I'm really surprised that Unchained hasn't been localized yet. I guess we technically can't say that Square broke their promise, because they never stated that Unchained Chi was coming this year. I made sure. I looked back at trailers and interviews and nowhere was it ever stated that Unchained was coming to other regions in 2015. We assumed so based on the fact that Japan got it this year, and that it's a goddamn 2D graphics mobile phone app (seriously, what is taking so long?). But in all fairness, we were never promised the game this year.
But still. I was expecting it to drop in November and then I was expecting early December. Now, unless they drop it on Christmas Day or some shit, idk when they plan on it coming out or why on earth they haven't released it yet. The whole idea of the "Unchained" concept was that it would be available outside of Japan, as well as a mobile experience. And yet, they give it to Japan asap and then take their sweet ass time getting it to other locations, despite Japan having had Chi on PC for 2 years prior.
Stay classy, Troll Enix.