ive played [and beaten :tongue:] CoM for GBA and i really liked it so im considering getting it for PS2 but i would have to buy a Rigion X or somthing to pay it [im in PAL region] so would you say its ALOT better or just pretty much the same?
They added more to riku's story I think. And maybe some to Sora's. I don't have the GBA, I'm going off of reports and my ps2 version.for TENYASYUGAN. i never finished the GBA version. what part of the storyline is not in it?
I didn't think it was horrible...Except for the fact that the VA work is horrible this time around...
Except for the fact that the VA work is horrible this time around...
i hate alot of the VA's cause when i played on gba i always gsve them these epic voices and i think vexen had a german accent 4 fun (plus he annoyed lol) me but while playing re:com the second i heard his voice i wished i was play on gba making up the german voice again lol and i felt marlusia should have had a deeper voice i guess im jus use to main bosses with deep voices ( ansem/xemnas) but he wasnt tht bad not even close to the worst af them all larxen god damn she had an annoying ass voices lol i muted the tv when ever she spoke she was horrable but ever 1 eles was preaty good especially zexion and the big guy i always 4 get his name ( so mant L names in org. 13 lol)