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Waterlily [Sign Up and OOC]

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Legendary Member
Jun 3, 2005
Back from the Dead
Really, anyone can join. And I'd assume that I can give the go ahead for temps to let people post, so by all means, post them.

And YES. Girl characters are encouraged, at this point. It's a sausage fest right now, lol.


Bronze Member
Dec 29, 2007
Lolz, that's funny Stavvy.

Don't worry...my character is a girl. XD

Patient Code: 842183

Name: Adrienne.

Ability: Adrienne can tap into people’s mind. Thus effecting their judgment and emotions. Also, seeing as she can tap into people's mind she has complete access to all of their memories as well. Although this power is useful it greatly weakens Adrienne, the longer she uses it the easier it is for her to hurt herself. The same goes for others, if she remains in their head for too long she could hurt them as well. If she uses it too extensively she could possibly die. Normally she doesn't use this power unless it's necessary, but sometimes she does just to do it.

Age: 19

History: Adrienne was sent to Waterlily by her parents after she had numerous blackouts and fits. She had no siblings so she posed no threat, but her parents just didn’t want her anymore so they signed her to remain under the care of the Waterlily doctors. Once she arrived and went through some testing, she freaked out and was secluded from the other patients from a couple days. Ever since then she has remained a quiet threat to the patients and doctors of Waterlily.

Personality: Adrienne is polite to everyone she encounters, but she makes no effort to form any close-knit bonds with anyone. And the few people that she has befriended are the only ones that she can trust. But even they could betray that trust just as her parents had.

Appearance: Adrienne is about 5’8 and she has long, black hair that trails down her back. Her eyes are an enchanting jade green color and it is said that one can become disoriented is they stare into them for too long. Adrienne picks out all of her own clothes, so as not to be dressed in the hideous attire picked by the nurses.

PsychEval: No one is completely sure about what is wrong with Adrienne, but they constantly keep her drugged. Any attempt at coming to a diagnosis has been dashed because Adrienne will break out into fits where she will hysterically scream and threaten the doctors.
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Legendary Member
Jun 3, 2005
Back from the Dead
Only problems I see is that your History should be explained a bit more in detail, even if it's a few more sentences.

And the fact that considering the severity of your powers, please only have one.

Just Mind-tapping (which, you'll have to take into the fact that if someone has a strong will, you may not be able to control them, merely cloud their judgement), manipulating darkness, or manipulating the weather. Not all three, not even two. Sorry, bout that, but it has to be done.

And you HAVE to wear the uniforms. Again, it fits the atmosphere. Maybe if DP says otherwise. But this place is fairly strict, as far as I can tell.
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Tyrant Raver

The Dragon
Oct 3, 2006
7th Street, Cerberus' Row
Patient Code: 000005

Name: Thereos (Code Name)

Ability: He is born with an supernatural genetic make-up within him. He has also the ability manipulate gravity. With the merest flicker of his fingers, he can crush anything by applying tremendous amount of pressure to it. Much like telekinesis but more worse and powerful. Although powerful, his gift has its own limit. He can only apply pressure ranging from 0 to 120 tons of gravity, exceeding and over-excessive use of his powers can be fatal to his body.

And also with unknown reasons and theories he doesn't age like any other human being, his only indication that he is "aging" is his hair losing it's color. From black to white probably because of the recent findings about his genetical make up.

Age: 18 physically (actual age, 63)

Personality: He is rather emotionless and blank when it comes to his expression. He always kept a mysterious aura upon the people around him and he is literally unpredictable when it comes into his temper. And records show that the only way they can tell his mood is by his brainwave pattern and his heartbeat rate. You can't really tell just by looking at him, thus his confusing outlook,

History: He is the first patient of the medical institution, and he was confined there since the world war II. He is a patient without a name and a very vague past. His existence in the asylum is shun by the higher authority to the other officials of the asylum. He's existence in this world is classified top-secret courtesy of the governing body of the institution.

According to the patient's archive, he was born in Berlin, Germany; not sure what year it is. His parents were killed during the war when he was 5 years old or so it seems. His father was brutally salvaged by the Nazis and his mother and sister was raped and left for dead; and that is only what the records show about his background. He was involved in the Poland massacre where he single-handedly slaughtered nearly half of its population including an entire german battalion.

Since then he was hunted and targeted by the German government but all of their agents didn't returned alive but instead, all of their heads are served in a platter and was displayed in front of their agency's front lawn. After of 20 years of never-ending retrieval operations, the US government finally took action as pleaded by the German consulate.

At their first attempt, they failed and barely survived in capturing this unnamed monstrosity. But using the proper precautions, they finally captured him and locked him up in a special underground prison built specially for him. And as the years go by, he has to be transferred in a different facility. And he is one of the first patients ever confined in the asylum and his prison is at the maximum security area of the asylum. An area where only authorized personnel are allowed to enter. With elite guards and special task forces in charge of the security; and where the patients are unnamed and untouched by the outside world by quite a long time.


PsychEval: He is strangely well-behaved for the past decade inside his containment chamber. There are some instances that he attempts to break out of his chamber and almost succeeded. Any personnel are prohibited to approach him because he is hostile among people and they only feed him and supply him with all his needs via automatons.

Other: Just recently he is drawing strange symbols and hieroglyphs with his own blood all over his chamber. He is currently under observation. And the sight of blood eases his psyche, thus his classification of the first class and top secret patients in the asylum.
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Legendary Member
Jun 3, 2005
Back from the Dead
You can post now, KZ, if you want. I'm not sure when she'll get around to getting on. . .

And I'll check out your temp. Tetsu.

It's better now, you're at least official by my guess. Truly up to DP, so don't be too mad if she makes you do more, but for now I guess it's fine.

Darkness Princess

Paper Bag Heaven
Aug 24, 2004
St. John's

KurtZisa, your patient number has to be changed. No one gets to be patient 00001 because I need that for plot. Also, you're way too overpowered so you'll have to tone that down, feel free to pm me with ideas about variations or other ideas based on your current ones. Also...I can't have the asylum built because of you since I kinda have some plot ideas as to why it was built, if you have any ideas or want to help with that, feel free to pm me too.

Tetsu Miuke, your character seems fine apart from her powers, that too is a bit overpowered. If you want to be able to control their minds then you'll have to be vulnerable or something while doing so otherwise you'll just be able to take over everything.


Bronze Member
Dec 29, 2007
Okay, I'll fix that right now....I'll have it affect her as well as others.

And thanx....^^

EDIT: Teh powers are fixed...lolz.
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Bronze Member
Dec 29, 2007
Your Welcome DP...^^

I definitely will, I really like this RP.
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