count, he did the right thing. And guess what; it worked! Surprise, surprise, but Angel's "immature, irrational overreaction" actually panned out exactly the way he said it would. You can live in your delusional "I'll fix everything with logic and a hint of tough love" paradigm: in the meantime, I prefer to handle myself according to reality.

Oh, and I find it hard to feel bad when he was treating KHI like it was fucking Twitter with more characters. Having a phone with the capabilities to get on the internet like that proves that he is OPPRESSED and UNLOVED.
Money is not happiness. Materialism is not security. He has a resourceful and practical tool and he put it to use. It doesn't mean his parents don't beat him (I'm not saying they do) or that he isn't depressed (I'm not saying he is) or that his life is some walk-in-the-park happy-go-lucky fantasy (I'm not saying it isn't). It just means that his parents buy him pretty, expensive things. I once met a woman whose husband used to physically abuse her on a day-to-day basis when he'd come home drunk after work. When he was sober, he bought her diamond-encrusted earphones for her iPod. I suppose it was so she could deafen the sound of his punches smashing her face in. Must have made it easier to take in, you know, him throwing all that money around. You know what he didn't pay for? The broken jaw that sent him to jail.

Also, what does "tl;dr" mean?
Too long; Didn't read



number one fan of teresa giudice
May 17, 2006
Oh jesus christ this thread is going to shit

Anyway, it does seem as if you have overreacted in this situation. Being grounded from your PS3 is not the most god (lol) awful thing in the world. Besides, at your age, being a hypocrite should come second nature. Do what you have to in order to please your mother, and then when you move out do whatever the fuck you want.



"I'll have a bag packed" well, that's just going to create all sorts of tension. Don't be a little bitch, just suck it up and try to avoid escalating the situation any more than it needs to be.

Contrary to posts below this, I can agree with you on some levels.

Well, at my age, not wanting my room cleaned out should be second nature. And if I didn't say it before, I spent the last 9 months trying to please her, and after the events of yesterday, it's clearly not enough anymore.

I'm sorry I didn't clarify, but I meant for like a week or so. If I can avoid another outburst until school starts, I'd have no option but to stay home anyway.

This post is FTW on so many levels.

I wonder if it's possible to agree with Riel without sounding like a jackass.

I love how all these seventeen-year-olds run around the forums holding their near adult-hood above younger members' heads as though it gives them such an endless fountain of wisdom. I've seen it multiple times before, and I do find it somewhat amusing. Anyway, I wouldn't want to step in on another's behalf and fight his battle for him, but I will say that you're about as perceptive as an amoeba if you think Angel is the one overreacting here. His mother is some religion-touting devout Catholic with a God complex; Angel is a relatively normal fifteen-year-old with a separate set of beliefs from his parents. Gee. I wonder who the bad guy in this situation is?

We both overreacted. Sadly enough, it's one of the few traits me and my mother share.

Anyway, I just wanted to express my support for you, Angel (I realize it doesn't mean much, but I'll do it anyway). You're a brave person: first for telling her about your beliefs, and second for sticking to them in the face of her blind rage. I'm glad to hear things have calmed down a bit, or so it seems, but just remember that the power is with you here. You're clearly the sensible one in this situation- don't let anyone tell you you've made the wrong choice. Instead of perpetuating the conflict, you got the hell out of there and let the conflict resolve itself. That takes courage and a level head and I appreciate that. Keeping a bag packed in case of future issues is probably a good idea, but I wouldn't showcase it to the world or anything. Try to get along with your folks, and if they refuse to get along with you, then what happens next (whatever that might be) is on their heads. All you can worry about is taking care of yourself at this point; don't do anything unnecessary, but don't be afraid to live your life in honesty either. If you don't want to go to Church anymore, don't go. Let this be a step in the direction of instilled self-integrity: your parents don't control you, and if what they're doing is making you unhappy and you know how to be happy without them, then they're essentially obstacles you have to move beyond. I don't think that's the case for you yet, but just know that there are other kids out here in the world who have to deal with fanatical parents that try to smother them in lifestyles they don't want to lead. In that respect, you aren't alone, and more than I want to try to advise you in how to deal with this (you seem to know what you're doing), I want to let you know that this isn't just happening to you, and it isn't something you have to feel isolated in. Who you talk to and what you say to others is fully your choice, but just don't think you have to deal with this completely by yourself. :3

Don't act like both my parents had a hand in this, my mother alone did.

Let me put this plainly because I know from experience about these types.


It's pointless. He was better off not even saying anything. They aren't rational beings.
I believe there is a God, but the captain up stairs is not chatting it up with the likes of us.

I told my parents I didn't believe in God to try to get out of going to my Dad's church. Guess what happened? They got pissed. My Dad yelled and told me to be the best sinner I could be. They were irrational, didn't want to understand because they don't care. It's the dumbest thing you could possibly do.

Oh was I? I was better off LETTING my mom insult me and walk all over me? I mean, I know she's my mother, but I have limits of how much shit I can take from anyone, my parents especially.

Too long; Didn't read

a variant is "too lazy; didn't read"

'Walking away' into the town square with no intention of coming back until his mother calls, and finding a place to stay the night is not mature. It is an overreaction to, I admit, a bad situation. Should he have walked away, like you said? Absolutely; screaming and arguing probably wouldn't get him anywhere. Should he have stayed within the confines of his own home or yard? Probably. Should he have at least been at a friend/other family member's house? Absolutely.

Let it be known that if my dad had said anything in the short time I was at the house, my reaction would have differed greatly. Not to sound like a pussy, but I'd rather have an adult on my side when one or both of my parents are mad at me.

He had already made the statement about what his beliefs are, and his parents couldn't accept it. Why should it matter if he pays lip-service to 'God', if he knows that he actually doesn't believe in it?

Again, mom was the one who bitched. Dad wouldn't give a shit if my walls were covered with pentagrams.

Oh, and I find it hard to feel bad when he was treating KHI like it was fucking Twitter with more characters. Having a phone with the capabilities to get on the internet like that proves that he is OPPRESSED and UNLOVED.

I wasn't using my phone. I was at the library, which closed after 5.

Maturity is subjective, and regardless, it worked. Sometimes it takes the ultimate form of defiance to reach compromise. You have to show you will not be controlled; only then can your words be met with the respect it takes to instill reason where none existed beforehand. You're looking at this from an objective perspective; I'm putting myself in Angel's shoes.

Well, it didn't work out the way I wanted it to, but when I got home, at least my mom was civil.

Whatever, point of post:

Riel, no matter how irresponsible running away might have been, it gave me and my mother time to cool off and avoid what probably would've escalated to a full on screaming free for all in my house. No one enjoys being yelled at, and if I have to run away to a town square and look for a place to stay, it's preferable to having my head bitten off whenever I so much as look at my mom.
Jun 14, 2004
hey guys raise your hand if you wish that shuri would permanently shut up, or at the very least quit writing a full length essay in every post (or at the very very least make an effort to make each essay a little less self righteous)


The Origin
Sep 11, 2008
hey guys raise your hand if you wish that shuri would permanently shut up, or at the very least quit writing a full length essay in every post (or at the very very least make an effort to make each essay a little less self righteous)


New member
Jul 28, 2007
Within myself.
Sorry for not being a self-hating dimwit incapable of forming a coherent argument. Permanently shutting up now.
/self-righteous essay



ichimaru gin~ <3
Oct 16, 2008
That seems a bit extreme, considering he says that his mom will already feel like shit by the time she calls.

bitch needs to feel quilty about it for reals and not just to control her son by having him live under her/her husband's roof.

yes i went there. her husbands oh so warm roof. where her child lives/ed.

oi angelus, so did she call yet? are you back at ur house?



number one fan of teresa giudice
May 17, 2006
yes, i've been back at my house since around 7 last night.


ichimaru gin~ <3
Oct 16, 2008
id run away again and NOT come back till she calls the police. seriously. to prove a point.

what did she say?
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