would her final distance song would sound good for kingdom hearts 3 or make new original song for kingdom hearts 3?
No. Final Distance would have been good for KH3D lol. Not for KH3. ALL NEW SONG HYPE TRAIN~
No. Final Distance would have been good for KH3D lol. Not for KH3. ALL NEW SONG HYPE TRAIN~
My third train ride for the week.
If there's a fourth, I'd die of pure joy.
Are we sure it's going to be a new song? It could just be him saying he's willing to license Hikari/simple and clean/Passion/Sanctuary again.
Not gonna lie... I didn't see this coming. At least, not this soon. I didn't think we'd get a confirmation until near the game's completion.
Is it weird I'm even more excited about this than the II.5 and III trailers?! I think it's because we knew those were happening eventually, but this was still up in the air, and now- Now I can die happy. O
MG. It's going to be great to hear another new song from Utada. Not that I don't love the others, BUT KHIII NEEDS TO BE EVERYTHING IT CAN BE, OKAY?!
Also, if Disney channel doesn't advertise the perfection that's going to be KHIII, I'll eat my shoe. They should advertise II.5 (really they should have advertised for I.5, but they can allude to that in a II.5 commercial), and then advertise III.