i heard the quote was part of a poem that begins the KH2 trailer, like the one in the KH1 trailer membver? well anyways its my siggy ----\/
riku1994 said:no they want the key blade if riku joins the org sora will probaply go to it like mickey undercover
TheForgottenHeart said:OK this is what I think. The 13th Order has 13 members right. So lets Count them, the ones we know so far:
1. Diz- he is most likely the Superior but who knows, he might not have a rank.
4. Vexen
5. Laxaeus
6. Zexion
8. Axel
11. Marluxia
12. Larxene
13. Xaldin- I heard somewhere that he is the 13th member.
With the ones we know so far, that leaves 5 members left. There were 5 members at Hollow Bastion. I think all the Organization members in Hollow Bastion are all new. I'm hoping there is going to be another female. Another thing is I don't think Xaldin is the Enigmatic Man. The Enigmatic Man is too important to be revealed yet and they have different weapons. Xaldin has spears and the Enigmatic Man has Red Light Swords or wat eva u wanna call them.
purified_riku155 said:It would be a waste to kill off the ones from CoM, cuz they got alot to offer. Especially since some became very popular. But from what I understand wasn't that pic released in the ASAS/DD? That was '02. If I'm correct, then those are the ones from CoM, except Vexen [That b*itch is dead]
So Axel is alive, Xaldin is alive, there is another female nobody. I really think that its Larxene. And 2 who have yet to be discovered.
Marluxia Diablos said:Sorry you were called a retard. That is uncalled for.
That unknown was Marluxia. (No one thought to ask me...)
There is a scene in between the levels where the hooded unknown comes in to a room with Namine, Larxene, Axel, and maybe Vexen.
He tales off his hood and reveals himself to be Marluxia.
riku1994 said:he odes do that but i am pretty sure its not him becauses u kill him in com but in the tralier for kh2 u see the masked unkown again.
riku1994 said:doesen't the first unknown u see speak in riddles like axel or vexen i am pretty sure it one of them or the future sora