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persona 5 is only okay.
Spoiler ShowAnd as if that wasn't enough, the ending where the entirety of Arcadia Bay is being sacrificed because of Chloe is the worst. It's kinda sickening to see how many people prefer this ending just to save Chloe.
1) I really enjoyed Life is Strange, but I HATE how Chloe behaves. Yeah I get it, she had a hard past, but it doesn't excuse her behavior at all. I'm really glad to see that people here agree because all I see is people loving Chloe and being all excited about shipping her with Max and I can't imagine a person I want to ship with Max less.Spoiler ShowAnd as if that wasn't enough, the ending where the entirety of Arcadia Bay is being sacrificed because of Chloe is the worst. It's kinda sickening to see how many people prefer this ending just to save Chloe.
Also, some of the graphics are a little cringy and I would have loved some cleaner lines.
2) I'm... not a fan of Final Fantasy :x I only played FF9 (I haven't finished it, but I was close to the final fight), but I hate the gameplay. I hate the overworld. I do believe that the stories can be amazing and I am inclined to watch a Letsplay should I find a good one (*waiting for NicoB and that FF7 remake lol*), but I doubt I will ever touch another game of the series. I'm only entertaining the idea of playing XV because the gameplay supposedly is different.
3) I don't like First person views. It's so hard to maneuver the camera with them.
4) To be fair, I haven't played them, but from the graphics and various snippets alone the new Fire Emblem games don't feel like Fire Emblem anymore. I prefer the old games (6-10) and don't feel the need to play the new ones.
5) There are too many Pokemon. I still played Gen IV because of Heartgold and Soulsilver, but I couldn't really be bothered to learn the new Pokemon names :/ Yeah I know I'm ignorant (and have just outgrown the series in general, although I love to replay the old games from time to time).
6) I started Tales of Symphonia (after being hyped about it for years and finally buying it) and... idk I got bored 30 minutes in or so? ._. Idk whether I should give it another chance but damn, that money was wasted...
I despise Zen
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4. DMC1 is by far the best DMC game overall, even tho the best combat goes to DMC4. This isn't that controversial per se (at least not the DMC1 part) but I know people in general prefer DMC3 over the others. Hideaki Itsuno kind misses the point of DMC1 because that game is far more than just stylish combos, and I can't say I dig the punk rock/music from DMC3.
>Sans is overrated.
>Soriel Shipping needs to stop. Actually no, it needs to go away completely.
High five me on that for the Unova region remark grey, I love humilau's theme to bits! it also introduced golurk, one of my favorite pokemon.looooooool you know I meant that character from Mystic Messenger, yet the coincidence makes it sound ridiculously harsh xD
A sane person, knowing Undertale. Each time it's a gift. .... a -rare- gift, unfortunately
Which makes me want to confess...
- while Sans IS my favourite character from Undertale, a choice made after hours and hours of getting my ass kicked during his battle, analyzing every story element linked to him in the meanwhile (yeah how relaxing, but hey, death makes you contemplate), the fact that he is everywhere on the internet if you search for the game (because of the fandom), that there is so much fanart (and shippings.......because of the fandom) with him and a million AU versions of him, it all makes me really uncomfortable and almost ashamed to admit he's just that one guy I honestly like the most. This is not something ok and never happened to me in other fandoms. So yes, he is very overrated, to the point it can be toxic to stay for too long surfing the web for Undertale content... which is not a safe trip, folks...;
- the Undyne the Undying fight difficulty is overrated. It's actually easy-peasy. It's like a small pinch compared to the bone-crushing Sans fight, get real;
- I love the Unova region, with all its locations, music and themes;
- Pikachu, after alllllll these games and allllll these generations, is still the most overrated pokemon ever, and it wouldn't bother me that much if his stats weren't mediocre at best! sigh
DMC1 is definitely a masterpiece, especially considering its age. I do prefer playing DMC3, but I'd still say DMC1 is probably the best game in the series overall. It's also the only one that actually left me pretty damn scared multiple times, and in very different ways than horror games do. It was just...lonely and disconcerting.
>I did enjoyed Devil May Cry 2.
Sonic Heroes is a good Sonic game.
gameplay is the absolute most important aspect of any video game. even if the writing and music are phenomenal, graphics are amazing, it has a big open world, 50+ hours, or even well-integrated multiplayer, if the gameplay isnt fun or engaging then its all pointless. you wasted your time and should have just made a movie.