Improved? Really?
Donald's magic, along many other attacks, now border on useless because there is depth to take into account but they just didn't. Anything that fires into a straight line but doesn't track will hardly hit anything unless you're all up in the emey's face. Similar inconsistencies can be found in using Dodge Roll for the same reasons. At times it work, at times it doesn't.
It takes literal dozens of minutes to clear a single room if you set medium/large amount of enemies and don't have Megaflare, because between animations and movements everything takes longer. And that should be obvious, GBA fights will always be faster than ps2-3 fights, but then adjustments should've been made. Like, less rooms, or more exp. Something else than up to 40 minutes per room.
That also definitely didn't help appreciating the Disney worlds better. Not only they were filler, they were long drawn-out filler.
Like, none of these things is a game-breaker, sure, but they're there. Whereas I can't think of a single element that was improved from the GBA, at best they were on par.
Honestly, it's been a shared sentiment between many runners and fans that GBA CoM is the best one to play when it comes to performance, while that Re offers better aestethics and a bonus boss fight.
Because, again, they just translated a 2D game in 3D. And it even makes sense that they did: Re was made by Team Osaka, and they didn't make the original CoM themselves.