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Unknown Zinko

New member
Nov 30, 2004
Vice-Versa said:
Im A Virgin and Proud of it. I will be commited to one Lady and One Lady only. I will keep a commintment to Abstance (SP?) Waiting till after Marrage so i can keep myslef Pure. Hope the same goes with the lady i meet.

Laugh if you want but i will be a True Man

Awesome. Me too.

Dadides said:
thats why i wear 2....the 2nd one is the extra large to put over the first one
Latex Melts from friction and heat:p. It may work but it's dangerous.

The King

Token Black Guy
Jun 2, 2005
Joliet, IL. 815 Babeh
You know what i hate people who say they arent and you just know they are. i meen its so obvious that they are and they deny it up and down. i asked this kid the other day because me and my friends where talking about sex........he's the weakest most lamest person on the team and he denied up and down that he was a virgin. i dont make fun of people who arent i know a couple who has straight out admitted that they where and they didnt care that others knew.......i on the other hand am not one. so all you akes just admit it its.....pathetic that you would lie.....and i do understand that it is much easier for girls because other girls dont make fun of them for being one.


New member
Mar 8, 2005
ok im not seyin all of us r liars but evry1 sez dat...i mean i used 2 be the same way but i guess my feelins were 2 strong. outta 7-10 people will sey dat then end up having sex. unless u r a really strong, smart person who keeps their promises then u will wait till marriage..but others will hav strong feelings or be really curious.+ how many more yrs iz it till u get married..lik6-10yrs. i cant wait dat long..but that is just my opinion..u dont hav 2 listen to me if u want.and its true lots of people dont lik admitting they r not virgin...but its ok, if any1 makes fun of u 4 it im reporting them..kay:eek:
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Play hard, go pro.
Dec 14, 2004
Chillin' in mid

sry but,

sex at this age is retarded.... you would run if she got pregant.... i want so tho

Drama Setter

Mar 14, 2005
scratch that, she is a girl=)

anyways if you wanna stay a virgin thats your choice...Some say to wait till marriage because they haven't gotten any

Some actually really do wait until marriage (10% i say)


who said i was gone :D
Jan 21, 2005
im still a virgin and its all good. i want to be a virgin untill marriage part of it is that im christian and it kinda feel wierd having sex before marriage. i hope the lady i marry does the samething

Manchester Black

Famous for Nothing
May 19, 2004
Nova Scotia, Canada
Square Ninja said:
You're asking who's a virgin on an online forum dedicated to a video game? AAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA! Go to a Star Trek convention, and you'll get the same results, only with more cosplay.

Seriously, are most of you little tykes even old enough for sex?

Oh man. Square Ninja, have I told you today how much you rule? Seriously, you do. You say exactly what I want to say, just before I get to do it, and using better insults.

I'm not even answering the question. I've got to agree with Square Ninja. Why does this topic even exist? There are MAYBE 50 people on this forum old enough to even be thinking about sex. MAYBE 50. Probably a lot less.


an obscene gesture
Jan 30, 2004
Schweppes said:
So... most, if not all, the people who said they were a virgin, said that was because they want to wait until they're married. What if when you do get married to this person, they're really bad when it comes to sex? But you also wouldn't know what the good sex would be like becuase they'd be the only one, I guess it wouldn't matter that much then. Your loss.

Ahahaha, I didn't want to reply to this topic at first, but come on. I respect the people who want to wait on here, and if people don't want to wait, I don't mind either. But you're saying you'd refrain from marrying a person just because they're bad at sex?
1) People can learn. 2) If you only marry a person because he/she is good at sex, then you're a damned hypocrit. Don't take the trouble of getting married, it'll fail within a couple of weeks anyway with that attitude.

As for the topic itself, I think it's more or less retarded and would love to close it. I'll keep my eye on it and see where it goes. And like Square Ninja and Manchester Black, I'm not answering myself. Most of the people posting on here aren't even old enough to think about sex, let alone tell others how they got screwed on their 14th birthday party or whatever. I find it rather sad, but continue if you must.


New member
Jan 7, 2005
You want my SS# too?
ghetto_sora said:
ok people might get affended by this but im just gona ask u. i wont make fun of u + i wont call u a slut....so my question here is who is a virgin and who is not? its ok if u dont want 2 answer and dont wrry i wont let any1 make fun of u. ok me i am not a virgin...i had sex 2 times only ok....

Right...Well, I can honestly say that I'm a virgin. Anyone that has seen my pic knows why.LOL Still 19, and I'm not ready to take that kind of risk.

RYU, the simple fact that 14 year-olds know about and discuss it should come to no surprise. This day and age, it is almost healthy to discuss it. Retarded?! Tell that to fools who've knocked up their 16y/o girlfriend, and have successfully ruined their hopes and dreams. Tell that to the individuals who have become dissapointed in Sex, by dint of excessive practice at a young age. I believe Sex should be with the one you truly love, and it should never compromise your goals/aspirations. The original post read:
ghetto_sora said:
ok people might get affended by this but im just gona ask u. i wont make fun of u + i wont call u a slut....so my question here is who is a virgin and who is not? its ok if u dont want 2 answer and dont wrry i wont let any1 make fun of u. ok me i am not a virgin...i had sex 2 times only ok....

If you know anything about human nature, then you know humans tend to ask questions for a reason. I'm not sure why he decided to post this. He may want to be a A$$hat and exploit people. He may just be curious about how many people have copulated considering his young age. Or it could be rhetorical, or perhaps he just wants to answer a few personal questions. And it just so happens that anonimity is the advantage to all of these. And I didn't bother reading any posts between the last and first.
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an obscene gesture
Jan 30, 2004
RYU, the simple fact that 14 year-olds know about and discuss it should come to no surprise. This day and age, it is almost healthy to discuss it. Retarded?! Tell that to fools who've knocked up their 16y/o girlfriend, and have successfully ruined their hopes and dreams. Tell that to the individuals who have become dissapointed in Sex, by dint of excessive practice. I believe Sex should be with the one you truly love, and it should never compromise your goals/aspirations.

Well I didn't say it came as a surprise. I live in the same world as you do, I see/hear about people having sex at a very young age all around. But just because it's common, doesn't mean I like it. And yes, it's healthy to discuss sex, I agree. Why do you think schools or parents are encouraged to handle that subject with their students or children? No problem with discussing sex.

Unless you're doing that with random strangers, on a forum dedicated to a PS2 game.

I agree with you too, people who knock up their girlfriends at a young age, people who lose respect for themselves after a while, etc etc, are simply stupid. But how do you think people can establish the above? By having sex at a young age. I say wait a while. Enjoy still being a kid while you can, and if you must, start having sex when you're not as influenced by raging hormones anymore, like you are around puberty.


New member
Jan 7, 2005
You want my SS# too?
Ryu said:
Well I didn't say it came as a surprise. I live in the same world as you do, I see/hear about people having sex at a very young age all around. But just because it's common, doesn't mean I like it. And yes, it's healthy to discuss sex, I agree. Why do you think schools or parents are encouraged to handle that subject with their students or children? No problem with discussing sex.

Unless you're doing that with random strangers, on a forum dedicated to a PS2 game.

I agree with you too, people who knock up their girlfriends at a young age, people who lose respect for themselves after a while, etc etc, are simply stupid. But how do you think people can establish the above? By having sex at a young age. I say wait a while. Enjoy still being a kid while you can, and if you must, start having sex when you're not as influenced by raging hormones anymore, like you are around puberty.

In your former reply, I detected a bit of arrogance. And to address the "Random Strangers" bit, I can honestly say that I can find a handful of people that share a common interest with me then I could ever find in my own community. Where do I do that? On the internet. Where on the internet? Forums perhaps? Perhaps forums that host a certain appeal to 13, 14, 15 ,16 y/o etc. What is the age of the Original poster? 14, maybe? Hmm...Perfect place to have such a discussion. While I find it a bit strange to have it on a Forum dedicated to a PS2 game, I also find that this topic was posted under "Life Discussion".

The idea that 14,15,16 year-olds are too young to think about sex is a justifiable arguement. I agree. Seriously, I really agree. Would I lie? I just did. That idea, while being jusifiable, still does not take away from the fact that kids often do think about sex(And Sex makes them curious and they will discuss it, whether it is with their parents, or with people in the same predicament). And even more so today, by dint of pressure and what-not.

Square Ninja said:
You're asking who's a virgin on an online forum dedicated to a video game? AAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA! Go to a Star Trek convention, and you'll get the same results, only with more cosplay.

Seriously, are most of you little tykes even old enough for sex?

AAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAH, Nothin'! In addition to Virgins, there is also a lot of SQUARES at Star Trek conventions.
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an obscene gesture
Jan 30, 2004
In your former reply, I detected a bit of arrogance. And to address the "Random Strangers" bit, I can honestly say that I can find a handful of people that share a common interest with me then I could ever find in my own community. Where do I do that? On the internet. Where on the internet? Forums perhaps? Perhaps forums that host a certain appeal to 13, 14, 15 ,16, etc. What is the age of the Original poster? 14, maybe? Hmm...Perfect place to have such a discussion. While I find it a bit strange to have it on a Forum dedicated to a PS2 game, I also find that this topic was posted under "Life Discussion".

Yeah, I tend to get a bit arrogant when I'm replying to posts I don't like. I know, I said I didn't like the topic. It was actually more Schweppes' post and the last post of ghetto_sora that ticked me off. If someone wants to know who's a virgin and who isn't, that's their right to ask and other people's right to answer or refrain from answering. But it doesn't help if you already assume that some people are lying about their virginity, like ghetto_sora said. That, along with Schweppes' post, annoyed me. What good does it do to ask a question, and already assume that the people replying are lying?

The idea that 14,15,16, year-olds are too young to think about sex is a justifiable arguement. I agree. Seriously, I really agree. Would I lie? I just did. That idea, while being jusifiable, still does not take away from the fact that kids often do think about sex. And even more so today, by dint of pressure and what-not.

It's inevitable for kids to think about sex. That alone is natural. Rather, it's the attitude of some people replying that won't do a curious 14-year old good, imo. I don't think a 14 year old can get a good view on this subject from people they don't know. Like you said, I joined this forum because there were people who had the same interest, gaming. But I don't think you can compare gaming to sexuality. I think that when you're 14, this subject should be handled with close friends (not judging by age this time), parents, etc.


New member
Jan 7, 2005
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Ryu said:
Yeah, I tend to get a bit arrogant when I'm replying to posts I don't like. I know, I said I didn't like the topic. It was actually more Schweppes' post and the last post of ghetto_sora that ticked me off. If someone wants to know who's a virgin and who isn't, that's their right to ask and other people's right to answer or refrain from answering. But it doesn't help if you already assume that some people are lying about their virginity, like ghetto_sora said. That, along with Schweppes' post, annoyed me. What good does it do to ask a question, and already assume that the people replying are lying?.

Well, I must say that your logic is infallible, for now. I will have to agree with you on this one.

Ryu said:
It's inevitable for kids to think about sex. That alone is natural. Rather, it's the attitude of some people replying that won't do a curious 14-year old good, imo. I don't think a 14 year old can get a good view on this subject from people they don't know. Like you said, I joined this forum because there were people who had the same interest, gaming. But I don't think you can compare gaming to sexuality. I think that when you're 14, this subject should be handled with close friends (not judging by age this time), parents, etc..

Often close friends aren't reliable. Considering that they also count towards peer pressure. And sometimes Family...well, isn't quite "family." But the above are viable choices, nonetheless. However, some people may not feel confortable spilling their guts to people they know. Some people find it easier to tell others if you can't see them, and more importantly, can't see you. But family should always be the first choice. And like I said, or inferred, it's usually really easy to talk with someone from the same age group, too. As opposed to a 50 year-old, who lived in a time where Sex was not to be discussed.

P.S> I was more perturbed by your post containing the word "retarded", and by Square Ninja. Now that I know what you were directing it towards, I feel much better.
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an obscene gesture
Jan 30, 2004
Often close friends aren't reliable. Considering that they also count towards peer pressure. And sometimes Family...well, isn't quite family. But the above are viable choices, nonetheless. However, some people may not feel confortable spilling their guts to people they know. Some people find it easier to tell others if you can't see them, and more importantly, can't see you. But family should always be the first choice. And like I said, or inferred, it's usually really easy to talk with someone from the same age group, too.

True, some people feel more comfortable discussing such things with strangers. I guess that's up to personal preference then, not exactly something you can debate about. Still, personally I believe it's healthy for kids who want to know more about the subject, they make sure that the person they're talking to, knows what he/she is talking about. And usually people who fall under that category are adults, or at least people of the same age who know you personally too, have gained your trust, etc etc.

But like I said, it'd be no use arguing about the above. Nor do I feel like it. If someone feels better discussing this subject with a stranger of the same age without knowing their background, that's their choice. I wouldn't feel comfortable with it, but eh.

P.S> I was more perturbed by your post containing the word "retarded", and by Square Ninja. Now that I know what you were directing it towards, I feel much better.
xP Should I refrain from using that word in my future posts then? It's still not my favorite topic, but yes, only a couple of individual posts here were the source of my annoyance, so to speak. Like I said in my first post, I wouldn't have replied if it wasn't for Schweppes.


New member
Jan 7, 2005
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Ryu said:
xP Should I refrain from using that word in my future posts then? It's still not my favorite topic, but yes, only a couple of individual posts here were the source of my annoyance, so to speak. Like I said in my first post, I wouldn't have replied if it wasn't for Schweppes.

LOL, Use it to your heart's descretion. I think "retarded" falls under subjects that begin like: "OMG! teh fowumz peeplz hav deh notty stuf & tok aboot sx!"
I just misunderstood you, that's all.

Alaude Drenxta

\+The Devil's+/ .{Advocate}.
Apr 9, 2005
My house?
and yes, before you say it, this is extremely immature....
My first time was when I was twelve. And up until I was about 13 and a half I KNEW it was the best decision I'd ever made. Before this I would have done ANYTHING for this girl. I just knew that I'd found my true love,and I wasn't gonna lose her to anyone. When it eventually came down to it, we were both ready and willing, no pressure, no drugs, no alcohol. Long after that our relationship seemed to go nowhere but UP, that's right, it sorta strengthened our relationship, made us trust each other more. Everything was going amazingly well for almost a year after that. But of course happiness doesn't last very long at this age. (Of course not...) Her dad got offered some CEO job in wyoming or something, and she had to move. I went ballistic!! We skipped school three days in a row and hung out at my house. She was moving that weekend. On thursday she anounced she was moving, and my friends knew that wasn't boding well with me. I tried to convince her parents to stay, hell, I even invited her to come live at my house! (my parents are really cool) But that sunday she moved away, and I've never seen her since.

Nowadays, I still think about her sometimes, and I wonder if I will see her again. But back to the topic, I've never done it once since her. We did it twice, and that was my brick wall. I wont give myself to anyone that I can't love like I loved her, bottom line.

Drama Setter

Mar 14, 2005
^^Man thats not true love, sorry to say.

You will actually find love when you are married, but as a teenager it is bullshit. It is just a false belief that girls like so much that the men become hypnotized by it and they say "I love you too". You don't actually love them because most normal men just want to have sex. You guys aren't in love period.
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